
期刊: 14 筆

獲獎: 3 筆
研討會: 29 筆

技術報告: 0 筆
專書: 3 筆

計畫案: 16 筆



研討會   Tasi-Jung Jiang*, Pankaj Kumar, 簡赫琳, Osamu Saito, Integrated approach of hydrological simulation and payment of ecosystem services (PES) for water resource management and human well-being in Pinglin District, Taiwan, 2023永續通識、醫學人文暨STEAM教育國際研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
研討會   簡赫琳*, 陳彥之, 公民對大自然的主觀價值在氣候治理扮演之角色探討, 2023年台灣政治學會年會, Kaohsiung, 中華民國
研討會   簡赫琳*, Hidden Socio-Ecological Relation and Future Opportunities in Water Governance: A Water System Nexus Approach, The 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP 6), Toronto, 加拿大
研討會   PMOs in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities, International Workshop on PMOs (Parliamentary Monitoring Organizations), 墨爾本, 澳大利亞
研討會   米提斯知識」於公部門強化調適治理的角色? 台灣水與糧食鏈結調適模型之洞見, 2023再生能源與國家安全學術研討會 「緊急水資源」場次會議論文, 台北, 中華民國
獲獎   111學年度(A類)專業教學特優教師獎, 屏科大, 中華民國


研討會   簡赫琳*, 蔡祥宏, 水源保育與回饋費在臺灣各區實施之歷史回顧與比較, Belmont World Rivers Day Conference, 台北, 中華民國
研討會   簡赫琳*, The Role of Civil Society in Sustainable Management of Urban Commons: A Comparison of Co-City Projects in Asia, Civil Society in Asia: International Conference in Melbourne 4, Melbourne, 澳大利亞
研討會   簡赫琳*, Practice Variants beyond Rule of Law: Myriad Potential for Social Innovation in Meta-Governance of Livestock Wastewater, Social Innovation: Global Challenges and Opportunities Online International Conference, 高雄, 中華民國
研討會   簡赫琳*, Another Side of River Cities’ Tale: Perishing Cities for Telecoupled Urban Water Provisioning, 25th International River Symposium, Vienna, 奧地利共和國
獲獎   2022 永續教學實踐競賽第一名, 台灣永續能源研究基金會, 中華民國
期刊   Urban Commons in the Techno-Economic Paradigm Shift: An ICT-Enabled Climate-Resilient Solutions Review, Environment and Planning B: Urban and City Science, SAGE , 0, 0
專書   簡赫琳*, Osamu Saito, Kensuke Fukushi, Blue-Green Infrastructure across Asian Countries: Improving Urban Resilience and Sustainability, Springer Singapore, Is Ensuring the Sustainable Implementation of BGI , ISBN: 978-981-16-7128-9


研討會   簡赫琳*, What Kind of Wicked Probelm: Applying Uncertainty Typology in Livestock Wastewater Management Practice Analysis, International Public Policy Association 2021 Conference, Barcelona, 西班牙王國
研討會   簡赫琳*, Urban Water Restoration in East Asia, Young Scholars and Professionals Session, 5th Science and Technology Forum and ICSS 2021, Stockholm, 瑞典王國
研討會   簡赫琳*, Urban River Restoration and Future Scenarios, CSS & Science Forum Conference Session 1 - Part 1: Breakout Group 1: Advancing Solutions for Transition, Tokyo, 日本
研討會   簡赫琳*, Social Science Approaches to Critical Zone Studies: A Review, ESP Asia 3rd Conference, Nagasaki, 日本
研討會   簡赫琳*, Implementing Water-Energy-Food Nexus Solution for Climate Change Adaptation, IASC 2021 Water Commons Virtual Conference, Tempe, AZ, 美國
研討會   簡赫琳*, 研究者作為知識共創之跨尺度經紀人: 解決錯位問題的先決條件, 2021文化、社會與地方創生:理論與實踐, 高雄, 中華民國
研討會   簡赫琳*, 人工濕地復育都市河川的機會與挑戰:從耦合基礎建設框架理論切入, 第十二屆台灣濕地生態系研討會:濕地公約 50 年: 臺灣濕地前瞻與回顧, 台北, 中華民國
研討會   簡赫琳*, 二十一世紀通識教育的角色, 2021教學實踐研究研討會, Online, 中華民國


研討會   簡赫琳*, Urban Commons in the Techno-Economic Paradigm Shift; An ICT-Enabled Sharing Paradigm Perspective, Smart Cities and Climate-Resilient Urban Planning, Kyoto, 日本
研討會   簡赫琳*, Moving Forward with Adaptive Management in Urban Stream Governance: A Review and Urban Commoning Scenario Building Exercise, International Sustainable Development Conference ISDC 2020, Pingtung, 中華民國
研討會   簡赫琳*, Ensuring Sustainable Implementation of BGI? Evaluating System Dynamics of Blue-Green Infrastructures in Urban River Restoration, 2nd International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co-creation in Sustainability (2nd ISTAKCOS), Bogor, 印度尼西亞共和國
研討會   簡赫琳*, Adaptation of CIS Framework on River Ecosystem Service Assessment” Summer School on Institutional Frameworks and Applications, Summer School on Institutional Frameworks and Applications, Tempe, Arizona, 美國
期刊   城市導向永續發展中的知識鴻溝:高雄市先導型研究, 正修通識教育學報, 0, 17, 57-88
期刊   回應型都市治理, 新社會政策, 66, 78-83


研討會   What Are the “Contemporary” Commons? Genealogy, Typology and Innovative Mechanisms to Tackle Individuality-Collective Dilemma, Ecosystem Services Partnership ESP 10th World Conference , Hannover, 德意志聯邦共和國
研討會   An International Development Perspective on Rural Social Entrepreneurship in Taiwan and Thailand, International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies, 高雄, 中華民國
研討會   Expanding Agenda Setting of “Sustainability” in the Study of Urban Ecosystem Services, Ecosystem Services Partnership ESP 10th World Conference , Hannover, 德意志聯邦共和國
期刊   社會轉型路線與公民參與, 新社會政策, 台灣新社會智庫協會, 64, 40-44
專書   創新成長夥伴: 台灣與新南向國家, 財團法人中華經濟研究院, 寮國科研發展與需求, ISBN: 978-9579676977