College of Management Division of Technologic Agriculture, Department of Food Science Department of Agribusiness Management International Master’s Degree Program in Agribusiness Management Bachelor of Program in Scientific Agriculture
Journal: 16 Items
Prize: 6 Items |
Symposium: 11 Items
Technology Report: 0 Items |
Book: 0 Items
Project: 6 Items |
- Journal CHEN,TING-YU, 鍾秋悅*, The Analysis of Agribusiness Firms’ Choice of Business Strategy Considering Carbon Neutrality: A Case Study of Afforestation of Taiwan Sugar Corporation, Taiwanese Agricultural Economic Review, 30, 2, 1-52
- Journal Liang, Yung-Han, 鍾秋悅*, Can Renewable Energy Certificates buffer the impact of power outages on stock performance, Journal of Management Science, 7, 4, 599-605
- Journal 鍾秋悅, Kusadokoro, Chang*, Kitamura, Rural Tourism Promotion Policy and Rural Hospitality Enterprises Performance: Empirical Evidence from Japan, Agribusiness (SSCI), Wiley, 2024, 1, 1-18
- Journal 鍾秋悅, , *, Renewable Energy Certificates and Firm Value: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan, Energy Policy (SSCI), Elsevier , 184 (2024), 113870, 1-15
- Journal 鍾秋悅*, Trade-off effect of renewable energy and greening policy on agricultural production and urban land tele-connection: A study of farm households in Yunlin County based on opportunity cost framework, Journal of City and Planning, 50, 2, 241-271
- Journal , 鍾秋悅*, The Determinants of Successful Agricultural Industrialization: the Case of Japan, Journal of the Agricultural Association of Taiwan, 22, 1, 1-26
- Journal , 鍾秋悅*, Analyzing the Co-benefit of Solar Roof Panels in Livestock Production Systems: A Case of Yunlin County, Journal of Taiwan Energy, 9, 1, 91-108
- Journal , 鍾秋悅*, , Factors Associated with Farm Household Happiness: Analysis from Western and Eastern Indonesia, International journal of happiness and development (ESCI), 7, 3, 243-264
- Journal 鍾秋悅, *, , Digital and Traditional Media Advertising and Business Performance of Agribusiness Firms – Empirical Evidence in Japan, Agricultural Economics (SSCI), 67, 2, 51-59
- Journal , 鍾秋悅*, Carbon Footprint Analysis of Urban and Rural Transportation and Marketing of Agricultural Products – The Case Study of Hog Industry in Taiwan, 農業經濟叢刋, 27, 1, 85-131
- Journal 鍾秋悅, *, Tele-connecting urban food consumption to land use at multiple spatial scales: A case study of beef in Taiwan, Ecological Economics (SCI), Elsevier, 169, 2020
- Journal , 鍾秋悅*, Sustainable Production Policy Impact on Palm Oil Firms’Performance: Empirical Analysis from Indonesia, Sustainability (SSCI), 12, 8750, 1-18
- Journal 鍾秋悅*, Knowledge exchange and ethnic networks of clustered small-scale enterprises in Africa: A case study of furniture cluster in Tanzania, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences (SSCI), UNIV PRETORIA, DEPT ECONOMICS, 22, 1, 1-13
- Journal , 鍾秋悅*, , Labor Use and Tobacco Farm Household Revenue in Indonesia: The Case Study of Sumberejo Village, Journal of international cooperation, 14, 1
- Journal Training Effect of Japanese Management on African SMEs: The Case Study on Japanese Kaizen Training in Tanzania, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press, 15, 348-362
- Journal , 鍾秋悅*, The Comparative Advantage of Fisheries Products: A Case Study of the West Kotawaringin District of Indonesia., Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management , SAS Publishers , 5, 7, 670-680