期刊: 38 筆
獲獎: 6 筆 |
研討會: 33 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 14 筆
計畫案: 7 筆 |
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 社會企業觀點探討政府與物理治療所間推動居家復能政策的互動關係:福利賽局的運用, 第廿五屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 18-24
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 寵物美容產業競合協調賽局之研究, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2024 (i FAIRS Conference 2024), Sapporo, 日本, 245-250
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 電競滑鼠市場之競爭策略:賽局理論之應用, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2023 (i FAIRS Conference 2023), Hochimin, 越南社會主義共和國, 160-171
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 台灣社會福利制度之分析:賽局理論之應用, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2023 (i FAIRS Conference 2023), Hochimin, 越南社會主義共和國, 172-182
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 以福利賽局探討俄烏戰爭中美歐盟邦與烏克蘭關係之研究, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2023 (i FAIRS 2023), Hochjmin, 越南社會主義共和國, 152-159
- 計畫案 善盡社會責任─推動社會企業人才培育,
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 酒駕行為、代駕品質與政府取締之關聯性研究:賽局理論之應用, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2022 (i FAIRS Conference 2022), Tainan, 中華民國, 45-56
- 計畫案 善盡社會責任─推動社會企業人才培育,
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 全球運動品牌蜈蚣賽局, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2021,, Kaohsiung, 中華民國, 211-222
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 以賽局角度觀察企業競爭策略:賽局類型應用, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2021, 高雄市, 中華民國, 223-232
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 以賽局角度觀察中國第三方支付的發展-以微信支付寶為例, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2021,, Kaohsiung, 中華民國, 193-210
- 期刊 張宮熊*, Five Phases System in Chinese Medicine, 醫學科學期刊, 1, 1, 1-3
- 專書 張宮熊*, 休閒遊憩產業概論, 揚智文化事業股份有限公司, ISBN: 978-986-298-362-1
- 計畫案 善盡社會責任─推動社會企業人才培育,
- 期刊 張宮熊*, Duality in Finance, YMC Management Review, 13, 1, 1-7
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 台灣小資族投資人生肖對人格特質與投資行為之研究, 青年企業管理評論, 青年企業管理學會, 12, 2, 17-38
- 專書 戴昌賢, 張宮熊*, 善經濟崛起:尤努斯天使人物誌, 財團法人台灣尤努斯基金會, 人生以服務為目的以夢想推動為循環, ISBN: 978-986-98727-0-6
- 計畫案 國立屏東科技大學尤努斯社會企業中心補助計畫,
- 計畫案 善盡社會責任─推動社會企業人才培育,
- 研討會 Duality in Finance: A Quantum Entanglement with the Chinese Taiji, 3rd International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2019), Changsha CHINA, 大陸地區, 1-2
- 期刊 Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry Small and Medium Enterprises: The Context of Thailand, Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, Scholars Middle East Publishers, 4, 5, 397-405
- 期刊 Interactions Among Factors Influencing Product Innovation and Innovation Behaviour: Market Orientation, Managerial Ties, and Government Support, Sustainability, MDPI Publishing, 11, 10, 1-21
- 期刊 An Application of Five-Phase Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acta Scientific Medical Sciences, Acta Scientific Group, 16-19
- 研討會 The Quantum Entanglement between the Chinese Taiji and Nanoscience, 7th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Frankfurt, GERMAMY, 德意志聯邦共和國, 1-2
- 獲獎 Who’s Who in the World 2018-19, Marquis Who'Who, 美國
- 獲獎 Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, Marquis Who'Who, 美國
- 期刊 張宮熊*, Chinese Taiji and Nanascience and Quantum Mechanics, 奈米醫學與奈米科學期刊, Longdom Org, 9, 1
- 期刊 An Analysis of Competitive Potential of SMEs in Thailand’s Creative Industry by Using the Diamond Model, YMC Management Review, 青年企業管理學會, 11, 1, 39-56
- 期刊 小資族投資人之血型人格特質與投資行為之研究, 青年企業管理評論, 青年企業管理學會, 11, 2, 55-76
- 期刊 以灰色預測模式改良台灣股票市場移動平均線投資績效之研究, 青年企業管理評論, 青年企業管理學會, 11, 2, 1-26
- 專書 休閒事業管理, 揚智文化, 全書, ISBN: 978-986-298-310-2
- 研討會 Measuring of Revealed Comparative Advantage of Creative Industries in Taiwan, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2017, 台北, 中華民國
- 研討會 A Study on the Relationship between Novels Preference and Investment Behavior of Individual Investors in Stock Market., The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2017, 台北, 中華民國
- 研討會 A Study of Grey VAR on Interactive Structure between Stock Return of Investment and Technical Index–An Example of USA Stock Market., The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2017, 台北, 中華民國
- 研討會 A Study between Investors’ Novel Preferences and Investing Behavior in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Macau., The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2017, 台北, 中華民國
- 期刊 A Study on Investors’ Novel Preferences and Investing Behavior: A Comparison between Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Macau, YMC Management Review, 10, 1
- 期刊 A Study of Comparative Advantage on Creative Industries in Taiwan, YMC Management Review, 10, 1
- 期刊 美國股市四大指數之股價報酬率與技術指標互動結構之研究-以矩陣自我迴歸模式之應用, 青年企業管理評論, 10, 2
- 專書 賽局: 又稱博奕論, 活力果, ISBN: 9789868302921
- 研討會 The Financial Impediments of SMEs in Creative Business of Thailand, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 A Study upon the Influence of Individual Investor’s Overconfidence on Disposition Effect in Taiwan Stock Market, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 A Study upon the Influence of Individual Investor’s Mental Accounting on Disposition Effect in Taiwan Stock Market, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 A Study upon the Influence of Individual Investor’s Herd Behavior on Disposition Effect in Taiwan Stock Market, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 A Study of VAR on Dynamic Structure in Taiwan Stock Market between Financial Indices and Stock Return of Investment., The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 A Study of VAR on Dynamic Structure in Taiwan OTC Market between Financial Indices and Stock Return of Investment., The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 A Study of Grey VAR on Interactive Structure between Stock Return of Investment and Technical Index – An Example of Taiwan Top 50 ETF, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 A Study of Grey VAR on Dynamic Structure between Taiwan Stock Market Index and Technical Index, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS)2016, Chiang Mai, 泰王國(泰國)
- 獲獎 Session Award, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS), 泰王國(泰國)
- 獲獎 Session Award, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science (iFAIRS), 泰王國(泰國)
- 期刊 張宮熊*, An Empirical Study of Grey VAR on Interactive Structure between Stock Return of Investment and Technical Index – An Example of Taiwan Top 50 ETF, YMC Management Review , 9, 1, 13-24
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 台灣上市公司財務指標與股價報酬率互動結構之研究-以矩陣自我迴歸模式之應用, 青年企業管理評論, 9, 2, 35-58
- 期刊 An Empirical Study of Grey VAR on Interactive Structure between Stock Return of Investment and Technical Index – An Example of Taiwan Top 50 ETF, YMC Management Review, 9, 1
- 期刊 台灣上市公司財務指標與股價報酬率互動結構之研究-以矩陣自我迴歸模式之應用, 青年企業管理評論, 9, 2
- 專書 投資心理學, 活力果, 全書, ISBN: 9789868302945
- 研討會 A Empirical Research of Five-Phases Allelopathy Model on Stock Selection Srtrategy-An Example of the S&P 500 Index’s Component Stocks, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2015, Woolongong, 澳大利亞
- 研討會 A Empirical Research of Five-Phases Allelopathy Model on Stock Selection Srtrategy-An Example of Singapore Stock Market, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2015, Woolongong, 澳大利亞
- 獲獎 The best Essay of the iFAIRS 2015, YMC Management Review, 澳大利亞
- 獲獎 The best Essay of the iFAIRS 2015, YMC Management Review, 澳大利亞
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以五行生剋模型驗證股票選股策略在美國S&P500指數成分股之實證研究, 青年企業管理評論, 8, 2, 33-58
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以五行生剋模型驗證股票選股策略在新加坡股票市場之實證研究, 青年企業管理評論, 8, 2, 58-80
- 期刊 以五行生剋模型驗證股票選股策略在美國S&P500指數成分股之實證研究, 青年企業管理評論, 8, 2
- 期刊 以五行生剋模型驗證股票選股策略在新加坡股票市場之實證研究, 青年企業管理評論, 8, 2
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以數字命理驗證股票選股策略-日經225指數成分股為例, 青年企業管理評論, 7, 2, 93-118
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以五行生剋模型驗證股票選股策略-日經225指數成分股為例, 青年企業管理評論, 7, 2, 73-92
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以中國命理五行學說建立台灣股票市場選股模型, 青年企業管理評論, 6, 2, 45-68
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以中國命理五行學說建立中國滬深300股票成分股之選股模型, 青年企業管理評論, 6, 2, 69-94
- 研討會 張宮熊*, A Study on Dynamic Structure between Economic Indices and Stock Market Indices-An Example of Hong Kong- An Application of Grey VAR, The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, and Risk Management 2011, 高雄, 中華民國, 51-71
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 以灰色矩陣自我迴歸模式研究中國的經濟指標與股票指數之互動結構, 第十六屆灰色系統理論學術與應用研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 以灰色矩陣自我迴歸模式在經濟指標與股票指數互動結構之研究—以台灣為例, 2011會計與財務發展新趨勢研討會, 東華大學, 中華民國
- 期刊 張宮熊*, A Study on Dynamic Structure between Economic Indicators and Stock Market Indices-An Example of Hong Kong- An Application of Grey VAR, YMC Management Review, 4, 1, 51-71
- 期刊 張宮熊*, A Study of Grey VAR on Dynamic Structure between Economic Indicators and Stock Market Indices in the United States, YMC Management Review, 4, 1, 53-73
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以鬼谷子搏圖篇、反應篇探討企業策略性行銷之應用-賽局理論之驗證, 青年企業管理評論, 4, 2, 79-93
- 研討會 張宮熊*, A Study of Grey Theory on Technical Analysis of Securities Market – An Example of Straits Times Index’s Component Stocks and the Prime Partners China Index’s omponent Stocks, 第十五屆灰色系統理論學術與應用研討會, 彰化, 中華民國, 57-62
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 以灰色理論改良股票投資技術分析指標之研究-以加拿大多倫多綜合指數成分股為例, 第11屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏科大, 中華民國, 624-633
- 期刊 張宮熊*, A Study of Grey Theory on Improving the Investment Performance of Technical Analysis Index -An Example of the DAX Index’s Component Stocks, YMC Management Review, 3, 1, 111-118
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 風險態度、效用與投資風格, 青年企業管理評論, 3, 2, 75-84
- 專書 張宮熊*, 黑白講財務學, 玲果國際文化事業有限公司, 29, ISBN: 978-986-83029-3-8
- 專書 張宮熊*, 投資心理學, 玲果國際文化事業有限公司, 18, ISBN: 978-986-83029-4-5
- 期刊 張宮熊*, A Study of Grey Theory on Improving the Investment Performance of Technical Analysis Index – An Example of the Shenzhen Index’s Component Stocks, YMC Management Review, 2, 1, 107-116
- 期刊 張宮熊*, A Study of Grey Theory on Improving the Investment Performance of Technical Analysis Index – An Example of the Dow Jones Industry Index’s Component Stocks, YMC Management Review, 2, 1, 117-125
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 建構台灣長期照護體系資源之整合, 青年企業管理評, 2, 2, 79-95
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 以賽局角觀察後G20的世界經濟展望, 青年企業管理評論, 2, 2, 1-14
- 專書 張宮熊*, 洪仁杰, 林坤輝, 家庭財務管理與規劃, 國家圖書館出版, 15, ISBN: 978-957-661-855-0
- 專書 張宮熊*, 賽局:又稱博弈論, 玲果國際文化事業有限公司, 20, ISBN: 978-98683029-2-1
- 專書 張宮熊*, 爆米花財務學, 玲果國際文化事業有限公司, 12, ISBN: 978-986-83029-1-4
- 專書 張宮熊*, 投資學, 玲果國際文化事業有限公司, 20, ISBN: 978-986-6507-38-0
- 專書 張宮熊*, 休閒事業概論(第二版), 揚智文化事業公司, 17, ISBN: 978-957-81889-1-4
- 研討會 張宮熊*, A Grey Forecasting Model on the Systematic Risk Estimation: An Example of the Dow Jones Industry Index’ Component Stocks, The Sixteenth Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance Economics and Accounting, 中華民國
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 應用賽局理論探討藍海策略之實證研究, 青年企業管理評論, 1, 1, 89-109
- 專書 張宮熊*, 休閒事業管理(第二版), 揚智文化事業公司, 16, ISBN: 978-957-818-872-3
- 研討會 張宮熊*, A Study of Grey Theory on Improving the Investment Performance of Technical Analysis Index -an Example of Morgan Stanley Taiwan Index’ Component Stocks, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Grey System and Intelligent Services, 南京, 中華民國
- 研討會 張宮熊*, 應用灰色理論改良系統風險估計之研究-以美國道瓊工業指數成份股為例, 第十二屆灰色系統學會年會暨學術研討會, 宜蘭, 中華民國
- 期刊 張宮熊*, Applying Grey Forecasting Model on the Investment Performance of Markowitz Efficiency Frontier: A Case of the Taiwan Securities Markets, Journal of Grey System, 10, 1, 41-46
- 專書 張宮熊*, 台灣股市解碼, 玲果國際文化事業有限公司, 4, ISBN: 978-986-83029-0-7
- 期刊 張宮熊*, 應用灰色系統理論改善最小變異數投資組合績效之實證模型-以道瓊30指數成份股為例, 亞太經濟管理評論, 9, 2, 61-74
- 期刊 張宮熊*, Applying Grey Forecasting Model on the Systematic Risk Estimation: A Case of the MSCI World Index’ Component Securities Markets, Journal of Grey System, 8, 1, 37-44