Journal: 9 Items
Prize: 1 Items |
Symposium: 4 Items
Technology Report: 0 Items |
Book: 2 Items
Project: 1 Items |
- Symposium Darwin Eduardo Ceron, 辛冠霆*, The Conserved Molecular Framework of Heterophylly Development of Taiwan Aquatic Plants, 屏東科技大學百年校慶永續國際研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Journal 辛冠霆, , , , *, Specific binding between Arabidopsis thaliana phytochrome-interacting factor 3 (AtPIF3) bHLH and G-box originated prior to embryophyte emergence, BMC Plant Biology, Springer Nature, 24, 1060
- Symposium 辛冠霆*, Detecting crosstalk between DNA methylation and lipid production in Arabidopsis thaliana, Academic advisory committee meeeting, Taipei, 中華民國
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Arabidopsis histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferases KYP/SUVH5/6 are involved in leaf development by interacting with AS1-AS2 to repress KNAT1 and KNAT2., Communications Biology, Springer Nature, 6, 219
- Book 辛冠霆*, 台灣博物季刊/由演化與基因調控看花對稱型轉變—以苦苣苔族兩側對稱花與輻射對稱花的GCYC基因表現模式為例, 國立台灣博物館, ISBN: 1026-2393
- Symposium 辛冠霆*, Allopatric lineage divergence of an East Asia endemic herb Conandron ramondioides inferred from low copy nuclear and plastid markers, 後疫情時代之前瞻植物科學與永續農業研討會, 南投, 中華民國, 67-67
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Insight into the Phylogeny and Binding Ability of WRKY Transcription Factors, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 0
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Allopatric Lineage Divergence of the East Asian Endemic Herb Conandron ramondioides Inferred from Low-Copy Nuclear and Plastid Markers., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 0
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Stress associated proteins coordinate the activation of comprehensive antiviral immunity in Phalaenopsis orchids., New Phytologist, 233, 1, 145-155
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Phylogenetic and Structural Analysis of NIN-Like Proteins With a Type I/II PB1 Domain That Regulates Oligomerization for Nitrate Response., Frontiers in Plant Science, 31, 12
- Symposium 辛冠霆*, East China Sea land bridge as a filter for the divergence of Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae): evidence from multi-loci marker phylogeography and ecological niche modeling, UTokyi-NTU Joint Conference 2019, Tokyo, 日本, 26-26
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Gene duplication and relaxation from selective constraints of GCYC genes correlated with various floral symmetry patterns in Asiatic Gesneriaceae tribe Trichosporeae, PLOS One, 30, 1
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Genetic analysis of floral symmetry transition in African violet suggests the involvement of trans-acting factor for Cycloidea expression shifts, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 9
- Journal 辛冠霆*, Expression shifts of floral symmetry genes correlate to flower actinomorphy in East Asia endemic Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae), Botanical studies, 1, 59
- Prize Student traveling grant, The Gesneriad society, 美國
- Book 辛冠霆*, 自然保育季刊/中之關古道異營植物介紹, 農業部