
期刊: 45 筆

獲獎: 20 筆
研討會: 41 筆

技術報告: 0 筆
專書: 1 筆

計畫案: 9 筆



研討會   黃靖淑*, 洪絲晴, Yu-Hsing Hsu, A Study of Food Waste Behaviours in Restaurants., International Conference on Hospitality and Hospitality Management, Singapore, 新加坡共和國
研討會   黃靖淑*, 吳尚桓, 洪瑀襄, Designing of Household Dishes to Help Food Waste Prevention Strategies, International Conference on Hospitality and Hospitality Management, Singapore, 新加坡共和國


研討會   黃靖淑*, 洪絲晴, SARS和 COVID-19 對台灣觀光產業類股之影響, 後疫情5G人工智慧世代下觀光餐旅與海洋休憩發展暨實務見地國際學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
研討會   黃靖淑*, 吳尚桓, 旅遊部落格在疫情衝擊下之分析, 後疫情5G人工智慧世代下觀光餐旅與海洋休憩發展暨實務見地國際學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
期刊   烹飪科學對廚藝教育學習效果的影響, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, 9, 2, 209-218


研討會   許乃云, 黃靖淑*, The Comparative Study of 3D Cooking Science and Online Cooking Science Video for Students’ Learning Achievement., Proceedings of Ph.D. Workshop Proceeding / Enter2020 The 27th Annual International eTourism Conference, Guildford, 英國, 27-31
研討會   李謙羿, 黃靖淑*, The R Programming Language Study of Online Reviews of Service Failure by Using Data Mining., Proceedings of Ph.D. Workshop Proceeding / Enter2020 The 27th Annual International eTourism Conference, Guildford, 英國, 48-48
研討會   黃靖淑, Hotel housekeepers’ perceptions of their jobs, APacCHRIE 2020, 香港, 香港
期刊   烹飪科學核心知識建構之研究, 觀光休閒學報 (TSSCI), 26, 2, 203-230
專書   黃靖淑*, 食物製備與烹飪科學, 華立圖書, ISBN: 978-957-784-887-1


研討會   黃靖淑*, Cooking science modeling as an effective teaching strategy., APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, 香港, 香港
期刊   The differences between three Taiwan’s traditional roadwise banquets and the future development, Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management, 7, 2, 175-184
期刊   Sustainable strategies of restaurant food surplus platform as a framework for responsible tourism in the sharing economy., e-Review of Tourism Research, https://journals.tdl.org/ertr/index.php/ertr/issue/view/21, 17, 4, 633-642
期刊   Conducting serial multiple mediation analysis in hospitality marketing research., International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management, SciTech Central Inc, 1, 2, 96-99


研討會   黃靖淑*, 劉姚伶, Training the Hospitality Entrepreneurship on the Account of Constructing Nascent Entrepreneurial Competence., 2018 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Chiba, Tokyo, Japan, 日本
期刊   Enhancing the Effectiveness of AHP for Environmental Performance Assessment of Thailand and Taiwan’s Food Industry, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, springer, 190, 12, 1-16
期刊   Effect of service experience on behavioral intentions: Serial multiple mediation model., Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 27, 8, 997-1016


研討會   張宏羽, 黃靖淑*, The Relationships among Entrepreneurial Orientation,Marketing Capabilities and Entrepreneurial Performance of Micro-entrepreneurship in Foodservice Industry., 2017 ICHTL 觀光餐旅休閒國際學術研討會 International Conference on Hospitality,Tourism and Leisure, New Taipei, 中華民國
期刊   The Role of Quality Management & Innovativeness on Green Performance., Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 24, 3, 249-260
期刊   Effective choice determinants for day spas selection: discrete choice experiments, Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 6, 4
期刊   當餐廳遇上手機-Marketing or Reciprocell?, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, 5, 1, 189-203


研討會   安尼洛, 黃祥熙*, 黃靖淑, Construction of P-Control Chart Using Image Processing Technique, The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Taipei, 中華民國
研討會   黃靖淑*, 張宏羽, 黃鈺娟, 黃祥熙, 范慧華, A study of accounting teaching strategies in hospitality management department from Theory of constraints point of view., 14th ApacCHRIE Conferencein, 曼谷, 泰王國(泰國)
獲獎   帶領學生參加105年DREAM POWER學生創業研習活動獲得佳作, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
期刊   An Integrated Approach For Developing Environmental Performance Evaluation Of Taiwan’s Food Industry, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume5, 5, 6, 301-305
期刊   國際觀光旅館網路廣告文宣行銷策略分析, 休閒與遊憩研究, 8, 1, 109-150


研討會   賴韋允*, 張慧珍, 黃靖淑, 性別、行銷手法的喜好度與消費者涉入程度之影響性研究─以便利商店為例, 2015第16屆永續發展管理研討會, 中華民國
研討會   洪筱嵐*, 黃靖淑, 范慧華, 以驗證式因素分析建構國內綠色民宿評鑑系統之研究, 2015第16屆永續發展管理研討會, 中華民國
研討會   劉允婷*, 樊李一靜, 黃靖淑, 旅客認知、意象、體驗對滿意度之關聯性探討─以薰衣草森林為例, 2015第16屆永續發展管理研討會, 中華民國
研討會   Vanasanan Virabhakul*, 黃靖淑, Yu-Chuan Huang, Perceived Effects of Essential Oil on Emotion and Behavioral Intention in Hospitality Business: A Case Study of Lavender and Lemongrass Oils., 2015 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 中華民國
研討會   Psychosocial job hazards and work-related musculoskeletual disorders: Taiwanese restaurant servers., 13th ApacCHRIE Conference, Auckland, New Zealand., 紐西蘭
研討會   Perceived Effects of Essential Oil on Emotion and Behavioral Intention in Hospitality Business: A Case Study of Lavender and Lemongrass Oils., 2015 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Taipei, Taiwan, 中華民國
期刊   Students’ View of Course Evaluation., Academic Exchange Quarterly, 19, 4, 119-128
期刊   Solving Multi-Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem using Ant Colony Optimization, Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 5, 1, 2-12


研討會   Anirut Pipatprapa*, 黃祥熙, 黃靖淑, Che-Min Hsu, An Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in Evaluating Crisp Activity Relationship Chart Based on the Lean Layout Concept, International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence, 中華民國
期刊   The Longitudinal Study of Computer Simulation in Learning Statistics for Hospitality College Students, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies., 12, 4, 55-65
期刊   Reconsidering the measurement of service quality in hotel sector: A dyad study, International Journal of Modern Business Issues of Global Market, 2, 1, 32-47


研討會   Anirut Pipatprapa*, 黃祥熙, 黃靖淑, The Differential of Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry to Reduce Carbon Footprints: The Cases in Asia, the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 中華民國
研討會   黃靖淑*, 黃祥熙, Anirut Pipatprapa, Media behaviour and trust of couchsurfers: an international investigation, 19th Asia pacific Tourism Association Conference, 中華民國
期刊   The Media Behaviours and Intentions of CouchSurfers in Backpacking Culture., International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology., 5, 12, 102-109


研討會   黃靖淑, 陳文東, Customers’ Perspectives Regarding Service Quality of Night Market in Taiwan., The proceeding of 10th Asia Pacific Council Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Education (APacCHRIE), 中華民國
期刊   The impact of relationship quality on customer loyalty, Journal of Contemporary Management, 1, 2, 53-68
期刊   Service quality of night market in Taiwan., International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4, 3, 36-44
期刊   餐旅管理學生評鑑態度、成就動機與滿意度之實證研究, 運動休閒餐旅研究期刊, 第六卷, 第一期
期刊   小吃餐廳背景音樂對顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響, 商業現代化學刊, 6, 3, 67-84
期刊   以競爭模式探討探討臺灣夜市餐飲服務品質量表, 島嶼觀光研究, 5, 3, 74-104



研討會   黃靖淑*, The Learning of Goal-Based Scenario Simulation as an Instrumental System in Hospitality English E-Traning1., The proceeding of 8th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE), Phuket, 中華民國
研討會   黃靖淑*, The Evaluate the Culinary Professional Competence for the Hospitality Students., The proceeding of 8th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE), Phuket, 中華民國
期刊   Consumer Socialization in the Western Quick Service Restaurants, Asia Pacific Management Review, 15, 3, 435-451


期刊   The hospitality management curriculum in vocational education from the perspective of graduate competency, Asia Journal for Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2, 3, 95-103


研討會   黃靖淑*, In pursuit of contemporary content for quality accreditation on vocational hospitality education by using grounded theory, The proceeding of 6th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) International Conference in association with The-ICE International Panel of Experts Forum 2008 in Perth, AustraliaThe proceeding of 6th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) International Conference in association with The-ICE International Panel of Experts Forum 2008 in Perth, Australia, Perth, 中華民國
研討會   黃靖淑*, An application of LODGSERV to the comparison of leisure travelers and hoteliers service quality perspectives, The proceeding of 6th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) International Conference in association with The-ICE International Panel of Experts Forum 2008 in Perth, AustraliaThe proceeding of 6th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) International Conference in association with The-ICE International Panel of Experts Forum 2008 in Perth, Australia, Perth, 中華民國
期刊   消費者飲食行為與健康主題餐廳需求之關係研究, 立德學報, 立德大學, 5, 2, 6-16
期刊   以消費者觀點探討中式連鎖速食業之行銷策略, 觀光旅遊研究學刊, 銘傳大學觀光學院, 3, 1, 1-17


研討會   黃靖淑*, 黃鈺娟, The Influence of Consumer Socialization Variables on Family Consumption Patterns in Quick Service Restaurants: An Empirical Study, 第十三屆亞太觀光學會暨第五屆餐旅教育學會連聯合年會暨國際學術研討會, 中華民國, 21-21
研討會   黃靖淑*, 黃鈺娟, The development of hospitality management curriculum in vocational education from the view of graduates’ employability and competency:A case study from Taiwan, 第十三屆亞太觀光學會暨第五屆餐旅教育學會連聯合會暨國際學術研討會, 中華民國, 175-175
研討會   黃靖淑*, 陳易辰, 賴苑婷, 家美食帶動觀光事業發展之可行性研究-以高雄縣美濃地區為例, 六堆歷史文化與前瞻學術研討會, 中華民國
研討會   黃靖淑*, The importance of studying children’s play in quick service restaurants, 第十三屆亞太觀光學會暨第五屆餐旅教育學會連聯合會暨國際學術研討會, 中華民國, 250-250
期刊   以煙燻黃魚燻材所製作之液態煙燻液香氣成分鑑定, 嘉南學報, 嘉南藥理科技大學, 33, 21-30
期刊   三種小麥品種粒徑大小隊高粱酒製麴品質之影響, 嘉南學報, 嘉南藥理科技大學, 33, 31-39


研討會   黃靖淑*, 黃鈺娟, 劉一慧, Relationships between consumers’ nutritional knowledge, social interaction, and health-conscious correlates toward the restaurants., 第十二屆亞太觀光學會暨第四屆餐旅教育學會連聯合年會暨國際學術研討會, 中華民國, 2033-2042
研討會   黃靖淑*, 黃鈺娟, 鍾辰英, Hakka Restaurant repositioning through menu renovation: A strategic analysis, 第十二屆亞太觀光學會暨第四屆餐旅教育學會連聯合暨國際學術研討會, 中華民國, 647-653
研討會   黃靖淑*, 宋文杰, 黃鈺娟, 范慧華, 消費者飲食行為與健康主題餐廳需求之關係研究, 2006年健康休閒暨觀光餐旅產官學研討會論文集, 中華民國, 494-504
研討會   黃靖淑*, 宋佳容, 黃怡芬, 張令雅, 黃馨慧, 消費者對汽車旅館空間印象與服務品質之關係研究, 第六屆觀光休閒暨餐旅產業永續經營學術研討會論文集, 中華民國
研討會   黃靖淑*, 美濃地區客家餐廳策略性菜單分析及重新定位之研究, 第12屆亞太觀光協會暨第四屆亞太餐旅教育聯合研討會, 高雄, 中華民國, 647-653
研討會   黃靖淑*, 以消費者觀點探討中式連鎖速食業的行銷策略, 第十一屆餐飲管理學術研討會論文集,財團法人中華飲食文化基金會, 中華民國, 21-38
期刊   以卡德蘭膠製作夾心麵條之可行性研究, 嘉南學報, 嘉南藥理科技大學, 32, 520-526


研討會   黃靖淑*, 葉純銘, 賴淑惠, 鍾明君, 蘇心怡, 技職大專院校餐旅管理系學生學習滿意度之研究─以南部地區為例, 2005餐旅管理學術與實務研討會論文集, 中華民國
期刊   冷凍米製點心之研發, 嘉南學報, 嘉南藥理科技大學, 31, 55-67


研討會   黃靖淑*, 劉一慧, 曾浩祥, 休閒與餐旅系學生工作價值觀、專業承諾及離業傾向之研究以屏東地區兩所校院為例, 九十三年度運動觀光及休閒產業管理學術研討會論文集, 中華民國, 96-107
期刊   添加高梁榖粉之麻糬研究, 嘉南學報, 嘉南藥理科技大學, 30, 42-52


期刊   家長對速食餐廳兒童遊戲態度與家庭消費型態之關係研究, 觀光研究學報, 觀光研究學報, 9, 2, 41-50


期刊   Complaint management:Customers’attributions regarding service disconfirmation in restaurant., Journal of Restaurant&Foodservice Marketing, 1, 3, 121-134