
期刊: 21 筆

獲獎: 17 筆
研討會: 30 筆

技術報告: 7 筆
專書: 4 筆

計畫案: 9 筆


期刊   Flipping an EFL classroom with the LINE application: students’ performance and perceptions, Journal of Computers in Education, 8, 2, 267-287
期刊   Exploring undergraduate EFL students’ perceptions and experiences of a Moodle-based reciprocal teaching application, OPEN LEARNING: THE JOURNAL OF OPEN, DISTANCE AND E-LEARNING, 36, 1, 29-44


獲獎   網路輔助教學英語聽講練習優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
獲獎   四技二專統一入學測驗命題試卷鑑別度獎, 財團法人技專院校入學測驗中心基金會, 中華民國


獲獎   教學成果展, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
獲獎   四技二專統一入學測驗命題試卷鑑別度佳, 財團法人技專院校入學測驗中心基金會, 中華民國
期刊   Effects of Technology-Enhanced Language Learning on Second Language Acquisition: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 22, 4, 1-17


獲獎   網路輔助教學優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國


研討會   Foreign Language Anxiety of Underprepared Non-English Undergraduate Students, 英語文教與學的對話 2017國立屏東大學英語學系學術研討會論文選集, 屏東, 中華民國
研討會   A Meta-analysis of Technolgy Application on Language Instruction, 17thIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 提米索拉, 羅馬尼亞
獲獎   網路輔助教學多媒體英文優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
獲獎   最佳論文, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY, 羅馬尼亞
期刊   Experimental Study on Strategy-Oriented Web-Based English Instruction for EFL Students, Journal of Educational Computing Research, ----, ----


研討會   Investigating Students’ Perception and Application of the Rt Model, Twenty-third International Conference on Learning, Vancouver, 加拿大
獲獎   科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才, 科技部, 中華民國
獲獎   特聘教授, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國


研討會   張美美*, Moodle Application in Language Learning and Teaching, Critical CALL EUROCALL 2015, 帕多瓦, 中華民國
研討會   Moodle Application in Language learning and Teaching, EUROCALL2015, Padova, 義大利共和國
獲獎   科技部特殊優秀人才獎, 科技部, 中華民國


研討會   張美美*, 行動字彙學習軟體在英語學習上之應用, 2014電腦輔助語言學習研討會CALL, Antwerp, 中華民國
獲獎   國科會特殊優秀人才獎, 國科會, 中華民國
期刊   The effect of reflective learning e-journals on reading comprehension and communication in language learning, COMPUTERS & EDUCATION , COMPUTERS & EDUCATION , 71, 124-132
專書   張美美*, 王瀚陞, 李俊忠, 林美貞, 邢天馨, 陳錦慧, 蔡明珍, Charles M. Papa, 專業英語系列-走訪屏科大, 國立屏東科技大學, 1, ISBN: 978-986-04-4160-4


獲獎   國科會特殊優秀人才獎, 國科會, 中華民國
期刊   Strategy-oriented web-based English instruction —A meta-analysis, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29, 2
期刊   A Study of Enhanced Structured Web-based Discussion in a Foreign Language Learning Class, Computers and Education, Elsevier, 61, 232-241
專書   張美美, 李俊忠, 林美貞, 蔡明珍, 專業英語系列-屏科大校園導覽, 國立屏東科技大學, 1, ISBN: 978-986-03-9812-0


研討會   張美美*, 林美貞, Strategy-Oriented Web-based English Instruction for EFL College Students – An Experimental Study, Proceeding of The 15th International CALL Research Conference (2012), 台中靜宜大學, 中華民國
研討會   張美美*, Meta-analysis of Web-Based English Instruction in Taiwan, AERA 2012 Annual Meeting, 溫哥華, 中華民國
獲獎   國科會特殊優秀人才獎, 國科會, 中華民國


獲獎   國科會特殊優秀人才獎, 國科會, 中華民國


研討會   張美美*, Effects of Web Discussion with Different Enhancements in a Foreign Language Learning Class, Paper presented at 2010 CALL Conference, Antwerp, 中華民國, 56-58
獲獎   網路教學教材與課程獎, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
獲獎   教學特優教師, 人文暨社會科學學院, 中華民國


獲獎   優良課程獎, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
期刊   Effects of Locus of Control and Learner-Control on Web-Based Language Learning., Computer Assisted Language Learning, volume 22, number 3, 189-206
期刊   A Study on Predicting Factors for Junior High School Student’s English Achievement, Studies in English Language and Literature, Volume 24, 1-10


研討會   張美美*, Learner Control or Program Control?– Students’ Experience and Viewpoints., Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Instruction., 國立第一科技大學圖書資訊館六樓, 中華民國, 53-64
期刊   Enhancing web-based language learning through self-monitoring, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23, 3, 187-196
期刊   EFL Learner’s Test Anxiety, Academic Performance, Self-Efficacy, and Task Value, Studies in English Language and Literature, 19, 89-96


研討會   張美美*, 林美貞, Robert Youngs, 王秀華, Vocational College Students’ Attitudes toward Scientific Writing, 2006英語教學研討會, 國立屏東科技大學玉崗紀念圖書館4樓國際會議廳, 中華民國, 193-200
研討會   張美美*, Multimedia and English Teaching, 2006外語教學研討會, 東方技術學院, 中華民國
研討會   張美美*, Improving Web-Based Language Learning through Self-Monitoring Enhancement, 國立彰化師範大學英語系、兒童英語研究所、翻譯研究所2006年英語文教學與翻譯聯合研討會, 國立彰化師範大學圖書館地下樓演講廳, 中華民國


研討會   張美美*, EFL Students’ learning styles, motivation perception and metacognitive strategy use in an interactive web-based learning environment, 國科會九十三年度語言學門研究成果發表會, 國立台灣師範大學教育學院大樓二樓, 中華民國
期刊   Learners’ academic performance, self-efficacy and strategy use in a web-based instruction., Studies in English Language and Literature, 16, 1-11


研討會   張美美*, 吳怡玫, 李俊忠, 林美貞, 提昇技職校院生英語文能力實施方式-營造英語學習環境, 2004英語文教學與翻譯研討會論文集, 中華民國, 203-213
研討會   張美美*, 石儒居, 邢天馨, 蔡明珍, 屏東科技大學提昇學生英語能力策略探討, 2004英語文教學與翻譯研討會論文集, 中華民國, 171-175
研討會   張美美*, 林美貞, EFL learners’ anxiety and language learning., Paper presented at 13th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching., 中華民國
研討會   張美美*, Effects of self-regulated activity in a web-based reading instruction., Paper presented at 13th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching., 台北, 中華民國
研討會   張美美*, 網路教學實務, 美和技術學院第四屆「網際網路英文教學研討會」, 美和技術學院, 中華民國, 67-74
期刊   EFL online learners’ personal expectations and learning strategies., Studies in English Language and Literature, 14, 35-43


研討會   張美美*, 吳怡玫, EFL learners’ self-efficacy and learning strategies uses in a web-based environment., Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China., 中華民國, 117-126
研討會   張美美*, 蔡明珍, The use of humor in EFL classes:A search for humor competence., Selected Papers from the Twelfth International Symposium on English Teaching , 中華民國, 531-543
研討會   張美美*, 蔡明珍, The impact of learning styles and intrinsically motivating dynamics in EFL Learing:A study with active and passive learners., Selected Papers from the Twelfth International Symposium on English Teaching, 中華民國, 17-25


研討會   張美美*, Learning international news online: A collaboration between two EFL classes., Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on English Teaching & Learning in the Republic of Chin, 中華民國, 69-76
研討會   張美美*, Effects of relevance component:English majors vs. non-English majors., Paper presented the 11th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching 2001 International Conference, 中華民國
期刊   The role of intrinsic motivation on English learning, Bullentin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 11, 2, 154-159


研討會   張美美*, Making web-based instruction more relevant: Lessons from a research study., Proceedings of the Topics On Distance Learning Conference 2001 , 中華民國
研討會   張美美*, Guiding Students to Success in Online Learning – The Buck Starts Here, Proceedings of the Topics on Distance Learning Conference 2001, 中華民國
研討會   張美美*, Enhance English learning through a web-based instruction, Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching 2001 International Conference, 中華民國
研討會   張美美*, Effects of embedded relevance enhancement in CBIM program for English as a foreign language learners., 2001 Annual Conference Proceedings of Selected Research and Development papers presented at The National Convention of the Association for Education Communications and Technology-Atlanta, 中華民國, 55-58


期刊   Collaborative learning in English reading class., Bulletin of National Pingtung Polytechnic Institute, 271-277