期刊: 17 筆
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研討會: 0 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 0 筆
計畫案: 0 筆 |
- 期刊 林昀生*, Structural Characterization with Laser Scanning Microscopy and an Analysis of Volatile Components Using GC-MS in Vanilla Pods Coated with Edible Microorganisms, fermentation, 9, 0, 724-740
- 期刊 林昀生*, Novel Aporphine- and Proaporphine–Clerodane Hybrids Identified from the Barks of Taiwanese Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thwaites var. pendula with Strong Anti-DENV2 Activity., Pharmaceuticals, 15, 0, 1218-1233
- 期刊 林昀生*, 13-EPI-9-DEACETYLXENICIN DERIVATIVES FROM A TAIWANESE SOFT CORAL Asterospicularia laurae AND TREIR CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 58, 4, 659-668
- 期刊 林昀生*, Clerodane Diterpenoids from Callicarpa hypoleucophylla and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity, molecules, 25, 0, 2288-2298
- 期刊 林昀生*, A NEW 27-NORCUCURBITANE TRITERPENOID FROM THE FRUITS OF Momordica charantia var. abbreviata, Chemistry of Natural Compounds,, 56, 4, 688-691
- 期刊 林昀生*, New secondary metabolite with cytotoxicity from spawning soft coral Asterospicularia laurae in Taiwan, NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, 35, 6, 967-975
- 期刊 林昀生*, Secoiridoids from the Seed of Gonocaryum calleryanum and Their Inhibitory Potential on LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis Factor and Nitric Oxide Production, molecules, 23, 1633, 1-10
- 期刊 林昀生*, 36H: A Novel Potent Inhibitor for Antimelanogenesis, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 0, 0, 1-12
- 期刊 林昀生*, New cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory steroids from the soft coral Klyxum flaccidum., Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 26, 0, 3253-3257
- 期刊 林昀生*, Isobicyclogermacrene-type Sesquiterpenoids from the Soft Coral Sinularia lochmodes, Natural product communications., 11, 5, 577-578
- 期刊 林昀生*, Halogenated Sesquiterpenoids from the Red Alga Laurencia tristicha Collected in Taiwan, Journal of Natural Products, 79, 9, 2315-2323
- 期刊 林昀生*, New Briarane Diterpenoids from Taiwanese Soft Coral Briareum violacea, marine drugs, 12, 0, 4677-4692
- 期刊 林昀生*, Norcucurbitane Triterpenoids from the Fruits of Momordica charantia var. abbreviate, Natural Product Communications, 8, 1, 79-81
- 期刊 林昀生*, A New Spatane Diterpenoid from the Cultured Soft Coral Sinularia leptoclados, Marine Drugs , 11, 0, 114-123
- 期刊 林昀生*, Two New Cembrane-Based Diterpenoids from the Marine Soft Coral Sinularia crassa, Molecules, 17, 0, 5422-5429
- 期刊 林昀生*, A New Cubitane Diterpenoid from the Soft Coral Sinularia crassa, Molecules, 17, 0, 10072-10078
- 期刊 林昀生*, New cytotoxic prostanoids from Taiwanese soft coral Clavularia viridis., Chemistry & biodiversity, 7, 11, 2702-2708