期刊: 23 筆
獲獎: 2 筆 |
研討會: 12 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 1 筆
計畫案: 24 筆 |
- 期刊 彭武村*, Chen Dong, Brian Shiian Chen, Chun Hsien Wu, Yi-Ming Chiu, Pei-Lun Liao, Hydroxychloroquine and risk of osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based retrospective study of 6,408 patients(IF: 2.4; SCIE: Q1), 國際風濕病學期刊, 0, 0
- 期刊 彭武村*, Risk of uveitis in autoimmune diseases patients treated with hydroxychloroquine: A population‐based retrospective cohort study(IF: 2.5; SCIE: Q3), 國際風濕病學期刊, 27, 3
- 期刊 彭武村*, Risk of new-onset glaucoma in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A nationwide, population-based cohort study (IF: 2.56; SCIE), 國際風濕病雜誌, 26, 6, 1076-1082
- 期刊 彭武村*, Dental Caries and Risk of Newly-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study (IF: 2.71; SCIE: Q3), 當前醫學研究與觀點, 39, 2, 307-317
- 期刊 彭武村*, Risk of primary Sjogren’s Syndrome following human papillomavirus infections: a nationwide population-based cohort study (IF: 8.79; SCIE: Q1), 免疫前線, 13, 967040
- 期刊 彭武村*, Celecoxib and Etoricoxib may reduce risk of ischemic stroke in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A nationwide retrospective cohort study (IF: 4.09; SCIE), 神經學前沿, 13, 1018521
- 期刊 彭武村, Increased risk of glaucoma amongst new-onset gout patients aged 20–39 years: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan. (IF: 3.15; SCIE: Q2), International Journal of Clinical Practice, 75, 7: e14169
- 期刊 彭武村, Flat foot and spinal degeneration: Evidence from nationwide population-based cohort study. (IF: 3.28; SCIE: Q2), Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 120, 10, 1897-1906
- 期刊 彭武村*, Chinese herbal medicine might be associated with a lower rate of joint replacement in patients with osteoarthritis: A 12-year population-based matched cohort analysis (IF: 4.36; SCIE: Q2), J Ethnopharmacol, 280, 114419
- 期刊 彭武村, The risk of herpes zoster among patients with ankylosing spondylitis: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan. (IF: 2.45; SCIE: Q3), International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 23, 2, 181-188
- 期刊 彭武村, Neoplasm Risk in Rheumatic Diseases Has No Correlation With Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs Usage—A Population-Based Nested Case–Control Study. (IF: 5.09; SCIE: Q1), Front Med (Lausanne), 7, 0, 473-479
- 期刊 彭武村, Methotrexate at middle and high accumulative doses might be associated with lower risk of new-onset cancers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a nationwide population-based cohort study. (IF: 5.35; SCIE: Q1), Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease (Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis), 12, 0, 1-12
- 期刊 彭武村, Risk of dementia among patients with Sjogren’s syndrome: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan. (IF: 4.75; SCIE: Q1), Semin Arthritis Rheum, 48, 5, 895-899
- 期刊 彭武村, Association of gout medications and risk of cataract: a population-based case-control study. (IF: 2.53; SCIE: Q3) Li and Perng contributed equally, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 112, 11, 841-846
- 研討會 彭武村, Methotrexate reduces risk of cancer in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A long-term nationwide population-based cohort study, 20th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress (APLAR 2018), 高雄, 中華民國
- 期刊 彭武村, No additional cholesterol-lowering effect observed in the combined treatment of red yeast rice and Lactobacillus casei in hyperlipidemic patients: A double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial. (IF: 1.55; Q2), Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine., 23, 8, 581-588
- 期刊 彭武村*, Increase risk of allergic diseases in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a 10-year follow-up population-based study in Taiwan. (IF: 1.80; SCIE: Q2), Medicine (Baltimore), 95, 45:e5172
- 期刊 黃意茹, 馬上閔, 彭武村*, 謝孟志, 休閒阻礙與協商策略之研究–以高屏地區高中職軍訓教官為例, 休閒與社會研究, 休閒與社會研究編輯委員會Editorial Board of leisure & Society Research, 第十一期
- 期刊 李建瑩, 游明謙, 彭武村, 林俊哲, 李明鏞, 魏正宗, 施宏哲*, No Cholesterol-lowing Additive Effect in Hyperlipidemia Patients Treated with Red Yeast Rice Combined with Lactobacillus Casei., Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine
- 期刊 張松瑜, 吳柏翰, 林秉乾, 彭武村*, 飛輪運動課程表現回饋系統對參與者運動表現之研究, 運動與健康研究, 第四卷, 第一期, 81-92
- 期刊 郭癸賓, 彭武村, 陳文進, 蔡佳君*, 飛行傘活動參與體驗者、遊客休閒阻礙原因之探討, 屏東科大體育學刊, 第3 期, 11-26
- 期刊 彭武村*, 肌內效貼紮對跆拳道選手股四頭肌爆發力之影響, 休閒觀光與運動健康學報, 第五卷, 第三期, 59-67
- 研討會 彭武村, 魏正宗*, Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Liu-Wei-Die-Huang-Wan in the Treatment of Knees Osteoarthritis: A Double Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial., 13th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), Beijing, 中華民國
- 研討會 彭武村*, 洪月香, 游馥榕, 潘亭瑄, 邱湘婷, 高中生憂鬱程度情形與運動習慣相連之研究, 2014年休閒觀光與運動健康實務專題學術研討會, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 研討會 彭武村*, 肌貼貼紮對股四頭肌爆發力之影響, 2014年體育與運動科學學術研討會Asian Conference for Physical Education and Sports Science 2014, 南洋理工大學, 中華民國
- 期刊 Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Liu-Wei-Die-Huang-Wan in the Treatment of Knees Osteoarthritis:A Double Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial,
- 研討會 陳福成*, 吳昇光, 蔡佳良, 彭武村, Directional Sway in Different Axes to Demands of an Aiming Task in Developmental Coordination Disorder, 19th International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity, Istanbul, 中華民國
- 研討會 陳福成*, 吳昇光, 蔡佳良, 彭武村, Changes in Postural Sway in Golf Putting among Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, European College of Sports Science , bruges, 中華民國
- 研討會 彭武村*, 蔣雅涵, 黃可瑤, 林亞蒨, 陳映蓉, 運動傷害貼紮教學影片製作, 2012年休閒觀光與運動健康實務專題學術研討會, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 研討會 魏正宗*, 彭武村, 李建穎, 施宏哲, Lipid-Lowering Effect of Red Yeast Rice Combined with Lactobacillus Casei. A double blind placebo-controlled clinical trial., 10th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM), Shanghai, 中華民國
- 期刊 吳慧君*, 鐘雨純, 彭武村, 羅興樑, 陳竑廷, 複合式訓練對籃球選手下肢肌力、速度及爆發力之影響 (TSSCI), 大專體育學刊, 第13卷, 第2期, 173-180
- 研討會 彭武村*, 前十字韌帶傷害機轉與復建之探討, 2010年身體活動與健康促進暨第13屆全國大專院校登山運動學術研討會, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 中華民國大專校院九十九年度教職員工羽球錦標賽, 國立台灣師範大學, 中華民國
- 專書 運動傷害急救與防護-上,下半身骨骼肌肉傷害, 禾楓書局有限公司, 2, ISBN: 978-986-6287-11-4
- 研討會 彭武村*, 職棒選手身體適能基本訓練(Training & Conditioning)-以中信鯨職棒隊野手秋訓為例, 九十八年度中華民國運動醫學學會暨中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第56次春季聯合學術研習會, 台南成大醫院, 中華民國
- 研討會 彭武村*, 踝關節扭傷成因與復健之探討, 2008年健康促進與身體活動學術研討會, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 中華民國大專校院九十七年度教職員工籃球錦標賽, 中華民國大專院校體育總會, 中華民國
- 研討會 彭武村*, 世界棒球經典賽中華代表隊員運動傷害狀況之研究調查, 2006國際運動保健學術研討會 , 台北林口國立體育學院, 中華民國