期刊: 12 筆
獲獎: 0 筆 |
研討會: 0 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 2 筆
計畫案: 0 筆 |
- 期刊 葉文吉*, 陳金源, 台灣海水剛毛藻, 屏東教育大學學報, 理工類, 28, 117-138
- 期刊 葉文吉*, Schimmelmannia formosana sp. nov. (Acrosymphytaceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan, Phycologia, 47, 337-345
- 期刊 葉文吉*, The Intertidal Flora and Seasonal Variation of Remote Green Island, South East of Taiwan., 國立台南師範學院「南師學報」第38卷第一期數理與科學類,27-40頁。
- 期刊 葉文吉*, Nuclear rDNA and internal transcribed spacer sequences clarify Caulerpa racemosa vars. From other Caulerpa species., Aquatic Botany , 80, 193-207
- 期刊 葉文吉*, Identification of a blue-green alga Arthrospira maxima using internal transcribed spacer gene sequence, Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 42(1), 25-37
- 期刊 葉文吉*, Comparison of the Metal Concentrations in Muscle and Liver Tissues of Fishes from the Erren River, Southwestern Taiwan, After the Restoration in 2000., Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol.12,No.4, 358-366
- 期刊 葉文吉*, A comparative investigation of ultrastructure and internal transcribed spacer gene sequence of a green alga Chlorella sp. TKF1, Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 42(1), 39-54
- 專書 葉文吉*, 陳金源, 南臺灣常見海藻, 睿煜出版社, 5, ISBN: 957874731-4
- 期刊 Genetic similarity of geographic Caulerpa (Chlorophyta) populations in Taiwan island revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA, J. Fish. Sco. Taiwan. 27(2): 115-127.
- 期刊 葉文吉*, Seasonal variations in agar quality from Gracilaria coronopifolia J. Ag. on the southern seashore of Taiwan, Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 8(3): 193-202.
- 期刊 「臺灣紅藻粉枝藻族群的逢機多型性遺傳形質分析」, 國立屏東科技大學學報,第八卷第四期,第301-309頁。
- 期刊 「屏東縣西海岸潮間帶植物多樣性調查之研究」, 國立臺南師範學院學報,第三十二期,第395-412頁。
- 期刊 葉文吉*, A preliminary study on genetic variability in geographic varicorhinus barbatulus Pellegrin populations revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of mitochondrial DNA samples., Bulletin of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 6(3): 175-181.