期刊: 28 筆
獲獎: 7 筆 |
研討會: 22 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 4 筆
計畫案: 38 筆 |
- 期刊 曾美珍*, Yen-Hung Lee, 顏才博, 李殊明, Genome-wide characterization of microsatellites in cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766): Survey and analysis of their abundance and diversity, Journal of Fish Biology, 0, 104, 44-55
- 期刊 Soni Andriawan1,2, Hung Tran Bao1, Wahyu Purbiantoro1,3, Ating Yuniarti4, Hso Chi Chaung5,6, 顏才博, 鄭達智*, Reverse‑gavage feeding as a novel administration to investigate the immunomodulatory effects of Radix Scutellaria water extract on Macrobrachium rosenbergii immunity, Aquaculture International, Springer Nature, 0, 0
- 期刊 Lin, Jeng-Bin, 丁恩寧, 顏才博, 吳錫勳*, 不同割期及留樁高度對狼尾草台畜草三號青貯品質之影響, 畜產研究, 56, 1, 23-33
- 獲獎 指導研究生研究成果獎, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 專書 顏才博*, 生物統計學 Biostatistics (第5版), 新文京開發出版股份有限公司, 6、7 章, ISBN: 978-986-430-230-7
- 期刊 顏才博*, 謝清祥, A SNP-Based Genome-Wide Association Study to Mine Genetic Loci Associated to Salinity Tolerance in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), 基因, 11, 795, 1-11
- 專書 顏才博, 曾美珍*, An eBook on Marine Biology and Aquaculture, openaccessebooks.com, Vol. 1, Chapter 1, pp. 1-13.
- 研討會 江主惠*, 顏才博, 優化Myrothecium roridum之培養條件及其對褐根病菌防治能力評估, 植物醫學檢測技術研討會暨中華植物保護學會108年度年會與論文宣讀, Pingtung city, 中華民國
- 研討會 顏才博*, 不同光譜對於軟珊瑚Pachyclavularia violacea 光生理學之影響, Conference of fisheries society of Taiwan, 台北市, 中華民國, 45-46
- 期刊 顏才博, 何韻詩*, Influence of temperature and nutrition solution on growth and development and chemical properties of Ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., Journal of International cooperation, 13, 2, 147-172
- 期刊 顏才博*, Variation in the Karyotype, Cytochrome b Gene, and 5S rDNA of Four Thunnus (Perciformes, Scombridae) Tunas, Zoological Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 57, 34, 1-13
- 期刊 顏才博*, Growth, Development, and Chemical Constituents of Edible Ice Plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.) Produced under Combinations of Light-emitting Diode Lights, HORTSCIENCE, 53, 6, 865-874
- 期刊 顏才博*, Direct methanolysis of oleaginous yeast biomass (Pseudozyma parantarctica) to microbial biodiesel, Key Engineering Materials, 753, ----, 259-263
- 期刊 顏才博*, Comparative study on hatching rate, survival rate, and feminization of Onychostoma barbatulum (Pellegrin, 1908) at different temperatures and examining sex change by gonad and karyotype analyses, Zoological Studies, 56, 16
- 期刊 顏才博*, 臺灣地區小唇蘭與三葯細筆蘭小孢子發生及胚胎學研究, 林業研究季刊, 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處, 39, 4, 229-248
- 專書 生物統計學 Biostatistics (第4版), 新文京開發出版股份有限公司, 6、7 章, ISBN: 978-986-430-230-7
- 研討會 顏才博*, A Study on Genetic differences among three Thunnus tunas, 2016 Annual meeting of the Ichthyological Society of Taiwan and the Asian Society of Ichthyologists, 台北, 中華民國
- 研討會 The in vitro alpha-amylase inhibition activities of Trichosanthes kirilowii extracts by different extracting methods, 2016兩岸中草藥產業交流研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- 研討會 Selection of Factors by Plackett-Burman Design for Production of Lactic Acid by Lactobacillus rhamnosus B14-2 in Cassava Fermentation, The International Conference On Advances in Applied science and Environmental Technology, Bangkok, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 Optimization on Yeast Lipid Production ofPsuedozyma sp. with Response Surface Methodology for Biodiesel Manufacturing, International Conference on Biotechnology and Agriculture Engineering - ICBAE 2015, Kyoto, 日本
- 研討會 Influence of substrate concentration on Microbial oil production by Pseudozyma parantarctica CHC28 and its fatty acid characterization, Conference on Science and Technology, RMUTT, Thanyaburi, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 Floral ontogeny and phylogeny in Erythrodes blumei (Lindl.) Schltr. And E. triantherae C.L. Yeh et C.S. Leou (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan, 2015台灣植物分類學年會暨植物多樣性與系統分類研討會, 台北市, 中華民國
- 研討會 魚類寄生蟲四膜蟲的成份分析, 魚類學會暨海峽兩岸魚類學術交流研討會, 台北市, 中華民國
- 獲獎 Asia pacific agriculture undergraduate student project compition Second Prize, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 Asia pacific agriculture undergraduate student project compition Best oral presentation award, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 Asia pacific agriculture undergraduate student project compition Best poaster award, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 Asia pacific agriculture undergraduate student project compition Second Prize, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 Asia pacific agriculture undergraduate student project compition Best oral presentation award, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 Asia pacific agriculture undergraduate student project compition Best poaster award, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 期刊 顏才博*, Studies of 5S rDNA Profiles and Cyt b Sequences in two Onychostoma Species (Cyprinidae), International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16, 0, 29663-29672
- 期刊 顏才博*, Optimization on yeast lipid production of Pseudozyma sp. with response surface methodology for biodiesel manufacturing, Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, 0, 2, 13-18
- 期刊 顏才博*, A novel oleaginous yeast strain with high lipid productivity and its application to alternative biodiesel production, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 4, 51, 411-418
- 期刊 Control of Rhizoctonia solani damping-off disease after soil amendment with dry tissues of Brassica results from increase in Actinomycetes population, Biological Control, 82, 21-30
- 專書 生物統計學實習題庫及解答, 新文京開發, ISBN: 978-986-430-046-4
- 期刊 Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Products in Thailand: A Case Study of Thai Rice at the Chao Phraya River Basin, APCBEE Procedia, 8, 134-140
- 期刊 Applying environmental management policy for sustainable development of coastal tourism in Thailand., International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy , Science Publishing Group, 2, 1, 19-23
- 期刊 Antioxidant Activity of Smilax spinosa Mill. Root Extract, J. International Cooperation, 7, 2, 187-202
- 研討會 顏才博*, 山胡椒揮發性成分對阿拉伯芥生長之氧化壓力與抗氧化酵素系統的影響, 2010年台灣森林經營之回顧與前瞻研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 84-84
- 期刊 Pei-Chun LIAO, Huei-Chuan SHIH, 顏才博, Sheng-You LU, 江友中*, Molecular evaluation of interspecific hybrids between Acer albopurpurascens and A. buergerianum var. formosanum., Botanical Studies, Botanical Studies, 51, 1, 413-420
- 期刊 Molecular evaluation of interspecific hybrids between Acer albopurpurascens and A. buergerianum var. formosanum, Botanical Studies, Academic Sinica Taiwan, 51, 413-420
- 研討會 顏才博, Yu-Ho Su, 江友中, Chang, Chi-I, ChouI, Chang-Hung*, Allelopathic Potential of Litchi chinensis Sonn(2), Botany 2008 (Conference) at the University of British Columbia, 溫哥華, 中華民國, 90-110
- 期刊 顏才博, Hui-Ting Chang, Chun-Chun Hsieh, Shang-Tzen Chang*, Synergistic effects of cinnamaldehyde in combination with eugenol against wood decay fungi., Bioresource Technology, 99, 1, 232-236
- 期刊 顏才博, Hui-Ting Chang, Chun-Chun Hsieh, Shang-Tzen Chang*, Antifungal properties of ethanolic extract and its active compounds from Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana (Florin) heartwood, Bioresources Technology, Bioresources Technology, 99, 11, 4871-4877
- 期刊 Synergistic effects of cinnamaldehyde in combination with eugenol against wood decay fungi, Bioresource Technology, ELSEVIER, 99, 232-236
- 期刊 Antifungal properties of ethanolic extract and its active compounds from Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana (Florin) heartwood, Bioresource Technology, 99, 4871-4877
- 研討會 謝君君, 傅淑芳, 顏才博*, 山胡椒精油之抗黴菌活性及其化學組成分析與電顯研究, 中華林學會96年度學術論文發表會, 台北, 中華民國
- 研討會 Fu-Lan Hsu*, 顏才博, Hui- Ting Chang, Shang-Tzen Chang, Antifungal activity and synergistic effect of cinnamaldehyde combined with antioxidants against wood decay fungi, IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations), 台北, 中華民國, 1-7
- 研討會 Cheng, Yu-Pin, Shen, Tzu-Hsiu, Lu, Sheng-You, 顏才博, Kuo, Chin-Ju, 江友中*, Inheritance bias of the internal transcribed spacer and 5.8s of the nuclear ribosomal DNA in artificial hybridization of Acer albopurpurascens x A. buergerianum var. formosanum., Plant Biology and Botany Joint Conference, 芝加哥, 中華民國
- 研討會 江友中, Hsieh, Chun-Chun, 顏才博*, Antifungal properties of Litsea cubeba essential oils against molds., Plant Biology and Botany Joint Conference, 芝加哥, 中華民國
- 研討會 江友中*, Li, Pei-Yuan, Tsai, Chi-Chu, 顏才博, Chen, Yo-Chia, Chien, Chu-Chun, Huang, Chun-Yen, Shen, Tzu-Hsiu, Chou, Chang-Hung, Genetic differentiation between wild and cultived Momordica charantia: evidence of SSR and chloroplast DNA variation, Plant Biology and Botany Joint Conference, 芝加哥, 中華民國
- 研討會 顏才博*, Su, Yu-Ho, 江友中, Chou, Chang-Hung, Evaluation of antifungal effect of Litchi chinensis Sonn. ethanolic extracts against tree pathogenic fungi., Plant Biology and Botany Joint Conference, 芝加哥, 中華民國
- 研討會 藍浩繁*, 林德財, 顏才博, 低毒性環保型木材保存劑應用於木質材料之研究, 從農村老建築活化再生與社區營造談農村永續發展的實現國際研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- 研討會 顏才博, 蘇玉和, 周昌弘*, Allelopathic potential of Litchi chinensis Sonn. (1), Symposium on Frontiers of Plant Science, 台北, 中華民國, 97-97
- 研討會 顏才博*, 謝君君, Antifungal activities of essential oils and their constituents from the leaves, fruits and twigs of Litsea cubeba Pres., Symposium on Frontiers of Plant Science, 台北, 中華民國, 98-98
- 研討會 顏才博*, Hsieh, Chun-Chun, Antifungal activities of essential oil from Litsea cubeba Pres. fruits against wood decay fungi., Botany (BSA) 2006 conference, 加州溪口, 中華民國, 334-334
- 期刊 Chi-Chih WU, Shiang-Jiuun CHEN, 顏才博, Ling-Long KUO-HUANG*, Influence of calcium availability on deposition of calcium carbonate and calcium oxalate crystals in the idioblasts of Morus australis Poir leaves., Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 47, 2, 119-127
- 期刊 顏才博, Hans R. Zuuring, Edwin J. Burke*, The evaluation of bending moment resistance of single wood-plate corner joints in particleboard and lodgepole pine., Forest Products Journal, Forest Products Journal, 56, 2, 66-73
- 期刊 顏才博, Diana L. Six, Edwin J. Burke*, Evaluation of rapid DNA extraction and identification of Phellinus pini associated with Pinus contorta by rDNA Assay., Forest Products Journal, Forest Products Journal, 56, 11/12, 107-110
- 研討會 顏才博*, Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Lodgepole Pine in Incipient Stage of Decay by a White-rot Fungus and Fungal Detection by rDNA, 中華林學會93年度學術論文發表會, 中華林學會, 中華民國, 652-652
- 期刊 Miao-Ling Lin, 顏才博, Ling-Long Kuo-Huang*, Formation of Calcium Carbonate Deposition in the Cotyledons during the Germination of Justicia procumbens L. (Acanthaceae) Seeds, Taiwania, Taiwania, 49, 4, 250-262
- 期刊 Ling-Long Kuo-Huang, 顏才博*, Shian-Cheun Chen, Formation of calcium oxalate and calcium carbonate depositions in leaves of Ficus awkeotsang Makino., Taiwania, Taiwania, 47, 1, 1-10