期刊: 33 筆
獲獎: 0 筆 |
研討會: 19 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 1 筆
計畫案: 7 筆 |
- 研討會 Chi-Fu Yeh, Yi Sung Liu, 林志忠, 蔡仁雄*, Jheng-Jie Jiang, Chemical Characterization of Particulate Matter from Mid-Autumn Festival Activities in the Vicinity of Steelmaking Industrial Area, 2023 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, 高雄, 中華民國
- 期刊 郭力安, 蔡文田*, 楊茹媛, 蔡仁雄, Production of High-Porosity Biochar from Rice Husk by the Microwave Pyrolysis Process, Processes, 11, 11, 3119-
- 期刊 蔡文田*, 郭力安, 蔡其宏, 黃湘嵐, 楊茹媛, 蔡仁雄, Production of Porous Biochar from Cow Dung Using Microwave Process, Materials, 16, 0, 7667-7667
- 期刊 林志忠, 蔡仁雄, 謝易瑾, 陳瑞仁*, Beehive Fireworks Festival Effect on the Nearby Atmospheric PM2.5 Level, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 23, 4
- 研討會 蔡仁雄*, 陳月柔, 呂博揚, 陳瑞仁, 黃國林, 林志忠, Emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Emitted from a Portable Two-stroke Gasoline Engine, the 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 (AAC2022), 台北市, 中華民國
- 專書 李柏旻, 陳建興, 李明熹, 趙志燁*, 蔡仁雄, 洪廷甫, 葉文正, 楊榮華, 林章生, 工程倫理, 華格那企業有限公司
- 研討會 蔡仁雄*, 薛丞宏, 陳月柔, 許正佑, 陳瑞仁, 可攜式二行程汽油引擎排放傳統氣狀污染物特性, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技暨2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 171-
- 研討會 蔡仁雄*, 呂博揚, 許智明, 賴靜萱, 陳瑞仁, 發電機引擎使用廢食用油生質柴油對排氣傳統氣狀污染物之影響, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技暨2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 172-
- 研討會 林志忠*, 蔡仁雄, 謝易瑾, 陳瑞仁, 短期間高PM2.5 濃度下大氣微粒上水溶性離子濃度分佈特性, 第二十八屆國際氣膠科技暨2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 168-
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 林聖倫, 許正佑, 黃國林, 林志忠, Chemical characterization of water-soluble ions and metals in particulate matter generated by a portable two-stroke gasoline engine, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 21, 3
- 研討會 賴靜萱, 蔡仁雄*, 林志忠, 李嘉塗, 陳瑞仁, 發電機引擎使用廢食用油生質柴油排氣FPM2.5與CPM上碳成分, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林斗六, 中華民國
- 研討會 許正佑, 薛丞宏, 蔡仁雄*, 林旻儒, 陳禹綸, 陳瑞仁, 手持式二行程汽油引擎排氣粒狀物上水溶性離子及金屬, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林斗六, 中華民國
- 研討會 許智明, 蔡仁雄*, 林志忠, 李嘉塗, 陳瑞仁, 發電機引擎使用廢食用油生質柴油排氣FPM2.5與CPM上水溶性離子及金屬特性, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林斗六, 中華民國
- 研討會 林志忠*, 蔡仁雄, 謝易瑾, 陳瑞仁, 短期間高PM2.5濃度下大氣微粒上金屬濃度分佈特性, 第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2020年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與空氣品質改善研討會, 雲林斗六, 中華民國
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳月柔, 陳瑞仁*, 林聖倫, 黃國林, 林志忠, 邱瑞宇, Characteristics of emissions from a portable two-stroke gasoline engine, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 20, 3, 630-642
- 研討會 陳信宏, 林志忠, 蔡仁雄, 黃國林, 林文印, 謝易瑾, 陳瑞仁*, Atmospheric PM2.5-bound water-soluble ions during the 2017 Yan-Shuei Lantern Festival, 11th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2019, Kowloon, 香港
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 林文印, 黃國林, 蘇為聖, 林志忠, PM2.5-bound PAHs Emitted from a Diesel-generator Fuelled with Waste Cooking Oil-based Biodiesels, 2019 European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2019), Gothenburg, 瑞典王國
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 吳佳瑾, 黃國林, 林文印, 林志忠, 李嘉塗, PM2.5-bound carbons emitted from a diesel-generator fueled with WCO-biodiesels, 11th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2019, Kowloon, 香港
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 林文印, 林志忠, Characteristics of Dioxins/Furans on Filterable PM2.5 Emitted from a Diesel-generator Fuelled with Waste Cooking Oil-based Biodiesels, 2019 European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2019), Gothenburg, 瑞典王國
- 研討會 蔡仁雄*, 陳月柔, 許正佑, 楊子謙, 呂世偉, 陳瑞仁, 手持式二行程汽油引擎排氣微粒上碳成分特徵, 第二十六屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2019年細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與空氣品質研討會, 桃園, 中華民國
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 林聖倫, 黃國林, 薛丞凱, 林志忠, 李柏旻, Emissions of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals from a diesel generator fueled with biodiesel converted from used cooking oil, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19, No.7, pp. 1555–1, 7, 1555-1565
- 期刊 黃國林*, Liu Chou-Ching, Lee Chia-Wei, Ma Chen-Yao, Lin Ting-Chun, 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁, Release reductions of gaseous ammonia and nitrogen oxides from electrochemical treatment of swine wastewater, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19, 11, 2940-2501
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 郭巧真, 林子晞, 李嘉塗, 陳瑞仁*, 發電機引擎使用添加丙酮/丁醇之廢食用油生質柴油排氣PM上金屬特性, 第二十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2018細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會, 台南, 中華民國
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 蔡政紘, 謝季吟, 黃子庭, 陳瑞仁*, 發電機引擎使用廢食用油生質柴油排氣PM2.5上持久性有機污染物特性, 第二十五屆國際氣膠科技研討會−2018細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制與能見度改善研討會, 台南, 中華民國
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 李嘉塗, 郭巧真, 黃國林, 林聖倫, 陳瑞仁*, Characteristics of Particulate Matter and Particle-bound Metal Emissions from a Diesel Engine Generator Fueled with Waste Cooking Oil-based Biodiesel Blended with Butanol and Acetone, 10th International Aerosol Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 美國
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 吳佳瑾, 黃國林, 李嘉塗, 林文印, 林志忠, PM2.5 and Its Carbon Components Emitted from a Diesel Engine Generator Fueled with Waste Cooking Oil-based Biodiesel Blends, 10th International Aerosol Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 美國
- 研討會 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 謝季吟, 蔡政紘, 林文印, 黃國林, 林志忠, PM2.5-bound Metal Emission from a Diesel Engine Generator Fueled with Biodiesel Converted from Used Cooking Oil, 10th International Aerosol Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 美國
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 林聖倫, 陳瑞仁*, 郭巧真, 黃國林, 李嘉塗, 葉桂君, 邱瑞宇, 林志忠, Emission characteristics of particulate matter and particle-bound metals from a diesel engine generator fueled with waste cooking oil-based biodiesel blended with n-butanol and acetone, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18, 5, 1246-1254
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 李柏旻, 張簡國平, 黃國林, 蔡政紘, 謝季吟, 林志忠, Characteristics of PM2.5-bound PCDD/Fs, PCBs, PBDD/Fs and PBDEs from a diesel generator using waste cooking oil-based biodiesel blends, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18, 10, 2583-2590
- 期刊 黃國林*, 蔡宗軒, 陳瑞仁, 趙浩然, 郭益銘, 蔡仁雄, Gas- and water-phase PAHs emitted from a single hydrogen-oxygen PEM fuel cell, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18, 2, 433-443
- 期刊 林聖倫, 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 林志忠, 黃河蒼, 謝易謹, 邱春惠, Emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and particle-bound metals from a diesel engine generator fueled with waste cooking oil-based biodiesel blends, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17, 6, 1579-1589
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 林聖倫, 陳瑞仁*, 張簡國平, 鄭博丞, 黃國林, 林志忠, 邱瑞宇, Persistent organic pollutant reductions from a diesel engine generator fueled with waste cooking oil-based biodiesel blended with butanol and acetone, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17, 8, 2041-2050
- 期刊 陳瑞仁, 蔡仁雄*, 張簡國平, 黃國林, 王琳麒, 林文印, 林志忠, 葉桂君, Emission factors and congener-specific characterization of PCDD/Fs, PCBs, PBDD/Fs and PBDEs from an off-road diesel engine using waste cooking oil-based biodiesel blends, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 339, 0, 274-280
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 張簡國平, 林文印, 馮健維, Syu Jin-Yuan, 黃河蒼, Characteristics of persistent organic pollutant emissions from a diesel-engine generator fueled using blends of waste cooking oil-based biodiesel and fossil diesel, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 8, 2048-2058
- 期刊 林志忠, 蔡仁雄, 黃國林, 葉桂君, 陳秀玲, 陳瑞仁*, 李嘉塗, 謝易謹, Characteristics of respirable particulate metals emitted by a beehive firework display in YanShuei area of southern Taiwan, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 9, 2227-2236
- 期刊 黃國林*, 吳明昇, 蔡仁雄, Lin Ding-Yan, 陳瑞仁, 李文智, Effect of operating conditions on PAHs emission from a single H2-O2 PEM fuel cell, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 9, 2186-2197
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 林文印, 李文智, 謝連德, 林志忠, 蔡謹承, Size distributions of PM, carbons and PAHs emitted from a generator using blended fuels containing water, Science of the Total Environment, 536, 0, 252-260
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 林文印, 林志忠, 丁俊元, 楊証憲, 邱瑞宇, 邱春惠, Characteristics of Exhaust Emissions of a diesel generator fueled with water-containing butanol and waste-edible-oil-biodiesel blends, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 2, 2129-2139
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 莊秀琪, 林文印, 林志忠, 吳采芸, 楊証憲, 邱瑞宇, Biological Toxicities of Exhausts from a Diesel-Generator Fueled with Water-Containing Acetone/Butanol and Waste-Edible-Oil-Biodiesel Blends, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 7, 2668-2775
- 期刊 黃國林*, 蔡宗軒, 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁, 李文智, Emission of PAHs from a single hydrogen-oxygen PEM fuel cell: In relation to fuel cell carbon materials, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 7, 2654-2667
- 期刊 方國權*, Chang Chia-Ying, 蔡仁雄, 林志忠, The Size Distributions of Ambient Air Metallic Pollutants by Using a Multi-Stage MOUDI Sampler, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 14, 3, 970-980
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 林文印, 李文智, 林志忠, 謝連德, 邱瑞宇, 郭文健, Emissions from a generator fueled by blends of diesel, biodiesel, acetone, and isopropyl alcohol: Analyses of emitted PM, particulate carbon, and PAHs, Science of the Total Environment, 466-467, 0, 195-202
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 林文印, 李文智, 趙浩然, 林志忠, 謝連德, Emission reduction of NOx, PM, PM-carbon, and PAHs from a generator fuelled by biodieselhols, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 274, 0, 349-359
- 期刊 林志忠, 黃國林, 陳秀玲, 蔡仁雄, 邱玉萍, 李嘉塗, 陳瑞仁*, Influences of beehive firework displays on ambient fine particles during the Lantern Festival in the YanShuei area of southern Taiwan, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 14, 7, 1998-2009
- 期刊 陳瑞仁, 林達昌, 蔡仁雄, 謝連德*, Cho Jyuong-Yong, Characteristics of indoor aerosols in college laboratories, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13, 2, 649-661
- 期刊 方國權*, 蔡仁雄, Lin Yan-Heng, Chang Chia-Ying, Dry Deposition of Atmospheric Particle-Bound Mercury in the Middle Taiwan, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 6, 1298-1308
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 黃國林, 林能暉, 陳瑞仁*, 林達昌, 陳士傑, 林志忠, 許世傑, 林文印, Influence of Asian dust storm and southeast Asian biomass burning on the characteristics of seashore atmospheric aerosols sampled in southern Taiwan, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 6, 1105-1115
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 林達昌, 莊秀琪, 邱春惠, 邱瑞宇, 林志忠, 蔡博雅, PM, carbon, PAH, and particle-extract-induced cytotoxicity of emissions from a diesel-generator fueled with waste-edible-oil-biodiesel, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 5, 843-855
- 期刊 林志忠, 黃國林, 蔡仁雄, 李文智, 陳瑞仁*, Lin Shao-Kai, Characteristics of water-soluble ions and carbon in fine and coarse particles collected near an open burning site, Atmospheric Environment, 51, 7, 39-45
- 期刊 莊訓城, 黃國林, 陳瑞仁*, 王琳麒, 張簡國平, 蔡仁雄, PCDD/F emissions from gasoline and diesel fueled vehicles, Sustainable Environment Research, 21, 1, 29-36
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 黃國林, 邱春惠, 林志忠, 郭文健, 林文印, 莊秀琪, 楊淙惠, 陳瑞仁*, Particle-bound PAHs and particle-extract-induced cytotoxicity of emission from a diesel-generator fuelled with soy-biodiesel, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 11, 7, 822-836
- 期刊 蔡仁雄, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 李文智, 郭文健, 林文印, Characteristics of particulate emissions from a diesel generator fueled with varying blends of biodiesel and fossil diesel, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A., 46, 0, 204-213
- 期刊 王茂松, 陳瑞仁*, 黃國林, 賴怡潔, 張簡國平, 蔡仁雄, Characterization of persistent organic pollutants emitted from a municipal solid waste incinerator in Taiwan, November 2010., 27, 11, 955-965