Journal: 12 Items
Prize: 7 Items |
Symposium: 31 Items
Technology Report: 0 Items |
Book: 1 Items
Project: 19 Items |
- Journal 江主惠*, First report of hop stunt viroid infecting luffa and cantaloupe in Taiwan, Plant Disease, 0, 0
- Symposium 江主惠*, Using RNA interference (RNAi) strategy for whitefly and disease control, The 12th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science 2024 (ICCPS 2024), Chiayi, 中華民國, 61-61
- Symposium 江主惠*, Survey on papaya virus diseases in southern Taiwan and sequence analysis of ringspot virus, 中華植物保護學會113年度會員大會暨論文宣讀, 嘉義, 中華民國, 56-56
- Symposium 江主惠*, Investigation of papaya virus diseases in southern Taiwan and analysis of new strain papaya ringspot virus sequences, The 12th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science 2024 (ICCPS 2024), Chiayi, 中華民國, 52-52
- Symposium 江主惠*, Evaluation of beneficial microbes on tomato growth and their ability to resist tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus., 植物病理年會, 台北, 中華民國, 10-10
- Prize 112學年度農學院教學特優老師, 農學院, 中華民國
- Prize 榮獲本校112學年度(A類)專業教學特優教師獎, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal 江主惠*, The fifth residue of the coat protein of turnip mosaic virus is responsible for long-distance movement in a local-lesion host and aphid transmissibility in a systemic host, Phytopathology, The American Phytopathological Society (APS), 114, 7, 1689-1700
- Journal 江主惠*, Oral Administration of Lactococcus lactis Expressing Mite and Cockroach Major Allergens Alleviates Progression of Atopic March in a Mouse Model, Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research, Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 16, 4, 35-49
- Symposium 江主惠*, The effects of N-terminal coat protein sequence of papaya ringspot virus on systemic infection in host plants, 中華植物保護學會112年度會員大會暨論文宣讀, 嘉義, 中華民國
- Symposium 江主惠*, Expression of whitefly three important genes through mild strains of plant viral vectors to evaluate the effects of pest control, 中華植物保護學會112年度會員大會暨論文宣讀, 嘉義, 中華民國
- Symposium 江主惠*, Evaluation of beneficial microbes for the control of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in cucumber, 中華植物保護學會112年度會員大會暨論文宣讀, 嘉義, 中華民國
- Journal 江主惠, , , , , *, Preclinical safety evaluation of engineered Lactococcus lactis NZ3900 biotherapeutics using a 13-week repeated dose oral toxicity study in rabbits., Food Biotechnology, Taylor and Francis Ltd., 37, 3, 219-234
- Symposium 江主惠*, Lin, Jia-Xun, Chen, Tai-Yuan, Wu, Xuan-You, Hsu, Hua-Chin, Evaluation of beneficial microorganisms for the induction of defense response and for their resistance to ZYMV diseases, 農業用藥與抗藥性管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 249-249
- Symposium 江主惠*, Liao, Yun-Yin, You, Jia-Chang, The use of potyvirus vector to express astaxanthin synthase gene in plant to evaluate its performance, 農業用藥與抗藥性管理研討會, 屏東縣, 中華民國, 250-250
- Symposium 江主惠*, The Use of Potyvirus Vector to Express Valuable Products in Plants, Virus Research Seminar, Tsukuba, 日本
- Symposium 江主惠*, , , , Using RNA interference (RNAi) strategy to construct transgenic tobacco containing important whitefly genes to evaluate the feasibility of whitefly control., Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin., Taichung, 中華民國, 30-30
- Prize 110 學年度優良導師, 農學院, 中華民國
- Book 江主惠*, 農業華語數位教學課程-植物篇, 屏科大國際語言中心
- Prize 109學年度優良導師, 農學院, 中華民國
- Prize 第十八屆國家新創獎 學研新創獎, 財團法人生技醫療科技政策研究中心, 中華民國
- Journal 江主惠*, Effectiveness and safety of oral lactococci-based vaccine encoding triple common allergens to prevent airway allergy in mice., PLoS One, Public Library of Science, 16, 12, 1-15
- Symposium 江主惠*, Molecular and biological characterizations of tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus., Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin, Taichung, 中華民國, 111-111
- Symposium 江主惠*, Establishment of Tomato leaf curl virus satellite RNA as a viral vector, Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin, Taichung, 中華民國, 43-43
- Symposium Molecular characterization of tomato leaf begomovirus DNA β satellites in Taiwan., Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin. , Taichung, 中華民國, 101-101
- Symposium Molecular characterization of tomato leaf begomovirus DNA β satellites in Taiwan., Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin. , 台中市, 中華民國, 101-101
- Symposium Molecular and biological characterizations of tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus., Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin, 台中市, 中華民國, 111-111
- Symposium Establishment of Tomato leaf curl virus satellite RNA as a viral vector., Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin, 台中市, 中華民國, 43-43
- Prize 109 教學特優教師, 屏東科技大學農學院, 中華民國
- Journal Recombinant Lactococcus lactis expressing Ling Zhi 8 protein ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver and early atherogenesis in cholesterol-fed rabbits., BioMed Research International,
- Symposium You-Hong Wang, Chiu-Chsiung Cheng*, Chu-Hui Chiang, Yi-Hsien Lin, 江主惠, Selection of Polyethylene Glycol-Tolerant Rice Strains, Annual Conference for Horticultural Science, Taichung, 中華民國, 301-302
- Symposium 江主惠*, Plant viral vector expressed edible vaccine of American cockroach hypoallergen prevents roach-allergic asthma, International symposium on virus diseases of important crops, Taichung, 中華民國, 15-15
- Symposium 江主惠*, Optimizing culture conditions for the antagonistic activities of Myrothecium roridum against Phellinus noxius, Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin., Ping-Dung, 中華民國, 66-66
- Symposium 江主惠*, Occurrence of tomato leaf curl disease-associated recombinant begomoviruses in Taiwan, International Symposium on Virus Disease of Important Crops, Taichung, 中華民國, 24-24
- Symposium 江主惠*, Molecular characterization of apple fruit crinkle viroid in sweet persimmon in Taiwan, Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin. , Ping-Dung, 中華民國, 49-49
- Symposium 江主惠*, Investigation of viroid infection on the cucurbitaceae crops in Taiwan, Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin., Ping-Dung, 中華民國
- Symposium 江主惠*, Identification and molecular characterization of lisianthus enation leaf curl virus from tomato, Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, 中華民國
- Symposium 陳福旗, 江主惠*, Simultaneous detection of orchid viruses by multiplex reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction, Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society., Taichung, 中華民國
- Symposium Identification and molecular characterization of tomato leaf curl disease associated recombinant begomovirus, Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin., Ping-Dung, 中華民國, 45-45
- Symposium Investigation of viroid infection on the solanaceous crops in Taiwan, Annual meeting of Plant Protection Bulletin. , Ping-Dung, 中華民國
- Prize 輔導植醫系四技獲得107學年度第2學期生活服務教育課程績優班級第一名, 屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal First report of Lettuce mosaic virus infecting pea in Taiwan, Plant Disease,
- Symposium 江主惠*, Effect of carbon sources on the production of metabolites against Phellinus noxius by Myrothecium roridum and identification of its antifungal compounds., International symposium of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ping-Dung, 中華民國, 70-70
- Journal Oral edible plant vaccine containing hypoallergen of American cockroach major allergen Per a 2 prevents roach-allergic asthma in a murine model., PLOS ONE, 13:e0201281.
- Symposium Edible plant vaccine of Per a 2 hypoallergen expressed by Turnip mosaic virus in cabbage prevented allergic asthma in a murine model, 39th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Immunology,, Yilan, 中華民國
- Symposium Edible plant vaccine of Per a 2 hypoallergen expressed by Turnip mosaic virus in cabbage prevented allergic asthma in a murine model., Annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Immunology, 宜蘭, 中華民國
- Symposium Analysis of antagonistic ability of Myrothecium roridum to Rhizoctonia solani AG – 4 and Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, Annual meeting of Plant Pathology Bulletin, Taichung, 中華民國, 16-16
- Journal Analysis of 10 environmental allergen components of the american cockroach in Taiwan., Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol, 5, 117, 535-541
- Journal First report of Euphorbia leaf curl virus and Papaya leaf curl Guangdong virus on passion fruit in Taiwan., Plant Disease, 12, 9, 1746-1746
- Journal 江主惠*, First report of Passiflora virus Y infecting Macroptilium atropurpureum in Taiwan., Plant Disease, 96, 6, 918-918
- Journal Molecular authentication of Dendrobium species by multiplex polymerase chain reaction and amplification refractory mutation system analysis., J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci , 6, 137, 438-444