期刊: 6 筆
獲獎: 0 筆 |
研討會: 1 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 0 筆
計畫案: 1 筆 |
- 期刊 The most preferred and effective reviewer of L2 writing among automated grading system, peer reviewer and teacher, World Journal of Education, 4, 7
- 期刊 Reusing Comprehensive Charts of Tense Forms to Teach EFL Students in a University of Science and Technology, World Journal of Education, 3, 7
- 期刊 Distinguish L2 writing tension from anxiety, World Journal of Education, 5, 7
- 研討會 蔡明秀*, The Word Frequencies of the University General Scholastic Ability Tests from 1999 to 2008, Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on ELT Technological Enterprises: Computer-Scoring English Writing, 屏東縣內埔鄉, 中華民國, 12-12
- 期刊 蔡明秀*, 事情就是這樣發生的–談新聞寫作, 仁杏, 私立大仁藥學專科學校, 第38期, 20-25
- 期刊 契約多*, 蔡明秀, Secondary School Teachers’ Perspectives of Teaching Critical Thinking in Social Studies Classes in the Republic of China, The Journal of Social Studies Research, 21, 3-12
- 期刊 John J. Chiodo, 蔡明秀*, Taiwanese students in American universities: Are they ready for critical thinking?, College Student Journal, 29, 374-382