Journal: 20 Items
Prize: 6 Items |
Symposium: 26 Items
Technology Report: 0 Items |
Book: 1 Items
Project: 13 Items |
- Journal 陳天健*, 陳昆廷, , CHUNG MING-HSIU, , Assessment model of channelized debris flow potential based on hillslope debris flow characteristics in Taiwan’s sedimentary watersheds, Water, 17, 0, 492-
- Symposium XIE,ZHE-HUI, CHIU, HSUAN-CHI, CHAO,EN-TING, 陳昆廷*, Study on seepage stability analysis for the Fuxing landslide dam in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會, 金門縣, 中華民國, 1-6
- Symposium Kuan, Yu-Cheng, Su-chi-yun, CHIU, HSUAN-CHI, XIE,ZHE-HUI, 陳昆廷*, The establishment of assessment model for failure types of landslide dams, 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會, 金門縣, 中華民國, 1-5
- Symposium Chuang, Chun-Wan, Chung ku bi ya, 邱登保, 陳昆廷*, Study on the combination of farm pond revitalization with tribal culture – A case study of the Taiban Village in Taitung, Taiwan, 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會, 金門, 中華民國, 1-3
- Symposium Chang, Yu-Chen, Cai, Wen-Xin, HuangShangchuan, Chung ku bi ya, 陳昆廷*, Assessment of vertical ecological corridor for the Taiban Creek in Taitung, Taiwan, 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會, 金門, 中華民國, 1-7
- Symposium CHAO,EN-TING, Chung ku bi ya, 陳昆廷*, Study on the cause analysis of debris flow disaster for DF093 in Taitung, Taiwan, 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會, 金門, 中華民國, 1-6
- Symposium 陳昆廷*, CHAO,EN-TING, 陳天健, Quantitative study of the hazard levels of landslide dams in Taiwan, The 11th International Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disasters, Niigata, 日本
- Symposium 陳昆廷*, CHAO,EN-TING, 陳天健, 崩塌形成堰塞壩之危險度評估指標建立研究, 第二十屆大地工程學術研討會, 臺南市, 中華民國, 1-2
- Project Investigation, monitoring and maintenance plan for large-scale landslide of Daren D003, D004 and Taimali D034 in Taitung County, Taiwan (2024),
- Project Inventory and Survey for Soil and Water Resources and Resilient Slopeland in Taitung County, Taiwan (2024),
- Prize 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會最佳論文獎, 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會, 中華民國
- Prize 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會女性傑出發表論文獎, 2024工程永續與土木防災研討會, 中華民國
- Prize 中華防災學會112年度學生論文獎, 中華防災學會, 中華民國
- Journal CHAO,EN-TING, 陳天健, 陳昆廷*, Evaluation study of overtopping failure for Fuxing landslide dam in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Journal of the Taiwan Disaster Prevention Society, 16, 2, 175-182
- Symposium 陳昆廷*, CHAO,EN-TING, HSU, CHUNG-HSIEN, ku-Bi-Ya, Chung, Quantitative Evaluation of Post-Debris Flow River Dredging Projects: A Case Study of Fushan Creek in Taitung County, Taiwan, The XIV Congress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (XIV IAEG Congress 2023), Chengdu, 大陸地區, 63-63
- Symposium 陳昆廷*, CHAO,EN-TING, 陳天健, 堰塞壩溢流破壞壽命評估之研究 – 以復興堰塞湖為例, 2023中華民國力學學會年會暨第47屆全國力學會議, 雲林縣, 中華民國, 1-1
- Project Investigation, monitoring and maintenance plan for large-scale landslide of Daren D003, D004 and Taimali D012, D034 in Taitung County,
- Project Adaptation Strategies Promotion Plan for Taiban Watershed in Taitung County, Taiwan (2023),
- Journal , 李明熹*, 陳昆廷, Establishment of the evaluation method for the security of settlement in mountainous area using geometric parameters of river channel, Journal of Water and Soil Conservation Technology, 17, 1,2, 18-27
- Symposium Yen-Chen Tung, Ming-Jen Hsiao, Chen-Kung Chu, 李明熹, 陳昆廷*, Relationship between the volume of deep-seated landslides and the run-out distance of deep-seated landslides, 第十九屆大地工程學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會, 新北市, 中華民國, 1-5
- Symposium Wei-Lin Wang, Jyun-Yi Li, 陳昆廷*, Impact analysis of different landslide dam volume estimation methods on the dam stability assessment, 111年度農業工程研討會, 桃園市, 中華民國, 717-726
- Symposium 陳昆廷*, Establishing estimation methods for the volume of landslide dam of and the volume of landslide-dammed lake, 2022中華水土保持學術研討會, 台中市, 中華民國, 5-5
- Symposium , , 陳昆廷*, 堰塞湖壩體與水體規模估算之可行性研究, 2022中華民國力學學會年會暨第四十六屆全國力學會議, 高雄市, 中華民國, 1-1
- Symposium , , , 李明熹, , 陳昆廷*, 大規模崩塌塊體在不同河寬條件下之堆積特性探討, 2022岩盤工程暨工程地質研討會, 桃園市, 中華民國, 160-161
- Symposium *, 陳昆廷, , 節理岩盤邊坡滑落試驗與數值模擬之研究, 2022岩盤工程暨工程地質研討會, 桃園市, 中華民國, 57-58
- Project Procedure of Ecological Check and Promotion of Public Participation by Taitung Branch, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, 2022,
- Journal 陳昆廷*, 堰塞湖的一生, 防災教育花路米電子報, 5, 0, 4-5
- Symposium , , , 陳昆廷, 李明熹*, Applying the geometric characteristics of the river channel to evaluate the safety for the river terrace settlements in Gaoping River, 第25屆水利工程研討會, 台南市, 中華民國, 160-161
- Symposium , , , 陳昆廷*, , , Scale assessment of natural dam induced by rockslide, 第25屆水利工程研討會, 台南, 中華民國, 165-165
- Project Study on prediction methods for formation and geometry of landslide dam triggered by large-scale landslides,
- Prize 第25屆水利工程研討會學生論文競賽大學生組第三名, 中國土木水利工程學會, 中華民國
- Journal 李明熹*, , 陳昆廷, , Effectiveness evaluation for education of debris flow disaster prevention using the game-based learning method, Journal of Water and Soil Conservation Technology, 15, 3, 8-19
- Journal 陳昆廷, 陳天健, *, , , An experimental determination of the relationship between the minimum height of landslide dams and the run-out distance of landslides, Landslides, 18, 0, 2111-2124
- Journal , 陳昆廷, *, , , Influence of internal structure on breaking process of short-lived landslide dams, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 604635, 1-13
- Journal , 陳昆廷*, Analysis of disaster characteristics of debris flow in Jiuzhaigou Valley after the 8‧8 Jiuzhaigou earthquake, 中華防災學刊, 13, 1, 17-24
- Journal , , 陳昆廷*, , , Engineering Planning Method and Control Codes for Debris Flow Disasters in Scenic Areas, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 712403, 1-22
- Journal , , , , 陳昆廷*, A numerical study of the critical threshold for landslide dam formation considering landslide and river dynamics, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 651887, 1-11
- Symposium 陳昆廷, 陳天健, 李明熹*, Relationship between the dam height and the run-out distance for landslide dam, 2020第18屆大地工程研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 13-13
- Symposium 陳昆廷, 李明熹, 陳天健*, Early identification of debris flow dam formation based on the hillslope debris flow area, 2020第18屆大地工程研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 4-4
- Symposium , 陳昆廷, 李明熹*, Evaluation of sediment change for building check dam using numerical simulation, The 1st International Sustainable Development Conference (ISDC 2020), Pingtung, 中華民國, 27-27
- Symposium , 陳昆廷, , 李明熹*, Analysis effectiveness of education on debris flow disaster prevention through game teaching method, 2020中華水土保持研討會, 台中, 中華民國, 67-67
- Prize 2020第18屆大地工程研討會優秀論文獎優等, 中華民國大地工程學會, 中華民國
- Journal , 陳昆廷, *, , , , , On the causes of “8·4” debris flow disaster at Zechawa Gully, Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 18, 5, 96-103
- Journal , 陳昆廷, *, , , , , Characteristics of a debris flow disaster and its mitigation countermeasures in Zechawa Gully, Jiuzhaigou Valley, China, Water, 12, 1256, 1-25
- Symposium 陳昆廷, , *, , , Case of debris flow disaster at Zechawa Gully, Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area, China in 2016, 2019年海峽兩岸水土保持學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國, 22-22
- Symposium , 陳昆廷, *, , , , , The characteristics of debris flow disaster at Zechawa Gully, Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area, China in 2016, The International Conference on Silk-road Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development, Beijing, 大陸地區, 382-383
- Symposium , 陳昆廷, *, , , , , Study on the causes of “8·4” debris flow disaster at Zechawa Gully, Jiuzhaigou Valley, 第二屆中國水土保持學術大會, 西安, 大陸地區, 418-419
- Journal 陳昆廷, , , *, , Effects of river flow velocity on the formation of landslide dams, Journal of Mountain Science, 16, 11, 2502-2518
- Journal 陳昆廷, , *, , Early identification of river blocking induced by tributary debris flow based on dimensionless volume index, Landslides, 16, 0, 2335-2352
- Journal 陳昆廷, *, , , , , Dimensionless assessment method of landslide dam formation caused by tributary debris flow events, Geofluids, Article ID 7083058, 0, 1-14
- Journal , 陳昆廷*, , , , Review of relevant characteristics of landslide dams and dam-break experimental studies, Journal of Southwest Minzu University (Natural Science Edition), 45, 6, 646-653
- Journal , , *, 陳昆廷, , Characteristics, mechanisms and prevention modes of debris flows in an arid seismically active region along the Sichuan–Tibet railway route, China: a case study of the Basu–Ranwu section, southeastern Tibet, Environmental Earth Sciences, 78, 564, 1-18
- Book *, , , , 陳昆廷, , , , , 常見地質災害識別與避讓科普手冊, 科學出版社
- Symposium *, 陳昆廷, Numerical investigations on the impacts of the slope talus to the Xinmo landslide, the 14th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, Beijing, 大陸地區, 60-61
- Journal 陳昆廷, , *, , , , An assessment method for debris flow dam formation in Taiwan, Earth Sciences Research Journal, 22, 1, 37-43
- Journal 陳昆廷, *, Simulating the failure process of the Xinmo landslide using discontinuous deformation analysis, Engineering Geology, 238, 0, 269-281
- Prize 105年度大地工程博士論文獎, 中華民國大地工程學會, 中華民國
- Journal , *, , , , 陳昆廷, Debris flow susceptibility analysis based on the combined impacts of antecedent earthquakes and droughts: a case study for cascade hydropower stations in the upper Yangtze River, China, Journal of Mountain Science, 14, 9, 1712-1727
- Symposium 陳昆廷, , *, Evaluation of landslide dam height using satellite images, 長江經濟帶水土保持與防災減災學術研討會暨高層論壇會議, 重慶, 大陸地區