期刊: 5 筆
獲獎: 4 筆 |
研討會: 2 筆
技術報告: 0 筆 |
專書: 0 筆
計畫案: 2 筆 |
- 研討會 黃屏瓚*, C. H. Lin, F. Z. Zhang, C. C. Sun, J. C. Chen, Enhancement of the DC Microgrid System Equipment to Improve Fault Protection using the Iterated Function Method(年輕學者獎), 13th IEEE International Conference on Science, Education, and Viable Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, 馬來西亞
- 獲獎 2024第十五屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽-銅牌獎, CIIS, 中華民國
- 獲獎 2024第十五屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽-銀牌獎, CIIS, 中華民國
- 期刊 C. H. Lin, H. Y. Lai, 黃屏瓚*, P. Y. Chen, N. S. Pai, F. Z. Zhang, Combining Riemann-Lebesgue based Key Generator and Machine Learning based Intelligent Encryption Scheme for IoMT Images Infosecurity, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11, 1
- 獲獎 第三名, 台灣創新科技學會, 中華民國
- 獲獎 佳作, 台灣創新科技學會, 中華民國
- 期刊 黃屏瓚*, Vowel Classification with Combining Pitch Detection and One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network based Classifier for Gender Identification, IET Signal Processing, 17, 5
- 期刊 黃屏瓚*, Passive Static Output Feedback Stabilization of Disturbed Nonlinear Stochastic System, Mathematics, 11, 21
- 期刊 黃屏瓚*, Multilayer Convolutional Processing Network Based Cryptography Mechanism for Digital Images Infosecurity, Processes, 11, 5
- 研討會 黃屏瓚*, Development of the Ring Photocell Sensors and Machine Learning Algorithms for Early Blood Leakage Detection during dialysis, Intelligent Living Technology, Taichung, 中華民國
- 期刊 黃屏瓚*, Flexible Ring Sensor Array and Machine Learning Model for the Early Blood Leakage Detection during Dialysis, Processes, 10, 11