College of Management Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation Department of Agribusiness Management International Master’s Degree Program in Agribusiness Management
Journal: 85 Items
Prize: 44 Items |
Symposium: 142 Items
Technology Report: 74 Items |
Book: 42 Items
Project: 8 Items |
- Prize 113學年度四技二專入學測驗命題試卷鑑別度優良, 財團法人技專校院入學測驗中心基金會, 中華民國
- Prize 112-2網路輔助教學課程「農企業管理-四農企一B」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 112-2網路輔助教學課程「農企業管理-四農企一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 112-2網路輔助教學課程「糧食安全-碩農企一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 112-1網路輔助教學課程「農企業法規-四農企三A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Rizky Dwi Putri, *, , 黃文琪, Improving small-scale fishermen’s subjective well-being in Indonesia: Does the internet use play a role?, Heliyon, 10, 7, 1-11
- Prize 111-2網路輔助教學課程「農企業管理-四農企一B」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 111-2網路輔助教學課程「農企業管理-四農企一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 111-2網路輔助教學課程「跨國性農企業專題-碩農企一」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 111-1網路輔助教學課程「跨國性農企業專題-農企碩專二B」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 111-1網路輔助教學課程「國際農企業-四農企三」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 111-1網路輔助教學課程「人口與糧食-熱農博一」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 特聘教授, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 指導博士生莫夏帝符合111學年度研究生研究成果獎勵辦法獎勵標準, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 指導博士生瑟堤妮符合111學年度研究生研究成果獎勵辦法獎勵標準, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 指導博士汀娜符合111學年度研究生研究成果獎勵辦法獎勵標準, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, COVID 19 Pandemic Impact for Food Security: Family Farming and Agribusiness Solution, 1st International Conference on Environmental Health, Socioeconomic, and Technology 2022 (ICEHST 2022), 東爪哇省, 印度尼西亞共和國
- Symposium , 黃文琪*, Location Quotient of Fisheries Sector in Malang Regency, East Java Indonesia, 111臺灣農村經濟學會年會及學術研討會, Taichung, 中華民國, 1-12
- Symposium , 黃文琪*, Is money related to fishermen’s happiness? A study from Indonesia, 111臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨學術研討會, Taichung, 中華民國
- Prize 2022臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨研討會國際場次最佳論文, 臺灣農村經濟學會, 中華民國
- Prize 110-2網路輔助教學農企管碩士學程一A全球農企業管理議題研討, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 110-2網路輔助教學四農企管一A農企業管理, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 110-1網路輔助教學課程「糧食安全_農企管碩士學程二A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal , 黃文琪*, Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change: Evidence from Potato Farmers in Indonesia, Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences , 11, 3, 73-82
- Journal , 黃文琪*, , Farmer perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on agriculture: A case study from Madura Island, Indonesia, AGRIEKONOMIKA, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, 11, 2, 76-86
- Journal , 黃文琪*, , , Does Adaptation to Climate Change Promote Household Food Security? Insights from Indonesian Fishermen, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 29, 7, 611-624
- Journal , , 黃文琪*, Taneyan Lanjang Shared Home Gardens and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods of Ethnic Madurese in Madura Island, Indonesia, Sustainability, 14, 10(5960), 1-24
- Journal , , 黃文琪*, , What Drives Climate Change Adaptation Practices in Smallholder Farmers? Evidence from Potato Farmers in Indonesia, Atmosphere, 13, 1:113, 1-15
- Journal *, , 黃文琪, Plant Diversity and Utilization of Traditional Home Garden in Bangkalan District, Madura Island, Indonesia, Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences , 11, 2, 91-99
- Journal *, , , 黃文琪, Capacity Development of Madurese Female Farmers in the Implementation of Integrated Crop Management in Corn, AGRIEKONOMIKA, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, 11, 2, 130-139
- Symposium Moh. Shadiqur Rahman, 黃文琪*, The welfare effect of fishermen group participation on smallholder fishermen in East Java of Indonesia, 2021 International Wetland Convention in Taiwan, Taipei, 中華民國, 23-28
- Symposium *, 黃文琪, Farm efficiency and farmers’ perspective on the food security policy in Indonesia, IFAMA 2021 World Conference: Innovations Reshaping the Future of Food, Virtual, 荷蘭王國
- Symposium *, 黃文琪, Factors Associated with Consumer Willingness-to-buy for Vertically-farmed Vegetables in Taiwan, IFAMA 2021 World Conference: Innovations Reshaping the Future of Food, Virtual, 荷蘭王國
- Prize 2021國際濕地大會(IWCT)論文競賽優等獎, 內政部營建署, 中華民國
- Prize 110年度優良農業教育人員, 中華民國農業教育學會, 中華民國
- Prize 109學年度第二學期網路輔助教學課程「鄉村研究之理論架構及實證應用-博熱農一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 109學年度第二學期網路輔助教學課程「跨國性農企業專題_碩專農企一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 109學年度第二學期網路輔助教學課程「農企業管理_農企四技一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 109學年度第二學期網路輔助教學課程「全球農企業管理議題研討_農企管碩士學程一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 109學年度教學特優教師, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 終身教學特優教師獎, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 指導博士生西索洛符合109學年度研究生研究成果獎勵辦法獎勵標準, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal , 黃文琪, *, Does Income Inequality Exist among Urban Farmers? A Demonstration of Lorenz Curves from Northern Thailand, Sustainability, MDPI, 13, 9, 5119-5119
- Journal , , 黃文琪*, The Impact of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Income and Food Security: Empirical Evidence from Small-Scale Fishers in Indonesia, Sustainability, MDPI, 13, 14, 7905-7905
- Journal *, , , , , 黃文琪, The Neighborhood Reinforcement Method Development Model for Improving Community Socio-Economic Conditions during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, GMP Press & Printing Co., 10, S1, 244-453
- Journal *, , , , , 黃文琪, Determining the Challenges and Opportunities of Covid-19 to the Underground Economy, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, GMP Press & Printing Co., 10, S1, 218-228
- Journal *, , , , , 黃文琪, Determinants of Cash Waqf Awareness in Indonesia: An SEM Approach, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, GMP Press & Printing Co., 10, S1, 145-152
- Book 黃文琪*, Human Capital Development for Agribusiness in Higher Education: The Experience of Taiwan/Proceedings of the Conference on International Issues in Business and Economics Research (CIIBER 2019), Atlantis Press/Amsterdam, ISBN: ISSN: 2352-5428
- Book , , 黃文琪*, , The Impact of Agriculture Trade Liberalization on Farmers Income in Indonesia: Applying CGE Model/Proceedings of the Conference on International Issues in Business and Economics Research (CIIBER 2019), Atlantis Press/Amsterdam, ISBN: ISSN: 2352-5428
- Book *, , , 黃文琪, The Impact of Online Market toward Social Welfare on Fourth Industrial Revolution Era: A Case at Bulan Terang Utama Online Market Malang/Recent Developments in Asian Economics (International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Vol. 28), Emerald Publishing Limited, Chapter 1, ISBN: 978-1-83867-359-8
- Book *, , , , , 黃文琪, Identifying Neighborhood Reinforcement Method to Enhancing Socioeconomic Development in Indonesia: A Quintuple Helix Perspective /Environmental, Social, and Governance Perspectives on Economic Development in Asia, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2, ISBN: ISSN:1571-0386
- Symposium Wong, Kok Ann*, 黃文琪, The Price Relationship Between Palm, Soybean and Canola Oil-From the Perspective of Potential Bioenergy Use, 2020年第21屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Jung-Hsuan Su, 黃文琪*, The Experiential Activities of Fuwan Villa Leisure Farm: A Study on the Cocoa Guided Tour Design, 2020年第21屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Prize 108學年度第二學期網路輔助教學課程「農企業管理_農企四技一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 108學年度第一學期網路輔助教學課程「農企業研究法_碩專農企一B」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 108學年度第一學期網路輔助教學課程「農企業研究法_碩專農企一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Vika Annisa Qurrata*, Ermita Yusida, Vidya Purnamasari, 黃文琪, Strengthening the Institution of Small-scale Online Market Seller Community to Improve their Social Welfare on Industry Revolution 4.0 Era, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, GMP Press & Printing Co., 9, S2, 438-447
- Journal Sicelo Ignatius Dlamini, 黃文琪*, Towards Intensive Co-operated Agribusiness: A Gender-Based Comparative Borich Needs Assessment Model Analysis of Beef Cattle Farmers in Eswatini, Agriculture, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 10, 4:96, 1-17
- Journal Sicelo Ignatius Dlamini, 黃文琪*, Analysis of Market Outlet Choice by Smallholder Beef Cattle Farmers in Eswatini, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, IISTE, 11, 8, 22-34
- Journal Sicelo Ignatius Dlamini, 黃文琪*, A Gross Marketing Margin and Producers’ Share Descriptive Analysis of the Beef Value Chain in Eswatini, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, IJECM, 8, 3, 427-452
- Journal Dyah Retnani Nurhidayati*, 黃文琪, , , Rice-Fish Farming System in Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia: SWOT and Profit Efficiency Analysis, Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas of Brawijaya, 20, 4, 311-318
- Symposium Setiani, Setiani, 黃文琪*, Setiawan, Eko, Availability of Cereal and Tubers as a Food Source of Carbohydrate in Madura Island, Indonesia., 2019年台灣農村經濟學會年會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Purwanti, Tina Sri, 黃文琪*, Small-Scale Chili Farmers’ Decision to Adopt New Technology in Malang, East Java Province, Indonesia, 2019年台灣農村經濟學會年會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Phuong-Thanh Vu, 黃文琪, Pig value chain analysis and recommendation for improvement and inclusiveness for smallholder farms in Hanoi province, Vietnam, 2019年第20屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 198-210
- Symposium Nurhidayati, Dyah Retnani, 黃文琪*, A Study of Rice-Fish Farming System in Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia: SWOT Analysis and Profit Efficiency, 2019年台灣農村經濟學會年會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Khasanah, Uswatun,, Harahab, Nuddin, 黃文琪*, Analysis of Canned Sardine Fish Marketing Using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) Approach in Giant Dinoyo, Malang City, Indonesia, 2019年台灣農村經濟學會年會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Ganbat, Darijav, 黃文琪*, A study of consumer behavior on Mongolian dried sour milk and traditional sour milk: Zuv Aarts, 2019年台灣農村經濟學會年會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Bintang, Andi Sri, Fattah, Mochammad, 黃文琪*, Consumer Behavior on the Purchase Decision of Canned Sardines in Ketawanggede Region Malang, Indonesia., 2019年台灣農村經濟學會年會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Andi Sri Bintang, Rosihan Asmara, 黃文琪, Forecasting of Indonesia Seaweed Export: A Comparison of Fuzzy Time Series with and without Markov Chain, 2019年第20屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 187-197
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Enhancing International Mobility for Students in Higher Educational Institutions: Overseas internship design and experiences for agribusiness major in Taiwan, 2019 Taiwan-Korea Agricultural Economic Conference: Emerging Issues in Agriculture and Environment, Jeju, 大韓民國(南韓), 69-81
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Development of Wetland and Dry Ladn Paddy in Madura Island, Indonesia 2007-2017, 2019年第20屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 177-186
- Symposium 黃文琪*, 臺灣畜殖產業未來發展與台糖公司可扮演之角色, 臺灣糖業資源暨循環經濟技術學會108年會員大會及研討會, 台南, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Human capital development for agribusiness in higher education: The experience of Taiwan, the Conference on International Issues in Business and Economics Research (CIIBER), Malang, 印度尼西亞共和國, 111-114
- Prize 107學年度第二學期網路輔助教學課程「糧食安全_農企管碩士學程一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Uswatun Khasanah*, 黃文琪, Rosihan Asmara, Indonesia Frozen and Processed Crab Export Performance and Competitiveness Analysis, Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas of Brawijaya, 19, 3, 165-171
- Journal Sicelo Ignatius Dlamini, 黃文琪*, Agricultural cooperatives in the Kingdom of Eswatini: Financial efficiency, challenges and opportunities, Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies, European Centre for Research Training and Development (ECRTD), 7, 4, 1-16
- Journal Sicelo Ignatius Dlamini, 黃文琪*, A Double Hurdle Estimation of Sales Decisions by Smallholder Beef Cattle Farmers in Eswatini, Sustainability, MDPI, 11, 19, 5185-
- Journal Ganchimeg, Otgonbayar*, 黃文琪, A Study of Mongolian Sheep and Goat Meat Export, Scientific Journal-Agricultural Economics, Mongolian University of Life Sciences ISSN 2519-2000, 10, 0, 66-71
- Journal Andi Sri Bintang*, 黃文琪, Rosihan Asmara, Forecasting of Indonesia Seaweed Export: A comparison of fuzzy time series with and without Markov Chain, Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas of Brawijaya, 19, 3, 155-164
- Book 黃文琪*, Farmers Associations, 國際土地政策研究訓練中心
- Book 黃文琪*, 養豬經營管理人才培育: 農場財務管理與投資, 國立屏東科技大學 經濟動物國際技術人才培育學院
- Book 黃文琪*, 養豬基礎人才培育: 畜產經營學, 國立屏東科技大學 經濟動物國際技術人才培育學院
- Symposium The Factors Affecting Consumer’s Buying Decision of Ready to Drink Tea in Taiwan, 台灣農村經濟學會2018年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium The Current Situation of TAP certified Tea in Taiwan, 2018 農企業暨生物產業學術研討會論文集, 屏東, 中華民國, 20-29
- Symposium Satisfaction Analysis of Young Farmers Towards Current Measures Implemented by the Authority—Kaohsiung Area, 2018 農企業暨生物產業學術研討會論文集, 屏東, 中華民國, 1-2
- Symposium Human resource development for the new paradigm of technical innovation in agricultural production and marketing, The 10th Bilateral Conference Kasetsart University and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology“Innovation in Agriculture, Agro-industry and Agri-business”, 曼谷, 泰王國(泰國)
- Symposium Determinants of Market Participation among Smallholder Dairy Farmers –A Case of Lubombo Region in Swaziland, 2018 農企業暨生物產業學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 48-57
- Symposium Agricultural Co-operatives in the Kingdom of Eswatini: Status, Challenges and Opportunities, 台灣農村經濟學會2018年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium A Case Study of the Natural Farming in Japan: The Success Story of the Nanairo Farm, 灣農村經濟學會2018年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- Prize 105學年度第2學期網路輔助教學課程「國際農產品市場專題(5546)碩專農企一A」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Reyes Calderón, Edgardo, 張文宜, 黃文琪*, Potential Quality and Economic Costs of Bioethanol Production from Rice Straw in Taiwan, Journal of International Cooperation, TaiwandICDF, 13, 1, 91-112
- Journal Nadhirah, Aulia*, 黃文琪, Suhartini, Competitiveness and Government Policy Impact Analysis of Cassava Starch in East Java, Indonesia: Policy Analysis Matrix Approach, Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (SJEBM), Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers, 5, 7, 597-604
- Journal Buana, Erlangga Esa*, 黃文琪, Hanani, Nuhfil, The Export Performance of Indonesian Canned Skipjack in World Market, Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya Indonesia in collaboration with Indonesia Agricultural Economic Association (PERHEPI), 18, 2, 86-92
- Book 陳淑恩*, 鄭秋桂, 鍾秋悅, 消費型態改變趨勢與農業產業結構調整之研究計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會主管計畫
- Book 花蓮縣有機農業國際行銷規劃研究案結案報告, 國立屏東科技大學
- Symposium The Exoport Competitiveness of the Tuna Industry in Indonesia, 2017年臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Sustainable Agricultural System for Food Sovereignty: Experience from Smallholder System in Taiwan, The FoSSA (Food Sovereignty, Sustainable Agriculture) International Conference 2017 “Building of Food Sovereignty through a Sustainable Agriculture: Challenge of Climate Change and Global Economic Community, Jember, 印度尼西亞共和國
- Symposium Price Volatility of Cayenne Pepper and Red Chili Pepper in Papua and Maluku Provinces, Indonesia, 2017 生物產業學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium Implications of Shifting Agricultural Practices on Highland Farmers’ Livelihood in Northern Region of Tailand, 2017年臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Competitiveness analysis and Government Policy Impact of Cassava Strach in East Java, Indonesia: Policy Analysis Matrix Approach, 2017年臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Climate Disturbance Impacts Assessment: Household Survey and Satellite Imagery Analysis in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso, 2017年臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Analysis of Factors Influencing Dairy Market Involvement in the Lubombo Region of Swaziland, 2017年臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium An Analysis of Beef Value Chain in Swaziland, 2017年臺灣農村經濟學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國
- Prize 105學年度教學特優教師, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Ángel Amed Durón-Benítez*, 黃文琪, Characterizing the Seasonal Pattern of Milk Production of Dual Purpose Cattle System Farms from East El Salvador, Zootecnia Tropical, Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Venezuela, 35, 3-4, 145-154
- Journal Van, Jhon Chen, 黃文琪*, Anindita, Ratya, 張文宜, Yang, Shang-Ho, Price Volatility of Cayenne Pepper and Red Chili Pepper in Papua and Maluku Provinces, Indonesia, Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, SAS Publishers, 4, 9, 590-599
- Journal Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur, 黃文琪*, Pradhan, Upasana, Evaluating the Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Vegetable Farms in Diverse Agroecological Regions of Nepal, International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 5, 1, 97-112
- Journal Reyes Calderón, Edgardo, 張文宜, 黃文琪*, Rethinking Rice Straw Supply Chain for Bioethanol Production in the Agricultural Context of Taiwan, Journal of International Cooperation, TaiwanICDF, 12, 2, 117-140
- Journal Reyes Calderón, Edgardo, 張文宜, 黃文琪*, Cost Assessment of Bioethanol Production from Rice Straw in Taiwan, Journal of International Cooperation, TaiwanICDF, 12, 2, 141-168
- Journal Hutabarat, Nico Adi Putra, Suhartini, 黃文琪*, 張文宜, The Export Performance of Indonesian Dried Cassava in the World Market, Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya Indonesia in collaboration with Indonesia Agricultural Economic Association (PERHEPI), 17, 3, 134-139
- Symposium 黃文琪*, A Study on Present Situation and Development of Roof Garden– A Case Study of Roof Garden in International College, the 2016 Asia-Pacific Agriculture Student Summit (APASS 2016),, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Rice Production and Industry: A Comparative Analysis between Taiwan and Nicaragua, the 2016 Asia-Pacific Agriculture Student Summit (APASS 2016),, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Innovations on marketing of Wax Apple through ICT, The 14th General Assembly Meeting and Expert Consultation Meeting of Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI),, 台中, 中華民國
- Prize the 2016 Asia-Pacific Agriculture Student Summit (APASS 2016), Second Prize, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 網路輔助教學「鄉村研究之理論架構及實證應用(8395)_博熱農一a」優等課程, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 網路輔助教學「農企業研究法(8259)碩農企一A」優等課程, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 網路輔助教學「人口與糧食(8445)博熱農一A」優等課程, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 最佳碩博士論文獎, 台灣農村經濟學會, 中華民國
- Prize 指導博士生盧德拉符合104學年度研究生研究成果獎勵辦法獎勵標準, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 指導博士生吉米雷符合104學年度研究生研究成果獎勵辦法獎勵標準, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Ángel Amed Durón-Benítez, 黃文琪*, Using Geometric Morphometrics to Quantify Variation of Shape and Magnitude of the Pattern of Milk Production of Dairy Cattle, Open Access Library Journal, Scientific Research Publishing, 3, 9, 1-19
- Journal Ángel Amed Durón-Benítez, 黃文琪*, A Biological Approach for Analyzing the Pattern of Milk Production from Data at Dairy Industry Level, The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University, Bursa Uludağ University , 30, Special, 202-208
- Journal Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur, 黃文琪*, Shriniwas Gautam, Thomas Gordon Johnson, Efficiency of small scale vegetable farms: policy implications for the rural poverty reduction in Nepal, Agricultural Economics -ZEMEDELSKA EKONOMIKA, Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Czech Republic, 62, 4, 181-195
- Journal Rudra Bahadur Shrestha, 黃文琪*, 李栢浡, Yam Bahadur Thapa, Determinants of Inefficiency in Vegetable Farms: Implications for Improving Rural Household Income in Nepal, American Journal of Rural Development, Science and Education Publishing, 4, 5, 105-113
- Journal Raju Ghimire, 黃文琪*, Adoption pattern and welfare impact of agricultural technology: empirical evidence from rice farmers in Nepal, Journal of South Asian Development, SAGE Publications India, 11, 1, 113-137
- Journal Poudel, Mahadeb Prasad*, 陳淑恩, 黃文琪, Pricing of rainfall index insurance for rice and wheat in Nepal, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, TARBIAT MODARES UNIV, IRAN, 18, 2, 291-302
- Book 陳淑恩*, 段兆麟, 彭克仲, 黃文琪, 林永順, 鄭秋桂, 蔡青園, 張文宜, 洪惠貞, 農企業管理個案, 國立屏東科技大學管理學院農企業管理系, 1, ISBN: 無
- Symposium Microfinance Opportunities for Climate Adaptation in the Sahel.Oral presentation at the Fifth Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-V),, Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) (a collaborative initiative of the African Union Commission (AUC), Victoria Falls, 辛巴威共和國
- Symposium Effects of off-farm labor supply on food consumption expenditure of farmhouseholds in Nepal, 台灣農村經濟學會2015年年會暨農業經濟國際學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Does the Rice Subsidy Program (RASKIN) in Indonesia enhancehousehold food security? A Critical Review, 台灣農村經濟學會2015年年會暨農業經濟國際學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Communities Perception on Climate Disturbances on Rural Economy andAdaptive Strategies in the Sahel Zone of Burkina Faso, 台灣農村經濟學會2015年年會暨農業經濟國際學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 有機農產品通路之研究-以日本為例, 台灣農村經濟學會2015年年會暨農業經濟國際學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 小地主大佃農續約輔導期限分析檢討, 台灣農村經濟學會2015年年會暨農業經濟國際學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 台灣牛蒡產業現況與行銷策略之研究, 台灣農村經濟學會2015年年會暨農業經濟國際學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Prize 103學年度第2學期網路輔助教學課程「統計學(2)_產專農企二」優等課程, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 管理學院103學年度學生實務專題製作競賽-佳作, 國立屏東科技大學管理學院, 中華民國
- Journal Vera Sylvia Saragi Sitio*, 黃文琪, Moch. Muslich Mustadjab, Syafrial Syafrial, A Comparison of Consumption Pattern for Import of Selective Fresh Fruits in Indonesia, Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas of Brawijaya, 15, 1, 1-9
- Journal Rudra Bahadur Shrestha, 黃文琪*, Upasana Pradhan, Women’s Labor Contribution on the Efficiency of Smallholder Vegetable Farms: Evidence from Mountain Region of Nepal, International Journal of Research, International journal of research, 2, 5, 167-179
- Journal Rudra Bahadur Shrestha, 黃文琪*, Upasana Pradhan, Resource Use Efficiency in Vegetable Production in the High Hills of Eastern Nepal, Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Economics, Nepal Agricultural Economics Society, 2-3, 0, 79-87
- Journal Raju Ghimire, 黃文琪*, Mahadeb Prasad Poudel, Adoption Intensity of Agricultural Technology: Empirical Evidence from Smallholder Maize Famers in Nepal, International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, IJAIR, 4, 1, 139-146
- Journal Raju Ghimire, 黃文琪*, Household Wealth and Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties in Nepal: A Double-hurdle Approach, Food Security, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht , 7, 6, 1321-1335
- Journal Ghimire, Raju, 黃文琪*, Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur, Factors Affecting Adoption of Improved Rice Varieties among Rural Farm Households in Central Nepal, Rice Science, Elsevier, 22, 1, 35-43
- Journal 黃文琪, Durón-Benítez, Ángel Amed*, Analysis of Demand for Dairy Product in Central American Countries under the CAFTA, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Scientific & Academic Publishing, 3, 1, 7-14
- Symposium Wibowo, Larasati Sukmadewi, 黃文琪*, Mustajdab, Moch. Muslich, Biodiesel Supply in Indonesia: A Preliminary Analysis, The 8th Thailand –Taiwan Bilateral Conference on “Science Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Tropical Agriculture and Food, 曼谷, 中華民國
- Symposium Traore, Ousmane*, 黃文琪, A Preliminary Assessment of Climate Impact on Cotton Production in Semiarid Zone of Africa: Case study of Burkina Faso, 台灣農村經濟學會2014年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2014 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium Sangmalee, Rattanawadee, 黃文琪*, Customer Perceptions towards Organic Foods in Thailand: A Literature Review, the 2014 International Conference on Food Security and Production, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Sangmalee, Rattanawadee, 黃文琪*, The Impact of Capacity and Financial Performance of Organic Vegetable Farming in Northeast Thailand, The 8th Thailand –Taiwan Bilateral Conference on “Science Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Tropical Agriculture and Food, 曼谷, 中華民國
- Symposium Purnamasari, Meidiana*, 黃文琪, Hanani, Ir. Nuhfil, Export Performance of Indonesian Coffee, the 2014 International Conference on Food Security and Production, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Li, Fang-Cih*, 黃文琪, Online Purchasing Behavior of Certified Aquaculture Products, the 2014 International Conference on Food Security and Production, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Durón Benítez, Ángel Amed*, 黃文琪, Reexamining the Cow’s Lactation under Seasonality: An Application of Radar Graph, the 2014 Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Conference on Agricultural and Resources Economics, 台北市, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, 陳淑恩, Why Farmers Resumed Cultivation of Continuously Set-Aside Land?, the 2014 International Conference on Food Security and Production, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Household Consumption Pattern of Aquatic Products in Taiwan: Implication for Marketing of Certified Aquatic Products, The 8th Thailand –Taiwan Bilateral Conference on “Science Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Tropical Agriculture and Food, 曼谷, 中華民國
- Symposium 陳淑恩, 黃文琪, 鄭秋桂*, A Research on the Development of New Markets for Domestic-Produced Fresh Produce, the 2014 International Conference on Food Security and Production, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium , 黃文琪*, Effects of household wealth on agricultural technology adoption: Evidence from smallholder maize farmers in Nepal, 台灣農村經濟學會2014年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2014 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北市, 中華民國
- Symposium , 黃文琪*, 地源之認證標章對台灣農產品行銷之探討─以產地標章為例, 2014年第15屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Prize 臺灣農村經濟學會2014年農業經濟學術研討會, 臺灣農村經濟學會, 中華民國
- Journal Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur*, 黃文琪, Climate Influence on Rice, Maize, and Wheat Yields and Yield Variability in Nepal, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 4, 1, 38-48
- Journal Makara, Chea Sopheak, 黃文琪*, Cambodian Rice Price Analysis, Journal of International Cooperation, The International Cooperation and Development Fund, 9, 1, 65-80
- Journal 黃文琪, Durón-Benítez, Ángel Amed*, Farm Technical Efficiency under the Seasonal Milk Production of the Dual-Purpose Cattle System in El Salvador, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A, 4, 3, 266-275
- Journal 黃文琪*, Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur, Factors Affecting Nonfarm Income Diversification among Rural Farm Households in Central Nepal, International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 4, 2, 123-132
- Journal 3. Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur, 黃文琪*, Resource Use Efficiency in Vegetable Production in the High Hills of Eastern Nepal, Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2&3, 65-72
- Journal , 黃文琪*, Market Price Cointegration of Tomato: Effects to Nepalese Farmers, International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 2, 2, 87-96
- Book 陳淑恩*, 鄭秋桂, 鍾秋悅, 離農獎勵推行成效評估與調整規畫分析計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Symposium Ssebuliba, Jude T., 黃文琪*, Profit Efficiency of Rice Farmers in Gaza Province, Mozambique, 2013年第14屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Sitio, Vera Sylvia Saragi, 黃文琪*, Ir. Syafrial, A Comparison of Consumption Pattern for Selective Imported Fresh Fruits in Indonesia, 2013年第14屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur, 黃文琪, Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Vegetable Farms in Eastern Nepal, 台灣農村經濟學會2013年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會he 2013 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台中市, 中華民國
- Symposium Sambo, Arnaldo A., 黃文琪*, Rice Farming and Household Income: A Case Study of Small Scale Farmers of Chokwe District, Southern Mozambique, 2013年第14屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Purnamasari, Meidiana, 黃文琪*, Hanani, Nuhfil, Competitiveness of Indonesian Coffee on the World Market: Using Selected Indicators, 2013年第14屆永續發展管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Ghimire, Raju, 黃文琪*, Factors affecting off-farm income diversification among rural farm households in Central Nepal, 台灣農村經濟學會2013年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會he 2013 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台中市, 中華民國
- Symposium Fitriana, Henidiah S.P*, 黃文琪, M. Muslich Mustadjab, Revealed Comparative Advantages and Competitiveness between Brazil and ASEAN Countries in the World Market of Sugar, the International Symposium on Agriculture in the Tropic, (ISAT2013), 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Dhladhla, Daniel T., 黃文琪*, Why Do Taiwanese Farmer Adopt Organic Farming Practices?, the International Symposium on Agriculture in the Tropic, (ISAT2013), 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Alan Hsin-Hua Chang, Young Farmers Development Programs and Challenges for Human Resource Development in the Agribusiness Sector in Taiwan, the 2013 KAEA-REST International Conference on Aging and Securing Agricultural Labor, Gwangju, 中華民國
- Journal Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur*, 黃文琪, Production Efficiency of Smallholder Vegetable Farms in Ilam District, Eastern Hill, Nepal, American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 14, 2, 150-154
- Journal Sangkumchaliang, Parichard, 黃文琪*, Perceptions and Attitudes of Academic Professionals towards Genetically Modified Foods in Northern Thailand, Journal of International Cooperation, 8, 1, 35-46
- Journal Sangkumchaliang, Parichard, 黃文琪*, Food Safety Knowledge and Practices of Floating Food Vendors in Amphawa Floating Market, Thailand, Advanced Science Letters , 9, 10, 3093-3096
- Journal Purnamasari, Meidiana, Sitro, Vera Sylvia Saragi, Fitriana, Henidiah, 黃文琪*, Thai Organic Food Demographics, Attitudes and Behavior, International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, 6, 3, 87-102
- Journal Chulaphan, Wanviai, Barahona, Jorge Fidel*, 陳淑恩, 黃文琪, 鍾惠雯, Rice Market Integration under Thailand’s Rice Mortgage Scheme, Journal of International Cooperation, 8, 1, 47-64
- Journal Chulaphan, Wanviai, Barahona, Jorge Fidel*, 陳淑恩, 黃文琪, 鍾惠雯, Efficiency Evaluation of Food and Beverage Companies in Thailand: An Application of Relational Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis, International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 3, 2, 202-205
- Journal Chulaphan, Wanviai, 陳淑恩, Jatuporn, Chalermpon, 黃文琪, Hygiene and Manufacturing Practices, Interagency Collaboration, and a Proposal for Improvement: A Case Study of Community Food Enterprise in Thailand., International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 3, 3, 222-226
- Journal Chulaphan, Wanviai, 陳淑恩, Jatuporn, Chalermpon, 黃文琪, Different Causal Relationships of Export Rice Prices in the International Rice Market, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 13, 2, 185-190
- Journal Bui, Duc Sinh*, 黃文琪, The Study of Residents’ Cognition on Ecotourism in Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences , 3, 1, 235-244
- Journal Bui, Duc Sinh*, 黃文琪, Local Residents’ Perception on Ecotourism in Cucphuong National Park, Ninhbinh Province, Vietnam,, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 3, 1, 347-361
- Book Saikou E. Sanyang*, 黃文琪, A Study on Women Groups in Poultry Production and Marketing in Central River Region of the Gambia, Lambert Academic Publishing, 0, ISBN: 978-3-659-35762-6
- Book 謝俊雄, 鄭秋桂, 林永順, 林豐瑞, 蔡青園, 彭克仲, 段兆麟, 張文宜, 洪惠貞, 黃文琪, 陳淑恩*, 農企業概論, 國立屏東科技大學管理學院農企業管理系, 1, ISBN: 無
- Book 陳淑恩*, , 鄭秋桂, 小地主大佃農續約輔導期限分析檢討計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Symposium Somabat, Piyaraj, 黃文琪*, Factors affecting Farm Land Sales in Northern Thailand, 2012農企業暨生物產業學術研討會the 2012 Agri-business and Bio-Industry Academic Conference, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Somabat, Piyaraj, 黃文琪*, Factors Influencing Consumers Purchase Intentions of Organic Food Products, the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences , Beijing, 中華民國
- Symposium Sangkumchaliang, Parichard, 黃文琪*, The consumer analysis for the brand rice from of the special rice production and marketing areas, The 7th Taiwan-Thailand Bilateral Conference, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Sangkumchaliang, Parichard, 黃文琪*, Thais’ Organic Food Demographics, Attitudes and Behavior, The Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development organized, Bangkok, 中華民國
- Symposium Sangkumchaliang, Parichard, 黃文琪*, A Survey Report on Perception of Genetically Modified Foods among Academics in Thailand, 2012農企業暨生物產業學術研討會the 2012 Agri-business and Bio-Industry Academic Conference, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Sambo, Arnaldo A.*, 黃文琪, Contract Farming Arrangement in Southern Mozambique, 台灣農村經濟學會2012年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2012 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北市, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, Tongnoy, Srayut, Wongchai, Anupong, 黃文琪*, The Decision to Purchase Organic Vegetables at Community Markets in Northern Thailand., The 7th Taiwan-Thailand Bilateral Conference, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, Tongnoy, Srayut, Wongchai, Anupong, 黃文琪*, Efficiency Evaluation of Food and Beverage Companies in Thailand : An Application of Relational Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences (ICEMMS 2012), Beijing, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, Tongnoy, Srayut, 黃文琪*, Product Development Potentials: Indigenous Products for Tourists, the 7th Taiwan-Thailand Bilateral Conference, 屏東縣, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, Tongnoy, Srayut, 黃文琪*, Hygiene Knowledge and Practices of Floating Food Vendors in Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Thailand, The Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development organized, Bangkok, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, 黃文琪*, Seasonality Effect on Milk and Milk Product in Central America, the EcoSummit 2012 - Ecological Sustainability, Restoring the Planet's Ecosystem Services, Columbas, Ohio, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, 黃文琪*, Food Safety Knowledge and Practices of Floating Food Vendors in Amphawa Floating Market, Thailand, 2012 International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Biological Engineering (ICAFBE 2012), Guangzhou, 中華民國
- Symposium Purnamasari, Meidiana, Sitro, Vera Sylvia Saragi, Fitriana, Henidiah, 黃文琪*, The Impact of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) on Soybean, Sugar, and Coffee in Indonesia, 台灣農村經濟學會2012年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2012 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北市, 中華民國
- Symposium Makara, Chea Sopheak, 黃文琪*, Cambodian Rice Price Analysis, 2012農企業暨生物產業學術研討會the 2012 Agri-business and Bio-Industry Academic Conference, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Handayani, Wahyu, 黃文琪*, Gender-Based Comparative Analysis of Income in Fishery Households: A Preliminary Finding, 2012農企業暨生物產業學術研討會the 2012 Agri-business and Bio-Industry Academic Conference, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium Handayani, Wahyu, 黃文琪*, , The Effect of Gender and Ethnics on Economic Activities in Fishery Area: A Case Study at Sendang Biru Costal Area, East Java, Indonesia, 台灣農村經濟學會2012年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會 the 2012 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北市, 中華民國
- Symposium Abidin, Zainal, 黃文琪*, Profitability Analysis of Ornamental Fish Retailing at Gunungsari Ornamental Fish Market, East Java, Indonesia, 2012農企業暨生物產業學術研討會the 2012 Agri-business and Bio-Industry Academic Conference, 屏東, 中華民國
- Journal Sangkumchaliang, Parichard, 黃文琪*, Consumer’s Perceptions and Attitudes of Organic Food Products in Northern Thailand, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA), 15, 1, 87-102
- Book 蔡玉娟, 蔡青園, 洪惠貞, 屏東縣牡丹鄉觀光產業發展計畫(2-2)–觀光資源規劃與開發調查計畫報告, 屏東縣牡丹鄉公所
- Book 吳明昌*, 許祥純, 劉展冏, 蔡玉娟, 劉寧漢, 陳淑恩, 屏東優質水產品產地證明標章及行銷策略擬定委託服務工作期末報告, 屏東縣政府
- Book 黃祥熙, 加拿大Athabasca大學國際學術合作及遠距教學考察出國報告書, 國立屏東科技大學
- Book 陳淑恩*, 影響連續休耕農地復耕因素之研究計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 主要國家農糧政策法規與經濟動態資料/亞洲區域組織及政府因應糧價變動策略, 行政院農業委員會, 亞洲區域組織及政府因應糧價變動策略
- Book 主要國家農糧政策法規與經濟動態資料/歐盟及瑞士農業給付, 行政院農業委員會, 歐盟及瑞士農業給付
- Symposium Somabat, Piyaraj, 黃文琪*, Factors Affecting Land Sustainability in Northern Thailand, 台灣農村經濟學會2011年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Sangkumchaliang, Parichard, 黃文琪*, Determinants of Consumer Willingness to Purchase for Organic Products in Thailand, the 21st Annual IFAMA World Forum and Symposium: The Road to 2050: Sustainability as a Business Opportunity, Frankfurt Marriott Hotel, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, 黃文琪*, Food Safety Knowledge of Food Vendors in Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Thailand, 台灣農村經濟學會2011年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Rodmance, Sudarin, 黃文琪*, Technical Efficiency Evaluation of Provincial Rice Production in Thailand Based on DEA, 2011生物產業學術研討會, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Juan Fidel Panganiban Rodriguez*, 黃文琪, Competitiveness Analysis for Guatemalan Fresh Tomato Exports to theUnited States, 2011商業現代化學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium Duron Benitez, Angel Amed, 黃文琪*, Technical Efficiency in Milk Production of the Dual-purpose Cattle System in El Salvador during Dry and Rainy Seasons, the 21st Annual IFAMA World Forum and Symposium: The Road to 2050: Sustainability as a Business Opportunity, Frankfurt Marriott Hotel, 中華民國
- Symposium Bui Duc Sinh*, 黃文琪, 越南菊芳(Cuc Phuong)國家公園社區居民對生態旅遊認知之研究, 2011商業現代化學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium Abidin, Zainal, 黃文琪*, Determinants of Retailer’s Profit at Gunungsari Ornamental Fish Market in East Java, Indonesia, 台灣農村經濟學會2011年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference, 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Wax Apple Trade and Domestic Market Performance—Implications for Marketing Strategy for Fresh Fruit., the Fourth Conference of Thailand Econometric Society, Chiang Mai , 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Changing Panorama of the Food System and the Implication for Small-holder Agribusiness, The Structural Adjustment in Agriculture -Cases of Korea, Taiwan and Japan, 濟州島, 中華民國, 72-81
- Symposium , , , 黃文琪*, 陳淑恩, 泰北山區某有機農場經營有機稻米個案研究, 台灣農村經濟學會2011年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference, 台中, 中華民國
- Book 陳淑恩*, 鄭秋桂, 蔡青園, 洪惠貞, 稻米產業創新經營與行銷策略之研究II 計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 主要國家農糧政策法規與經濟動態資料/日本政府未來十年糧食產業發展規劃, 行政院農業委員會, 日本政府未來十年糧食產業發展規劃
- Book 主要國家農糧政策法規與經濟動態資料/主要國家農業所得支持與保險政策之比較, 行政院農業委員會, 主要國家農業所得支持與保險政策之比較
- Book *, , 稻米產業創新經營與行銷策略之研究I計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Symposium Sangkumchaliang, Parichard*, 黃文琪, Consumers’ Perception and Behaviour of Organic Food in Thailand, 2010 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium Sangkumchaliang, Parichard*, 黃文琪, Consumers’ Perception and Attitude of Organic Food in Chiang Mai Thailand, The 6th Thailand-Taiwan Academic Cooperation Conference on “Food and Agricultural Innovation: Going Global.” , 曼谷, 中華民國
- Symposium Reyes Calderon, Edgardo*, 黃文琪, Sites for Biomass Plants in Taiwan, 1st Congress of East Asian Association on Environment and Resource Economists, 北海道, 中華民國
- Symposium Reyes Calderon, Edgardo*, 黃文琪, A Life Cycle Assessment of Rice-Straw Biofuel in Taiwan, 2010 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium Edgardo Reyes Calderon*, 黃文琪, Could Bioenergy be Used to Mitigate and Harvest Greenhouse Gases in Taiwan?, 2010 Japan-Korea-Taiwan International Conference on Agricultural and Resources Economics, 台北, 中華民國, 54-83
- Symposium Bui, Duc Sinh*, 黃文琪, Local Community Perception on Ecotourism in Cucphuong National Park, Ninhbinh Province, Vietnam, 2010 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium Angel Amed Duron*, 黃文琪, Technical Efficiency in Milk Production of Dual-Purpose Farms During the Rainy and Dry Seasons in El Salvador, 2010 Japan-Korea-Taiwan International Conference on Agricultural , 台北, 中華民國, 363-381
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Lin, Jeun-Sheng, 依生活型態探討參與客家文化活動選擇決策之差異分析, 六堆歷史文化與產業學術研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 261-276
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Working with Small Farmers: Taiwan Experience, IYFF Campaign: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia, New Delhi, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Geographical Indicator and Food Mileage: Implications for International Agricultural Product Marketing, The 6th Thailand-Taiwan Academic Cooperation Conference on “Food and Agricultural Innovation: Going Global.” , 曼谷, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, General Situation of Family Farming in Taiwan, IYFF Campaign: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia, New Delhi, 中華民國
- Symposium *, 黃文琪, 偶像劇行銷對休閒農場長期遊憩吸引力影響之評估, 2010全國首屆鄉村旅遊發展研討會, 台南, 中華民國
- Journal Sanyang, Saikou E.*, 黃文琪, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: The EMPRETEC Showcase., The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Springer Science, 6, 3, 317-329
- Book 陳淑恩, 日本茶產業概況, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 陳淑恩, 日本政府對國產茶原料供應鏈成員之輔導, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 陳淑恩*, , , 99年度主要國家農糧政策法規與經濟動態資料蒐集計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 日本2010年新版批發市場整建方針, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 日本鼓勵發展稻米新用途之相關做法, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 日本農家戶別所得補償示範對策實施綱要, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 日本與其他主要國家之糧食自給率, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 日本推動有機農業之基本政策概述, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 日本批發市場整建基本方針概要, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Book 亞洲開發銀行之亞太地區糧食安全運籌方案, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Symposium Reyes Calderon, Edgardo*, 黃文琪, Promising Energy Plants for Biofuels and Their Impact in Taiwan’s Agricultural Landscape, 台灣農村經濟學會2009年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2009 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Reyes Calderon, Edgardo*, 黃文琪, Demand Elasticities for Pork, Seafood, and Rice in Taiwan, 台灣農村經濟學會2009年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2009 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, Analysis of the Formation of Agricultural Biotechnology Industrial Cluster to Enhance Agricultural Development—An Example of Pingtung Biotechnology Park, the REST/KAEA Joint International Conference, 江原道, 中華民國, 142-150
- Symposium Amed, Angel*, 黃文琪, Economic Performance and Marketing Structure of Rural Dairy Farmers in El Salvador: San Juan de La Cruz Case Study, 台灣農村經濟學會2009年年會暨農業經濟學術研討會the 2009 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台中, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, 陳淑恩, oung Farmers’ Development Programs in Taiwan, the ALRO 2nd International Conference on Land Reform For Wealthy Life, Bangkok, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Linking Small Farmers to the Market: Experiences and Concerns Aroused from the Perspective of Supporting Services Provided by NGOs in Rural Asia, the REST/KAEA Joint International Conference, 江原道, 中華民國, 127-141
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Agribusiness Incubation in National Pingtung University of Science of Technology, the Multinational Observational Study Mission on Entrepreneurship and Agrotechnology /Agribusiness Incubation, 台北, 中華民國
- Journal Varela, Odette, 黃文琪, Sanyang, Saikou E*, Consumer Behavior and Preference in the Fruit Markets of Taiwan, Agricultural Economics and Marketing Journal, IDOSI Publications, 2, 1, 19-28
- Journal Sanyang, Saikou E.*, Kao, Te-Chen, 黃文琪, The Impact of Agricultural Technology Transfer to Women Vegetable Production and Marketing Groups in the Gambia, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, IDOSI Publications , 5, 2, 169-179
- Journal Sanyang, Saikou E.*, 黃文琪, An Agro-Enterprise Approach to Support Women Groups in Poultry Production for Income Generating in Central river Region of the Gambia., Agricultural Economics and Marketing Journal, IDOSI Publications, 2, 2, 36-44
- Journal Sanyang, Saikou E*, Kao, Te-Chen, 黃文琪, Comparative Study of Sustainable and Non-sustainable Interventions in Technology Development and Transfer to the Women’s Vegetable Gardens in the Gambia, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008, 34, 1, 59-75
- Journal 黃文琪*, 氣候變遷與能源價格波動下農業經營之調適–土地利用型農企業經營者因應之策, 農業經營管理會訊, 台灣農業經營管理學會, 46, 5-9
- Journal 黃文琪*, 亞太地區糧食安全:小農經濟體對策, 中華民國太平洋企業論壇簡訊, 太平洋經濟合作理事會中華民國委員會, 12, 8-10
- Journal 鄭秋桂*, 黃文琪, 陳淑恩, 主要果品運銷價差合理性之分析, 臺灣銀行季刊, 臺灣銀行經濟研究室, 60, 2, 212-240
- Book 鄭秋桂*, , 蔡月香, 陳淑恩, 台灣安全農業認驗證產品價差調查分析及政策建議之研究計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會
- Symposium Te-Chen Kao, 黃文琪*, Evaluation of sustainable intervention of technology transfer to women’s vegetable production and marketing groups in the Gambia, The 5th Bilateral Conference between NPUST and KU: Agriculture for Improving Human Life: The International Collaboration on Tropical Agriculture, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium Sanyang, Saikou E., 黃文琪*, Development of Agricultural Food Procesing Industry for Women Entrepreneurs in Taiwan., 2008 Annual Meeting and Conference of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan (REST), 台北, 中華民國, 1-16
- Symposium 黃文琪, The Development Strategy for the Meiling Agri-tourism Area form the Aspect of Agricultural Resource Utilization, 2008休閒事業管理學術研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪, Seasonal Demands Impact on the Quality and Quantity of Pig Meat, in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) from 1999 to 2007, BAI 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪, A Comparative Study on Different Types of Community-Based Tourism Businesses in Rural Costa Rica, The 5th Bilateral Conference between NPUST and KU: Agriculture for Improving Human Life: The International Collaboration on Tropical Agriculture, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪, Opportunities and Challenges of Pig Production in Cote d’Ivoire: Slaughters and Traders Data Analysis from 1999 to 2007, BAI 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪, , Women as Traditional Channel for Pig Meat Sales and the Project’s Impact on their Daily Lives in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) from 1999 to 2007, International Symposium on Globalization and Rural-Urban Divide, Seoul, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Lian, Li-Lan, Agro-tourism Development for Creation of Rural Jobs and Diversified Income in Taiwan., Workshop on Agro-tourism Development for the Creation of Rural Jobs and Diversified Income, Nov.3-8 Bandung, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Issues on Development of Rural Women’s Enterprises in Taiwan, 2008 ALRO International Conference on Land Reform for Wealthy Life, Dusit Hotel, Chiang Rai , 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, 氣候變遷與高油價下農業經營調適問題–土地利用型農企業經營者因應之策, 2008年台灣經營管理學會年會暨氣候變遷與高油價下台灣農業經營調適研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, 氣候變遷與高油價下土地利用型農企業經營者因應之策, 氣候變遷與高油價下之台灣農業經營調適研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 8-14
- Symposium 鄭秋桂, 黃文琪*, 陳淑恩, Marketing Margins for Selective Agricultural Products, 2008 Rural Economic Society of Taiwan (REST) International Conference on Agricultural and Resource Economics, Taipei, 中華民國
- Journal Trejos, Bernardo*, Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora, 黃文琪, Support Networks for Community-Based Tourism in Rural Costa Rica, The Open Area Studies Journal, Bentham Open, 1, 1, 16-25
- Journal Trejos, Bernardo*, 黃文琪, Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora, The Role of NGOs in the Development of Community-Based Rural Tourism in Costa Rica, Journal of Rural Tourism Research, 亞洲大學休閒與遊憩管理學系Department of Leisure and Recreation Management, Asia Univ, 2, 1, 63-76
- Journal Sanyang, Saikou E.*, Kabura, B.-H, 黃文琪, Effect of Some Seed Pretreatments on Emergence of Acacia senegal (L.), World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, IDOSI Publications, 4, 2, 213-219
- Journal Sanyang, Saikou E.*, 黃文琪, Micro-Financing: Enhancing the Role of Women’s Group for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Gambia., World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, IDOSI Publications, 4, 6, 665-673
- Journal Sanyang, Saikou E.*, 黃文琪, Green Cooperatives: A Strategic Approach Developing Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Asian and Pacific Region, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, IDOSI Publications, 4, 6, 674-683
- Journal 黃文琪, Sanyang, Saikou E.*, Small and Medium Enterprise for Women Entrepreneurs in Taiwan, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, IDOSI Publications, 4, S, 884-890
- Book 泰翊生技—生技創業歷程與價值創造計畫報告, 教育部
- Book 客家文化創意產業化之行銷策略計畫報告, 行政院客家委員會
- Symposium Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, 發展長宿休閒帶動農業轉型策略之分析, 休閒農業論壇, 南京, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Challenges with Globalization and Influence of Transnational Business through Modern Supermarket and Hypermarket in Taiwan, AAI Knowledge Network Meeting on Concentration in the Asia-Pacific Agri-Food System, Yunjiao Town of Sanhe City, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, An Investigative Report on Successful Cases of Innovative Projects for Enhancing Woman Farmers’ Role in the Development of Rural Taiwan, 2007 FFTC-RDA International Seminar on Enhancement of Women Farmers’ Role in the Development of Rural Asia, Suwan (水原市), 中華民國, 271-287
- Symposium 黃文琪*, 透過民間組織進行國際農業合作, 2007年農業關鍵議題座談, 台北, 中華民國, 1-10
- Symposium 黃文琪*, 數位落差與農村婦女創業機會, 2007年農業關鍵議題座談, 台北, 中華民國, 1-10
- Journal 黃文琪*, Lin, Jeun-Sheng, Strategies for Farm Resorts Based on Perception Positioning Analysis, Journal of International Cooperation, 國合會ICDF, 2, 2, 121-137
- Symposium Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, 農產品應用行銷整合傳播推展國際市場之探討, 台灣農業與資源經濟2006年年會暨學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, 農業科技園區帶動農業產業聚落之研究-以屏東農業生物科技園區為例, 農業經濟與政策制度研究計畫成果研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Lin, Jeun-Sheng, Urban/Peri-Urban Agriculture: Status and Challenges in Taiwan, 2006 FFTC-PCARRD International Workshop on Urban/Peri-Urban Agriculture in the Asian and Pacific Region, Tagaytay City, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Food With Identification: Agricultural Product Traceability System in Taiwan, International Forum on Agribusiness Management and Sustainable Development, as part of program on the 8th Annual Sustainable Management Conference, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, A case Study on NGO-PO Partnership Model on Empowerment and Sustainable Rural Development Relationship between Taiwan DHRRA/NPUST and TWADA, the 6th Asia DHRRA General Assembly on Roles of NGOs and POs in Sustainable rural Development Models of PO-NGO Partnership, Taiping, 中華民國
- Journal Trejos, Bernardo*, 黃文琪, Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora , Support Networks for Community-Based Rural Tourism in Costa Rica, Journal of International Cooperation, ICDF, 1, 1, 88-106
- Book 劉書助*, 產銷履歷制度標準作業資料編纂計畫報告, 思騰顧問股份有限公司
- Book 鄭秋桂*, 陳淑恩, 敏感性農產品運銷價差合理性分析計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會農糧署
- Symposium Church, Michael M., 黃文琪*, Planning for Ecotourism Using Geographical Information System – A Case Study, International Symposium on Tropical Agriculture and Agro-biotechnology: A Series of Conferences to Celebrate the Establishment of the Agricultural Biotechnology Park, 屏東, 中華民國, 443-452
- Symposium 黃文琪*, NGO support for community-based rural tourism in Costa Rica, International Symposium on Environmental and Resource Management Policy, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium 黃文琪*, Agribusiness Development Strategies for Sustainable Natural Resource Management, International Seminar on Management of Natural Resource, 桃園, 中華民國, 1-10
- Symposium 黃文琪*, A Preliminary Assessment of Market Potential for Developing Integrated Organic Farming and Poultry Production Module—Case Study of A Model Farm, 2005 REST-KAEA International Conference on Agricultural Economics and Resources, Taipei, 中華民國, 207-222
- Symposium *, , 黃文琪, 海洋園區漁產品加工與行銷之探討, 93年度南方海洋園區研究成果發表會, 高雄, 中華民國
- Book *, 農業科技園區帶動農業產業聚落之研究—以屏東農業生物科技園區為例計畫報告, 行政院農業委員會
- Symposium Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, 遊客的不同旅遊需求對渡假型農場知覺定位差異之分析, 第六屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium Bykau, Siarhei V., 黃文琪*, Innovation Strategy for New Soy Sauce Products Development, International Symposium on Tropical Agriculture and Agro-biotechnology: A Series of Conferences to Celebrate the Establishment of the Agricultural Biotechnology Park, 屏東, 中華民國, 519-524
- Journal Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, The Integrated Analysis of Food Security and Environmental Conservation Cognition on Agricultural Policy Choices, 屏東商業技術學院學報, 國立屏東商業技術學院, 6, 373-393
- Book 促銷活動及知名度影響休閒農場知覺價值與旅遊意願之分析計畫報告, NSC92-2626-H-251-001-SSS
- Journal Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, The Comparative Study of Different Vacation Preferences between First-time and Revisit Tourists on Resort Leisure Farms, 農業經營管理, 台灣農業經營管理學會, 9, 195-219
- Journal Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, 實施運籌管理提昇臺灣農產品國際市場競爭力之探討, 農產運銷, 中國農產運銷協會, 127, 49-62
- Book , , , , , , , , 黃文琪*, , , , 自然資源與環境經濟學-理論基礎與本士案例分析, 雙葉書廊, 2, ISBN: 957-8555-77-6
- Journal Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, An Analysis of Business Performance Evaluation of Leisure Farms, 農業經營管理, 8, 1-37
- Journal Lin, Jeun-Sheng*, 黃文琪, The Factors Attracting Taiwanese Tourists to Visit the Mainland China, Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study , 中華民國戶外遊憩學會, 14, 2, 27-40
- Journal Lin, Jeun-Sheng Lin*, 黃文琪, Tourists’ Preservation Cognition and Participation in Eco-tours–An Application of Structural Equation Modelling, Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study , 中華民國戶外遊憩學會, 13, 2, 45-65
- Journal 黃文琪, Tung, Fu-Lai*, Hung, Rern Jay, A Feasibility Study of Implementing Agricultural Income Insurance Program in Taiwan, 臺灣土地金融季刊, 臺灣土地銀行, 37:2, 144, 189-207