期刊: 9 筆
獲獎: 4 筆 |
研討會: 15 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 1 筆
計畫案: 17 筆 |
- 期刊 張嘉熒*, Application of deep learning for fruit defect recognition in Psidium guajava L, Scientific Reports, 15, 6145, 1-10
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Measuring Fruit Size via Deep Learning Using a Single Camera, 2024 14th International Conference on Environmental and Agricultural Engineering (ICEAE 2024), 曼谷, 泰王國(泰國)
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, 番石榴外觀缺陷之使用深度學習進行辨識, 台灣園藝學會, 嘉義, 中華民國
- 獲獎 網路輔助教學之優等課程-農業自動化(6087)進四科農學士學程三A, NPUST, 中華民國
- 獲獎 網路輔助教學之優等課程-機器學習專題(5534)_碩專資管一, NPUST, 中華民國
- 期刊 張伸彰, 吳欣儒, 官澔遠, 彭劭于, 張嘉熒*, Using Deep Learning to Accurately Detect Sow Vulva Size in a Group Pen with a Single Camera, Journal of Animal Science, 0, 0
- 期刊 周映孜, 施昀妘, 張嘉熒*, Measuring Fruit Size via Deep Learning Using a Single Camera, Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, 11, 2, 28-32
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Enhanced Database Training for Small Object Detection, The 2023 International Conference on. Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, 美國
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, 應用影像辨識系統監測母豬懷孕期間外陰部之變化, 中畜會誌, 台中, 中華民國
- 獲獎 2023NPUST Coding校園程式設計競賽佳作感謝狀, NPUST, 中華民國
- 獲獎 網路輔助教學之優等課程-網頁程式設計(6037)科農學士學程一B, NPUST, 中華民國
- 專書 張嘉熒*, 農業物聯網感測器及應用, 國立屏東科技大學農業推廣委員會, ISBN: 978-626-97043-8-5
- 期刊 張嘉熒*, 官青杉, 曾馨儀, 李佩璇, 蔡尚翰, 陳顯禎, Using deep learning to identify maturity and 3D distance in pineapple fields, 科學報告, Springer Nature, 8749, 12
- 期刊 張嘉熒*, Dual-LC PSHG microscopy for imaging collagen type I and type II gels with pixel-resolution analysis, 生物醫學光學快報, 12, 5, 3050-3065
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Rapid laser pest control system with 3D small object detection, SPIE OPTO, 2020, San Francisco, 美國
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Portable Laser Pest Control System with Deep Learning, OPTIC, Taipei, 中華民國
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Instantaneous Center of Rotation Online Estimation for Tracked Vehicle with Visual-Inertial Odometry, OPTIC, Taipei, 中華民國
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Design image module of laser rangefinder with dual branch fiber light guide, Automation , Hualien, 中華民國
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, 3D Precise Positioning for Orchard Pests under Strong Sunlight via Intelligent Depth Imaging, OPTIC, Taipei, 中華民國
- 期刊 張嘉熒*, 技術解密- 同步定位與地圖構建於無 人車軌跡跟蹤控制, 技術通報, 財團法人精密機械研究發展中心, 0, 275, 21-29
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Smart laser weeding system, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, 美國
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Precise laser pest control for agricultural applications, OPTIC, Taichung, 中華民國
- 期刊 張嘉熒*, 精準雷射蟲害控制, 科儀新知, 台灣儀器科技研究中心, 0, 220, 96-107
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Modified Histogram Equalization Based on the Partitioned Dynamic Range, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Taipei, 中華民國
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, A fast inter residual quad-tree construction method in HEVC, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Taipei, 中華民國
- 期刊 張嘉熒*, Early Termination for Residual Quadtree Decision-Making in HEVC, International Journal of Computers and Applications, 36, 1, 23-33
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, An Adaptive Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Zone System, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, Taipei, 中華民國
- 期刊 張嘉熒*, Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Zone System and Dual-Exposure Techniques, International Journal of Computers and Applications, 35, 4, 162-172
- 研討會 張嘉熒*, Speeding Up the Decisions of Quad-Tree Structures and Coding Modes for HEVC Coding Units, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications, Hualien, 中華民國, 393-431