期刊: 23 筆
獲獎: 13 筆 |
研討會: 12 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 1 筆
計畫案: 20 筆 |
- 研討會 李文宗, 王星萌*, 賴炳源, 基於雷射掃描技術的植物表型三維點雲重建, 2024農機與生機學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國, 344-346
- 研討會 李文宗*, 陳泓廷, 余啟康, 利用YOLO 與光達融合技術提升自動駕駛應用, 2024農機與生機學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國, 398-400
- 研討會 李文宗*, 王振宇, 王星萌, 應用影像深度學習於鴨蛋蛋殼裂紋檢測, 2024農機與生機學術研討會, 台中市, 中華民國, 290-292
- 研討會 李文宗*, 何旻浚, 影像辨識與機械手臂控制整合之系統開發, 2024農機與生機學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國, 392-394
- 期刊 李文宗*, 鍾承澍, 林莉萱, 陳建興, Kevin Russell, On the application of spatial four-bar motion and axode generation for the design of a prosthetic canine knee joint, 無, Sage, 238, 10, 4418-4426
- 獲獎 2023教育部積體電路(IC)設計暨智慧晶片系統應用創新專題實作競賽, 教育部, 中華民國
- 獲獎 112年度學生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 111學年度(D類)推動高教深耕全英語授課課程績優教師, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 網路輔助教學優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 2022 DLT 數位生活科技研討會最佳論文獎, 國立高雄科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽, 數位發展部數位產業署, 中華民國
- 研討會 李文宗*, Tibial Motion Accuracy Using Circular Versus Noncircular Gears in Transfemoral Prosthetic Knees, XIII. International Conference,on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Liberec, 捷克共和國, 44-51
- 研討會 李文宗*, 鴨蛋蛋殼裂紋機械視覺辨識技術開發, 2021生機與農機學術研討會, Neipu, Pingtung, 中華民國, 67-70
- 研討會 李文宗*, 犬隻關節輔助裝置設計, 2021生機與農機學術研討會, Neipu, Pingtung, 中華民國, 219-222
- 研討會 李文宗*, 多光譜影像預測硫酸鋅脅迫對擬南芥生長的影響, 2021生機與農機學術研討會, Neipu, Pingtung, 中華民國, 345-348
- 期刊 李文宗*, Yahia M. Al-Smadi, Kevin Russell, A dual cam system for four-bar motion generation with adjustable length crank and follower links, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, JSME, 15, 6, 67-67
- 期刊 李文宗*, A Study of Tibial Motion Accuracy using Circular and Noncircular Gears in a Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Part 2: Motion and Axode Generation and Curve Fitting, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 42, 6, 619-630
- 期刊 李文宗*, A Study of Tibial Motion Accuracy using Circular and Noncircular Gears in a Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Part 1: Tibial Motion Acquisition, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 42, 6, 613-618
- 專書 李文宗*, Advances in Mechanism Design III: Proceedings of TMM 2020, Springer, ISBN: ISSN 2211-0984
- 研討會 李文宗*, 基於深度學習技術開發智能視覺系統以用 於雜草辨識, 2020 農機與生機學術研討會, 嘉義, 中華民國, 439-444
- 獲獎 109年度教師研發成果競賽 優良作品獎, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 期刊 李文宗*, 羅素, 索德里, On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design for Natural Human Knee Motion, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, Bentham Science, 13, 1, 49-59
- 期刊 李文宗*, 沈, 羅素, A general spatial multi-loop linkage optimization model for motion generation with static loading, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 28, 1, 69-86
- 期刊 李文宗*, An Evaluation of Spatial and Spherical Motion Generation for Application in Knee Motion Analysis and Simulation, 中國機械工程學刊, 41, 2, 221-228
- 獲獎 世德盃2019全國扣件發想與實作競賽,最佳應用獎, 世德工業股份有限公司,高雄科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 世德盃創新扣件發想與實作競賽決賽銀質獎, 世德工業股份公司,國立高雄科技大學, 中華民國
- 獲獎 世德盃創新扣件發想與實作競賽決賽品質獎, 國立高雄科技大學,世德工業(股)公司, 中華民國
- 期刊 羅素, The Evaluation of a Large-scale Optimization Model for Defect-free RSSR-SS Motion Generation, 中國機械工程學刊, 中國機械工程學會, 40, 3, 239-247
- 期刊 李文宗*, 卡斯米, 羅素, Revolute-Cylindrical-Cylindrical-Cylindrical linkage optimum dimensional synthesis with static structural loading, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage Publications, 233, 1, 256-268
- 期刊 李文宗*, 羅素, Developments in quantitative dimensional synthesis (1970-present): four-bar motion generation, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Taylor & Francis group, 26, 1, 133-148
- 期刊 李文宗*, 羅素, Developments in quantitative dimensional synthesis (1970–present): four-bar path and function generation, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Taylor & Francis Group, 26, 9, 1280-1304
- 期刊 李文宗*, 卡斯米, 羅素, On the evaluation of a general model for optimum revolute cylindrical cylindrical cylindrical path generation, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Canadian Science Publishing, 42, 2, 156-163
- 研討會 李文宗*, Crack Detection for Metal Injection Molded Parts, 4th international conference on powder Metallurgy in Asia, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 中華民國
- 獲獎 106學年度學生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展 特優, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 期刊 德拉西歐*, 羅素, 李文宗, 索德里, On the application of RRSS motion generation and RRSS Axode generation for the design of a concept prosthetic knee, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis Group, 45, 3, 406-414
- 期刊 李文宗*, 卡斯米, 羅素, On RCCC Linkage Motion Generation With Defect Elimination for an Indefinite Number of Precision Positions, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics,Transactions of the ASME, 9, 6, 64501-64505
- 研討會 李文宗*, 應用條紋光於3D表面量測, 2016 農機與生機學術研討會, 嘉義, 中華民國
- 獲獎 104學年度學生實務專題製作競賽 工程科技類組佳作, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 研討會 李文宗*, 以FPGA系統整合之視覺導引機械手臂, 生機與農機論文發表會, 屏東, 中華民國, 886-888
- 獲獎 103學年度學生實務專題製作競賽 工程科技類組第三名, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- 期刊 羅素*, 萊恩哈特, 李文宗, An Evaluation of Primer Preseating in Small Caliber Cartridge Production, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis Group, 43, 1, 112-123
- 期刊 沈瓊, 李文宗, 羅素*, On Adjustable Planar Four-Bar Motion Generation With Order, Branch and Circuit Defect Rectification, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, ASME, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 7, 3, 1108-1112
- 期刊 無, 李文宗, 羅素*, A small-scale optimization model for RSSR-SS motion generation with branch and order defect elimination in Matlab, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 8, 3, 41-
- 期刊 李文宗*, The Development of binocular Disparity Technique for Printed Circuit Board Defect Inspection, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research, TJPRC , 4, 5, 57-64
- 期刊 Qiong. Shen, Kevin Russell*, 李文宗, On Mechanical Finger Design for Expanded Prescribed Grasping Poses, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing, 2, 5, 903-914
- 期刊 Kevin Russell*, 李文宗, Raj S. Sodhi, On the application of CAD technology for the synthesis of spatial revolute-revolute dyads, Computer-Aided Design, 39, 1075-1080
- 期刊 李文宗*, _, An Algorithm for Planar Four-Bar Motion Generation with Optimization, Transactions of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers, 31, 3, 357-372
- 期刊 李文宗*, Kevin Russell, On Two-Phase Spherical Motion Generation, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 28, 6, 617-622
- 期刊 黃世欣, The Development of Binocular Disparity Technique for Printed Circuit Board Defect Inspection, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research, Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., 4, 5, 57-64