期刊: 13 筆
獲獎: 1 筆 |
研討會: 22 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 1 筆
計畫案: 9 筆 |
- 期刊 陳先郡, Ng, C.T.S*, Chen, I.-H., Chen, Y.-T., Polacek, M., Liang, Y.-L., Employee demand–ability fit and promotability ratings: a moderated mediation model of task performance and political skill, International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior, 28, 1, 121-138
- 期刊 陳先郡, I-HENG Chen, Ng, C. T. S.*, Calling and Job Involvement: The Role of Prosocial Motivation in the Performance of Mission-Driven Organization, The Journal of General Psychology, 152, 1, 58-86
- 計畫案 重新審視職涯停滯:探討職涯停滯如何以及何時影響組織公民行為,
- 計畫案 國科會大專學生計畫(如何減緩大學生情緒勒索對主觀活力的影響-以資源保存理論為基礎),
- 研討會 陳先郡*, Chin Tung S. Ng, Szu-Yin Lin, Chee Kwang Lee, From fear of failure to social loafing: A moderated mediation model, 33rd International Congress of Psychology, 布拉格, 捷克共和國
- 研討會 陳先郡*, There’s no Place Like… Working from Home?, 33rd International Congress of Psychology, 布拉格, 捷克共和國
- 研討會 陳先郡*, Emotional Blackmail in the Workplace: Examining Conscientiousness and Negative Work Behavior, 33rd International Congress of Psychology, 布拉格, 捷克共和國
- 研討會 陳先郡*, 社交網路閒逛對幫助行為之影響:調節中介模型, 臺灣工商心理學學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- 期刊 Ng, C.T.S.,, 陳先郡*, Chen, I.-H., Wu, C.-Y., Career planning and turnover intention: A moderated moderation model of career plateau and risk-taking propensity, Evidence-based HRM, 12, 3, 630-642
- 期刊 陳先郡, 陳冠利, 林思吟*, 林明杰, 陳以亨, 能者多勞還是能者過勞?員工工作勝任能力與分配公平知覺之關係, 應用心理研究, 0, 0
- 期刊 陳先郡, 林思吟*, 陳以亨, Better Safe Than Sorry: The Role of Anticipated Regret and Organizational Ethical Climate in Predicting Workplace Safety Behavior, Chinese Management Studies, 18, 1, 48-70
- 期刊 陳先郡, Lin, SY*, Chen, I.-H., Image discrepancy around professional work matters: a moderated mediation study, Curr Psychol, 43, 0, 6840-6859
- 期刊 陳先郡*, Chin Tung Stewart Ng, I-Heng Chen, Cyong-Ru Liu, Guilt-proneness and self-management behaviour: The moderating role of sense of belonging, European Review of Applied Psychology, 74, 5
- 計畫案 如何增加學生於團隊討論的自信與參與? ORID焦點討論法在人力資源管理課程之教學實踐研究,
- 計畫案 國科會大專學生計畫(如何減緩大學生自我懷疑對職涯決定之負面影響-以社會認知職涯理論為基礎),
- 研討會 Ng, C. T. S*, 陳先郡, Ma, S. T., Chen, I. H., Wu, C. Y., Uncertainty in Pandemic Period: A longitudinal study on Self-Compassion and the moderating effect of job insecurity, 18th European Congress of Psychology Conference, Brighton, 英國
- 研討會 Lin, Szu-Yin*, 陳先郡, Chen, I-Heng, Khan, Mo Aszad Raja, The Effects of Locus of Control on Life Satisfaction through Career Plateau – A Moderated Mediation Model., 18th European Congress of Psychology Conference, Brighton, 英國
- 研討會 陳先郡, 伍珮瑄*, 團隊導向與問題導向學習教學法於人力資源管理課程之教學實踐研究, 2023永續通識、醫學人文暨STEAM教育國際研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
- 獲獎 管理學院111學年度教學特優教師, 屏東科技大學管理學院, 中華民國
- 期刊 Lin, S.-Y., 陳先郡*, Chen, I.-H, The bright side of entitlement: exploring the positive effects of psychological entitlement on job involvement, Evidence-based HRM, 11, 1, 19-34
- 計畫案 科技部大專學生計畫(從資源保存理論看大學生如何兼顧愛情學業與社團三學分),
- 計畫案 如何增加課堂樂趣與學生參與?人力資源管理課程之教學實踐研究,
- 研討會 Szu-Yin Lin, 陳先郡*, I-Heng, Chen, Che-Han Chang, Tien-Ho Cheng, Be Courageous and Carry On – Leaders’ Courageous Act and Subordinates’ Work Engagement, European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Winterthur, 瑞士聯邦
- 研討會 陳先郡, 林思吟*, 林明杰, 陳以亨, 能者多勞還是能者過勞? 員工工作能力與分配公平知覺之關係, 2022年臺灣組織與管理學會年會暨研討會, 台南, 中華民國
- 研討會 陳先郡, 伍珮瑄*, 白貿元, 王惠伶, 凌郁璇, 黃詠琪, 莊文華, 朱麗雯, 從資源保存理論看大學生如何兼顧愛情、學業與社團三學分, 台灣教育研究學會2022學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
- 計畫案 職涯停滯:整合縱貫性研究,
- 計畫案 團隊導向與問題導向學習教學法於人力資源管理課程之教學實踐研究,
- 研討會 Chin-Tung Stewart Ng, 陳先郡*, Szu-Yin Lin, Pei-Chi Ho, I-Heng Chen, How and when the perception of being envied affect turnover intention:A moderated mediation model, The 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, 捷克共和國
- 研討會 Chin-Tung Stewart Ng, 陳先郡*, Szu-Yin Lin, I-Heng Chen, Career planning and turnover intention: The moderating roles of career plateau and risk-taking propensity, EURAM 2021 Online Conference, Winterthur, 瑞士聯邦
- 研討會 陳先郡*, Szu-Yin,Lin, I-Heng,Chen, Chin-Tung Stewart Ng, The Bright Side of Entitlement: Exploring the Positive Effects of Entitlement on Job Involvement., 2021 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) International Conference, Online Conference, 中華民國
- 期刊 Lin, S.-Y., 陳先郡*, Chen, I.-H., Creating a better future: Implications from futures imagination education in Taiwan, Policy Futures in Education, 19, 7, 844-858
- 研討會 吳瓊瑩, 陳以亨, 陳先郡*, 許婼涵, 領導者的創新行為、信任、政治技巧與部屬的創新行為之間的關係:以公部門系統為例, 2020 TAOM 研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- 研討會 Ng Chin Tung Stewart, Chen, I-Heng, 陳先郡*, Yang, Ching-Tang, Self-Enhancement Motives and Turnover Intention: Investigating the Moderating Effects of HR Practices and Perceived External Reputation, 18th Asia Pacific Conference, Beppu, 日本
- 研討會 Heng-Yu Chang, BOR-YUH LEE, 陳先郡*, Shu-Yuan Chen, Amber Yun-Ping Lee, The Impact of CEO Successor Origin on Firm Innovativeness, European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Dublin, 愛爾蘭共和國
- 研討會 Amber Yun Ping Lee, Po-chien Chang, 陳先郡*, Heng-Yu Chang, I-Heng Chen, How Having A Calling Leads to Job Crafting, Academy of Management Annual Meeting,, Vancouver, BC, 加拿大
- 研討會 陳先郡*, Ng Chin Tung Stewart, Heng-Yu Chang, I-Heng Chen, Shu-Yuan Chen, Investigating calling in kind rather than amount: Calling scale development and validation for working adults, European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Dublin, 愛爾蘭共和國
- 計畫案 教育部臺灣偏鄉特色小學國際與創生計畫,
- 研討會 陳先郡*, 陳以亨, 洪紫嫣, 兼職人員之高流動率:工作價值觀與情感承諾之重要性, 2019 AAOM TAOM 聯合研討會, 峇里島, 印度尼西亞共和國
- 研討會 陳先郡*, Chen, Yi-Ting, Chen, I-H, The Relationship Among Employee Demand-Ability Fit, Task Performance and Promotability Ratings., 16th European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, 俄羅斯聯邦
- 研討會 陳先郡*, Chen, I-H, Ng ,Chin Tung Stewart, Liu, Cyong-Ru, When and why people engage in self-management behavior:Interactive effects of guilt-awareness and sense of belonging., European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Lisbon, 葡萄牙共和國
- 研討會 陳先郡*, Chen, I-H, Huang, Shih-Wen, The effects of organizational ethical climate and training and development on individual’s sense of calling in the organizations, 17th Asia Pacific Conference, Beppu, 日本
- 期刊 陳先郡, Chen I-H, Lin S-Y*, Chen Y., Cultural influences in acquiescent response: A study of trainer evaluation biases., International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 25, 0, 1-10
- 期刊 Uen, J. F., Chen, S. Y.*, 陳先郡, Lin, C. T., The effect of employer’s moral obligation violation on survivor’s commitment: The mediating role of justice climate, Personnel Review, 45, 2, 214-231
- 期刊 Lin, S. Y.*, 陳先郡, Chen, I. H., When perceived welfare practices leads to organizational citizenship behavior., Asia Pacific Management Review, 21, 4, 204-212
- 期刊 陳先郡, Lee, Amber Yun-ping*, Chen, I-Heng, Wu, Hsin-Li, The meaningfulness of managerial work: case of Taiwanese employees, Chinese Management Studies, 10, 1, 138-154