College of Engineering Department of Vehicle Engineering International Master Degree Program in Food Science International Master Program in Soil and Water Engineering
Journal: 34 Items
Prize: 1 Items |
Symposium: 104 Items
Technology Report: 9 Items |
Book: 2 Items
Project: 3 Items |
- Journal 梁茲程*, On Electronics Cooling Using an Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump with Aligned Electrodes, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, in press, in press
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Solar Radiation on A Net House Temperature, 2024 NPUST Centennial Anniversary International Conference on Sustainability (ICS 2024), Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Effect of Electrode Orientation on Electronics Cooling Using an EHD Gas Pump with Aligned Electrodes, 2024 AIAA AVIATION Forum and 2024 ASCEND, Las Vegas, 美國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Cooling Scheme of A 46800 Battery Pack, 2024 NPUST Centennial Anniversary International Conference on Sustainability (ICS 2024), Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 2017-2022 年台灣主要半導體企業永續價值探析, 第25屆 永續發展管理研討會, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Journal 梁茲程*, EHD gas pump as a cooling device for electronic components in a horizontal channel, Journal of Electrostatics, Elsevier, 129, 103935
- Journal 梁茲程*, Analysis of Thermal Management Strategies for 21700 Lithium-Ion Batteries Incorporating Phase Change Materials and Porous Copper Foam with Different Battery Orientations, Energies, 17, 7
- Symposium 梁茲程*, EHD Gas Pump as a Cooling Device for Electronic Components in a Horizontal Channel, 2023 Annual Meeting of the Electrostatics of America, Memphis, 美國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 蜂箱秤重數學模型之驗證, 2023科技創新暨智慧應用國際研討會, 苗栗縣, 中華民國, 125-132
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 智能手套雛型與功能測試, 2023科技創新暨智慧應用國際研討會, 苗栗縣, 中華民國, 167-174
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 外殼與電池不同間距下之鋰電池熱管理分析, 2023科技創新暨智慧應用國際研討會, 苗栗縣, 中華民國, 68-75
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 蜂箱熱流數學模型之建立與模擬驗證, 2022年中華民國力學學會第四十六屆全國力學會議 , 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Development of Micro-Environment Monitoring System for Beehive, 2021年能源與冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會, 台北市, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Analysis of Beehive Heat Removal Scheme, 2021年能源與冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會, 台北市, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 王耀男, 李佳言, Estimation of Surface Temperature of 18650 Lithium-Ion Batteries, International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ (IJAS) Conference in Malta, Valletta , 馬爾他共和國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Ventilation Number: A Proposed Dimensionless Number for the Characterization of Backlayering Effect in Tunnel Fires, ISDC2020, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, The Influence of Hyperloop Pressure Variation on the Aerodynamic Performance of Hyperloop XP-1 Passenger Test Pod, ISDC2020, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Mathematical Modeling of Langstroth Beehive Using Simple Lumped-Mass Porous Model, ISDC2020, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Flow Field Analysis of a Fire-Fighting Deluge Gun, 2020年能源與冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會, 臺中市, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Effect of Needle Electrode on the Flow Rate of a Square EHD Pump, 2020年能源與冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會, 臺中市, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Analysis of a Dome-Shape Net House, ISDC2020, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Journal 梁茲程*, EHD-Enhanced Forced Convection in a Horizontal Channel by Non-Symmetric Electric Field, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 34, 4, 784-791
- Journal 梁茲程*, Compartmentalization of Cold Air in a Car Cabin via Arrangement of Air-Conditioning Vents, Journal of International Cooperation, 15, 2, 179-196
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Isolation of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in Natural Honey, 2019農業生技與產業資源連結研討會, pingdong, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Effect of Buoyancy on EHD-Enhanced Forced Convection in a Vertical Channel with Non-Symmetric Electric Field, 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), New Orleans, 美國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, EHD-Enhanced Forced Convection in a Horizontal Channel by Non-Symmetric Electric Field, The Second Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, Hawaii, 美國
- Journal 梁茲程*, Sunlight Permeability of an Anidolic Daylighting System without Compound Parabolic Collector, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology, 3, 3, 80-84
- Journal 梁茲程*, Model Simplification of Lithium-ion Battery Module Heating for Electric Cars, International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 7, 4, 37-42
- Journal 梁茲程*, Mixed Convection in a Rotating Concentric Annulus with a Porous Sleeve, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, IEEE, 33, 2, 483-494
- Symposium On the Effectiveness of Smoke Extraction for Point Extraction Schemes, 中國機械工程學會第三十五屆全國學術研討會, 嘉義, 中華民國, 321-326
- Symposium NPUST’s Practice on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, The 4th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric (IWGM) 2018, Semarang, 印度尼西亞共和國
- Symposium NPUST Waste Handling Strategy and Program, The 3rd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric (IWGM) 2017, Istanbul, 土耳其共和國
- Symposium Development of Guanyin Road Tunnel Solver, APASS 2017, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium Preliminary Study on Lighting Performance of an Anidolic Daylight System, APASS 2016, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium Miniature Autofocus Photography Platform for Biological Cells, APASS 2016, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium Integrated Water Treatment with Landscape Architecture and Ecology Education in NPUST: A Status Report, International Workshop on UI GreenMetric (IWGM) 2016, Depok, 印度尼西亞共和國
- Journal Lumped-System Analysis of a Cavity with Triangular Porous Layers, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39, 18, 5507-5520
- Journal 梁茲程*, Analysis of Smoke Propagation in Vehicle Fires, Combustion Quarterly, 23, 1, 24-36
- Journal Thermal Accumulation in a General Car Cabin Model, Journal of Fluid, Heat and Mass Transfer, 1
- Journal Analytical Solution for MHD Flow of a Magnetic Fluid within a Thick Porous Annulus, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, Article ID 931732, 1-10
- Prize “FRP車殼試件製作與材料特性之初探”,最佳論文獎, 2013屏東科技大學暨北京科技大學第八屆學術交流研討會, 中華民國
- Journal 梁茲程*, HCPV Module Temperature Prediction: A Case Study based on Measurements at NPUST, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 479-480, 479-480, 595-598
- Journal Analysis of the Cylindrical Magnetic Couette Flow in a Radially Magnetized Thin Porous Annulus, Journal of Porous Media, 16, 12, 1133-1146
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 張金龍, 陳勇全, 陳立文, Smoke Propagation in Inclined Semi-Circular Long Tunnel, 2nd International Conference on Structures and Building Materials , HangZhou, 中華民國
- Journal 梁茲程*, 蔡建雄, A Theoretical Analysis of MHD Couette Flow in a Thin Cylindrical Annulus, Advanced Science Letters
- Symposium 傅龍明, 蔡建雄, 梁茲程*, Performance of an INER HCPV Module in NPUST, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering, Bangkok, 中華民國
- Symposium 傅龍明, 蔡建雄, 梁茲程*, On-site Measurement of a HCPV Module in NPUST, 2011 The International Conference on Green Technologies...2011 The International Conference on Green Technologies, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 曾全佑, 電動車輛太陽能散熱系統控制模組設計與製作, 2011兩岸綠色暨防災科技學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, , , , , 電動車輛太陽能散熱系統控制模組設計與製作, 2011兩岸綠色暨防災科技學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 曾全佑, 梁茲程*, Feasibility of Solar Powered Cooling Device for Electric Car, 2011 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering, Bangkok, 中華民國
- Symposium 曾全佑, 梁茲程*, Car Cabin Control Panel, 2011兩岸綠色暨防災科技學術研討會, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 蔡建雄, 梁茲程*, A Theoretical Analysis of MHD Couette Flow in Thin Cylindrical Annulus, ICMMP2011, Guangzhou, 中華民國
- Symposium 蔡建雄, 梁茲程*, 奈米碳球比熱測量研究, 2011兩岸綠色暨防災科技學術研討會, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 蔡建雄, 梁茲程*, 奈米碳球比熱測量研究, 2011兩岸綠色暨防災科技學術研討會, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Journal 梁茲程, 曹龍泉*, Effects of Nano-TiO2 Addition on the Microstructure and Bonding Strengths of Sn3.5Ag0.5Cu Composite Solder BGA Packages with Immersion Sn Surface Finish, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 21, 1443-1449
- Journal 梁茲程*, Smoke Flow Phenomena and Turbulence Characteristics of Tunnel Fires, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 9, 4454-4566
- Journal 梁茲程*, Rapid microfluidc biochips fabrication by femtosecond laser on glass substrate, Key Engineering Materials, 483, 359-363
- Journal 蔡建雄, 王耀男, 戴昌賢, 苗志銘, 梁茲程*, Effects of Heating Vents in a Tunnel-Type Dryer, Advanced Materials Research, 189-193, 1757-1760
- Symposium 王耀男, 曾全佑, 梁茲程*, Investigation of 2004 Ferrari Formula One Race Car Wing Effects, Proceeding of the 2010 International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, 中華民國, 85-88
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 王耀男, 車廂內溫室效應之探討, 2010中華民國第十五屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 張金龍, 戴昌賢, Magnetic Suppression of Plasma Instability in a Rotary Cylindrical Confinement, The 2010 International Conference on Green Technologies, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 曾全佑, Experimental Study of Greenhouse Effect in the Cabin of an Electric Car Model, EVS 25 - The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 曾全佑, Cabin Heat Removal from an Electric Car, EVS 25 - The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 林秋豐, 散熱裝置對車廂溫度與流場之影響, 2010中華民國第十五屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 熱浸鍍鋅線鍍鋅槽流場模擬研究, 中國機械工程學會第二十七屆全國學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國, 556-561
- Symposium 張金龍, 曾全佑, 梁茲程*, Magnetic Suppression of Cylindrical MHD Couette Flow Vortex, Proceeding of the 2010 International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, 中華民國, 81-84
- Journal 戴昌賢, 梁茲程*, Simulation of Ventilated Tunnel Fires using Fine-Bubble Modeling Technique, Journal of Flow Visualization & Image Processing, 17, 2, 155-175
- Symposium 王耀男*, 梁茲程, 張金龍, 戴昌賢, 蔡建雄, 傅龍明, 苗志銘, On-Chip Particle Differentiation Utilizing Forward Scattered Light and Fluorescence Light with Passive Focusing, ASME 2009 2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, Shanghai, China, 中華民國
- Symposium 傅龍明, 梁茲程*, On Cylindrical Magnetic Couette Flow in Radial Magnetic Field, International Chemical Conference Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Kaohsiung, 中華民國, 95-
- Symposium 傅龍明, 戴昌賢, 陳勇全, 梁茲程*, Influence of Uniform Radial Magnetic Field on Smart Magnetic Fluids, Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009 (APCMM 2009), Yokohama, 中華民國, 52-52
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 張金龍, 王耀男, Analysis of Ventilation in Sanitary Sewerpipes, Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, Kaohsiung, 中華民國, 13-20
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 蔡建雄, Short-Loop Ventilation of Hsuehshan Tunnel Fire, Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, Kaohsiung, 中華民國, 35-42
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 蔡建雄, Development of Training Software for Hsuehshan Tunnel Operators, Proceedings of the 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009, Orlando, 中華民國, 69-74
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Magnetic Flow Field Subjected to Non-Uniform External Magnetic Field, the 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Kaohsiung, 中華民國, 88-88
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Flow Visualization in a Partially Porous Annulus, the 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Kaohsiung, 中華民國, 48-48
- Journal Lao WB, 梁茲程, Tsai CH, Lin CH, Fu LM*, Micro flwo cytometer with 3-D focusing for cell/particle detection, Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, 14, 2, 436-440
- Symposium Lin SC, Hong JT, Tsai ML, Shin HC, 梁茲程, 陳立文*, Thermal Management of the LED Headlamp Module for a Motorcycle, 40th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, Seattle, Washington, 中華民國
- Symposium 傅龍明, Kuo JS, 梁茲程*, On Cylindrical Magnetic Couette Flow in Radial Magnetic Field, International Chemical Conference Taipei, 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, Tsai CH, Lee JS, Yeh CP, 傅龍明*, Investigation of Windbreak Fence Effectiveness on Dust Depression, the 7th International Symposium on Heat Transfer (ISHT7), 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, Miao JM, Feng WC, 戴昌賢*, NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE DLC FILM FLOW FIELD ON THE CVD REACTOR, Paper number: MJ1, 6th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Pretoria, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, Lin GF*, Analysis of Magnetic Couette Flow past a Circular Cylinder, The 13th National Conference on Vehicle Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, C-019, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, Chang CW*, Chang ZL, Simulation Analysis Aerodynamics of Automobile Spoiler, The 13th National Conference on Vehicle Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, A-019, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, 蔡建雄*, 傅龍明, Investigation of Windbreak Fence Effectiveness on Dust Depression, the 7th International Symposium on Heat Transfer (ISHT7), Beijing, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, 戴昌賢, *, 圓柱間非均勻磁場分佈之磁庫頁流場分析, 中國機械工程學會第二十五屆全國學術研討會論文集,A06-18, 彰化, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 傅龍明, Li CT, Yang CS, Smoke Flow Pattern for Longitudinally Ventilated Tunnel Fires, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Tainan, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 傅龍明, Smoke Flow Pattern for Longitudinally Ventilated Tunnel Fires, the 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Tainan, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 戴昌賢, 張金龍, , 靜電集塵器均導流板之數值模擬, 2008年北京科技大學-國立屏東科技大學學術研討會, 北京, 中華民國
- Symposium 蔡建雄, 戴昌賢, 梁茲程, 傅龍明*, Fabrication and Testing of High-Discernment Micro-Flow Cytometer with Micro-Weir Structure, Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer International Conference, January 6-9, 2008, Tainan, Taiwan, 中華民國
- Symposium 戴昌賢, , 梁茲程, , *, 類鑽碳薄膜製程流場模擬分析, 2008第六屆全國精密製造研討會論文集, 台南, 中華民國
- Journal 蔡建雄, 林秋豐, Luo WB, 梁茲程, 李建興, 傅龍明*, Rapid analysis of formaldehyde in food utilizing microfluidic mixer chip, Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, 14, 2, 367-371
- Symposium 梁茲程, 張金龍, *, 隧道內會車之流場分析, 第十二屆車輛工程學術研討會,VA03,屏東,11月16日,2007, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, 蔡建雄, 張金龍, 傅龍明, Lin CH, 戴昌賢*, Rapid Formadehyde detection system in Foods, 9th Annual Domestic Conference of Micro-Nano Technology, ShangHai, China, September 20-22, 2007, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, 戴昌賢, *, 汽車室內空調流場分析, 第十二屆車輛工程學術研討會,VA09,屏東,11月16日,2007, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, *, 地鐵站火災煙流之影響與分析, 2007 中華民國航空太空學會第四十九屆航太學術研討會,A3-11,屏東,11月16日,2007, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 燒結場冷卻機流場與熱傳之數值研究, 2007『屏東科技大學』暨『北京科技大學』第二屆學術交流研討會,D010,屏東,12月,2007, 中華民國
- Journal 傅龍明, 梁茲程, 林秋豐, 戴昌賢, 蔡建雄*, High Performance Microfluidic Capillary Electrophoresis Devices, Biomedical Microdevices, 9, 405-412
- Journal 梁茲程, 蔡建雄, 傅龍明*, Design of High-resolution Analysis Technique for Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 46, 10A, 6865-6870
- Journal 梁茲程, 蔡建雄, 張金龍, 林秋豐, 傅龍明*, Rapid Microfluidic Mixers Utilizing Dispersion Effect and Interactively Time-Pulsed Injection, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 46, 8A, 5345-5352
- Journal 戴昌賢*, 梁茲程, 林秋豐, Effects of Golf Ball Dimple Configuration on Aerodynamics, Trajectory, and Acoustics, Journal of Flow Visualization & Image Processing, 12, 183-200
- Symposium Tsai HH, Chang SM, 梁茲程*, Absorption prediction of composite slab exposed to nonlinear radiation, the 23rd National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, A1-002, 台南, 中華民國
- Symposium Tsai HH*, 梁茲程, 蔡建雄, Fuh CC, Analysis of Solar Irradiation on Greenhouse, the 3rd International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), 漢城, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, Chen FL, Sun JYS*, Smoke Propagation in a Semi-circular Tunnel Fire with a Time-Dependent Heat Release Rate, the 23rd National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, A10-005, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, 張金龍, *, 車內空調風口配置分析, 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會,A3-3, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, 蔡建雄, *, , , 高爐鼓風嘴流場之特性分析與研究, 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會,A2-027, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, *, , 隧道內火災煙霧行為之微氣泡模擬, 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會,A1-006, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程, *, , 懸吊式機車零件乾燥機的模擬與分析, 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會,A3-4, 中華民國
- Symposium 張金龍, 梁茲程, 蔡建雄, *, 機車排氣管之數值模擬分析, 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會,A2-005, 中華民國
- Symposium 張金龍, 梁茲程, *, Nd:YAG 雷射於常用金屬材料鑽孔之數值模擬分析, 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會,A8-052, 中華民國
- Symposium 張金龍, 梁茲程*, , 雷射錫焊過程熱傳現象之數值模擬分析, 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會,E3-3, 中華民國
- Symposium 蔡建雄, 梁茲程*, , , 雪山隧道通風系統訓練模擬軟體, 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會,A9-003, 中華民國
- Symposium 戴昌賢, Chao CY, 梁茲程, Hong QS*, Effects of golf ball dimple configuration on aerodynamics, trajectory, and acoustics, International Conference: BAIL 2006- Boundary and Interior Layers - Computational & Asymptotic Methods, 中華民國
- Symposium 戴昌賢, 梁茲程, *, 大客車外型及進出風口位置設計之數值模擬, 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會,A3-2, 中華民國
- Symposium 戴昌賢, 梁茲程*, , 大賣場火災模擬與逃生路線分析, 第十三屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,CFD13-2222, 中華民國
- Symposium , 梁茲程*, 張金龍, 含氣泡液體的有效黏度分析, 2006年北京科技大學-國立屏東科技大學學術研討會,M-E028, 中華民國
- Symposium , 戴昌賢*, 梁茲程, 高爾夫球表面形狀對氣動力、軌跡及噪音影響之分析, 2006年北京科技大學-國立屏東科技大學學術研討會,M-E016, 中華民國
- Symposium , , 梁茲程*, 不同隧道形狀火災時之煙層回流及煙層擴散率, 2006年北京科技大學-國立屏東科技大 學學術研討會,M-E022, 中華民國
- Journal Yang CS, 梁茲程*, 張金龍, Analysis of Bubbly Flow Effective Viscosity, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 28, 50-53
- Journal 梁茲程, Lai FC*, Natural Convection in a Concentric Annulus with a Porous Sleeve, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, 17-18, 3016-3027
- Journal 戴昌賢*, 梁茲程, , 大客車進風口位置之數值仿真, 北京科技大學學報, 28, 62-65
- Journal , 張金龍, 梁茲程, 蔡建雄*, 機車排氣管之數值仿真, 北京科技大學學報, 28, 66-69
- Symposium Shen MC, LIN SC*, Chen WL, 梁茲程, The Study of Improving the Performance and the Noise of a Hair Dryer, 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, paper no. 088, 中華民國
- Symposium Chen FL, 梁茲程*, Smoke Propagation and Control in Hsuehshan Tunnel, 2005 International Symposium on Design, Construction and Operation of Long Tunnels: To Celebrate the Breakthrough of the 12.9Km Hsuehshan Tunnel, Hsuehshan Tunnel (Special Edition), 417-427, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Wu TY, Hong TY, Effect of modified Euler number on flow through a small opening, The 12th CFD Conference, Kaohsiung, Aug. 19-21, paper CFD12-2606, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Chen FL, Hong TY, Study of backlayering effect and smoke propagation rate in a tunnel with semi-circular cross section, The 12th CFD Conference, Kaohsiung, Aug. 19-21, paper CFD12-0912, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 蔡建雄, 戴昌賢, Couette Flow in a Partially Porous Curved Channel which is Slightly Eccentric, 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, paper no. 117, prague, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, 高爾夫球表面形狀對氣動力、軌跡及噪音影響之分析, 第十二屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, 中華民國
- Symposium 蔡建雄*, 梁茲程, 張金龍, 戴昌賢, The asymmetric behavior of flame propagation inside tubes, 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, paper no. 082, 中華民國
- Symposium , *, 梁茲程, 溫室自然通風與機械通風之模擬, 九十四年農機與生機論文發表會, 中華民國
- Symposium *, 蔡建雄, 梁茲程, , 以CFD模擬溫室覆蓋不同防蟲網之影響, 中國機械工程學會第二十二屆全國學術研討會, 中壢, 中華民國
- Journal 梁茲程, Brown NM, Lai FC*, Mixed Convection from an Open Cavity in a Horizontal Channel, International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 32, 5, 583-592
- Journal Smoke Flow Pheonomena and Turbulence Characteristics of Tunnel Fires, Fire Safety Journal
- Symposium 梁茲程, Lai FC*, Natural Convection in Rectangular Layered Porous Cavities, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, NV, 中華民國
- Journal 梁茲程, Lai FC*, Natural Convection in Rectangular Layered Porous Cavities, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, American Inst of Aerospace & Aeronautics, 18, 4, 457-463
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Natural Convection in Concentric Annulus with a Porous Sleeve, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, HTD, Washington, D.C., 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Mixed Convection in Rotating Concentric Cylinders with a Porous Sleeve, Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Heat Transfer Conference, las vegas, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Flow and Heat Transfer in Concentric and Eccentric Rotating Cylinders with a Porous Sleeve, 8th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, AIAA Paper 2002-3010. , 中華民國
- Book 梁茲程*, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Rotating Cylinders with a Porous Sleeve, University of Oklahoma, 0
- Journal 梁茲程, Lai FC*, Effective Permeability of a Layered Porous Cavity, Journal of Heat Transfer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 123, 3, 512-519
- Book 梁茲程*, Natural Convection in Layered Porous Cavities, University of Oklahoma, 0
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Effective Permeability of a Porous Layered System, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, HTD, 中華民國
- Symposium 梁茲程*, Mixed Convection from a Bottom Heated Open Cavity in a Horizontal Channel, 32nd Thermophysics Conference, AIAA Paper 97-2515, 中華民國