Journal: 62 Items
Prize: 17 Items |
Symposium: 14 Items
Technology Report: 0 Items |
Book: 3 Items
Project: 4 Items |
- Journal Wu, Jun-Yu, H.-W. Chen, L. S. Sundar, Y.-K. Tu, 趙雲洋*, Exploring the Potential of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria Strains A3-5 and F3-3 in Sustainable Agriculture: A Study on Nutrient Solubilization, Plant Growth Promotion, and Acidic Stress Tolerance., Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 0, 0
- Journal L. S. Sundar, Wu, Jun-Yu, Y.-K. Tu, H.-W. Chen, 趙雲洋*, Mitigation of salinity stress in salt-sensitive rice seedlings via phytohormone synthesis, antioxidant defence enhancement, and ion balance regulation induced by 5-aminolevulinic acid-producing purple non-sulfur bacteria., Plant Biology, 0, 0
- Prize 112學年院級優良導師, 國立屏東科技大學 農學院, 中華民國
- Journal Laurence Shiva Sundar, Yao-Tsung Chang, 趙雲洋*, Investigating the efficacy of purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) inoculation on djulis (Chenopodium Formosanum Koidz.) growth, yield, and maturity period modulation, Plant and Soil, 492, 3
- Journal Laurence Shiva Sundar, YEN,KUEI-SHAN, Yao-Tsung Chang, 趙雲洋*, Utilization of Rhodopseudomonas palustris in Crop Rotation Practice Boosts Rice Productivity and Soil Nutrient Dynamics, Agriculture, 0, 0
- Book 趙雲洋*, 臺灣藜副產品開發與利用, 國立屏東科技大學農業推廣委員會, ISBN: 978-626-98474-7
- Prize 教育部精準健康產業跨領域人才培育計畫-創新創業競賽(佳作)(團隊名稱:微笑皮革), 中興大學, 中華民國
- Prize FiTi獲得科技部111年度創新創業計畫榮獲創業潛力獎 (團隊名稱:絕菌重生), 國科會, 中華民國
- Prize 獲得教育部青年發展署111年度U- start創新創業計畫第一階段及補助, 教育部, 中華民國
- Prize 教育部「精準健康產業跨領域人才培育計畫」 精準農業領域教學推動中心創新創業競賽, 國立中興大學, 中華民國
- Prize 國立屏東科技大學校內實務專題競賽 生技醫農組【佳作獎】, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 【與太空旅行種子相遇】教育展國中組佳作, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Yun Lin Zheng,, Wen Wei Chang, 趙雲洋*, A comparison of wheat agronomic traits and grain quality in Pingtung and Taichung Region, 中華民國雜草會刊, 43, 2
- Journal Yen Kuei Shan, , 趙雲洋*, Foliar Application of Rhodopseudomonas palustris Enhances the Rice Crop Growth and Yield under Field Conditions, plants, 11, 19, 2452-
- Journal Pei-Shan Weng, Chun Yu Chen, 趙雲洋*, Effects of aromatic marigold extract on antioxidant capacity of hydroponic lettuce, 中華民國雜草會刊, 43, 1, 13-28
- Journal , 趙雲洋*, Potential of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria in Sustainably Enhancing the Agronomic and Physiological Performances of Rice, Agronomy, 12, 10, 2347-2358
- Journal , , , 趙雲洋*, Exogenous Calcium Fertilizer Supplementation Regulates Production Period in Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.), Plant Production Sciecne, 25, 3
- Symposium 趙雲洋*, Improve Taiwan Quinoa Growth Traits and Antioxidant Capability by Application of Calcium Carbonate, International Agriculture Innovation Conference (webinar), Tokyo, 日本, 96-96
- Symposium 趙雲洋*, 臺灣藜生長階段預測模式之建立, 中華民國雜草學會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Journal Pin-Hua Lin, 趙雲洋*, Different Drought-Tolerant Mechanisms in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) and Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.) Based on Physiological Analysis, Plants, MDPI, 10, 11, 2279-2295
- Journal Chen Yu-Jyun, Yang Xian-Hao, 趙雲洋*, Nanosilver-Promoted Lateral Root Development in Rice is Mediated through Hydrogen Peroxide, Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 90 , (5), 1477-1489
- Journal 趙雲洋*, Wei-Jia Wang, Yan-Ting Liu, Effect of Calcium on the Growth of Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.) Sprouts, Agronomy, 11, 82, 1-12
- Journal , , 趙雲洋*, Analysis of antioxidant capacity of different colour strain of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.), International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation, 2, 2, 157-172
- Symposium 趙雲洋, 周映孜, *, Developing digital platform and eco-system of smart services for rice cultivation, Proceedings of the 4th International Agriculture Innovation Conference (IAIC 2019), Oulu, 芬蘭共和國, 57-59
- Symposium , 趙雲洋*, 矽酸鉀對水稻生長與生理之影響, 台灣農藝學年會, 台北, 中華民國, 55-55
- Symposium , 趙雲洋*, 乾旱對台灣藜生長及產量之影響, 台灣農藝學年會, 台北, 中華民國, 56-56
- Symposium *, , , , , 趙雲洋, Towards adaptive scheduling of shared resources for precise farming, International Sustainable Development Conference, Pingtung, 中華民國, 48-49
- Prize 109年研究成果論文宣讀表現優良, 台灣農藝學會, 中華民國
- Prize 108學年度 院級優良導師, 農學院, 中華民國
- Prize 108學年度 校級優良導師, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Min-Li Liu, 謝清祥, 趙雲洋*, Effects of high temperature on the physiological and antioxidation abilities of cucumber seedlings, Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research , 5, 1
- Journal , , , 趙雲洋*, 臺灣藜生長模式之建立, 中華民國雜草學會會刊, 41, 1, 27-39
- Book 林資哲, 趙雲洋, 謝清祥*, 台灣藜栽培推廣手冊, 國立屏東科技大學農業推廣委員會
- Symposium Yun-Yang Chao, Developing digital platform and eco-system of smart services for rice cultivation, Proceedings of the 4th International Agriculture Innovation Conference, Oulu, 芬蘭共和國, 57-59
- Symposium Yu-Jyun Chen, 趙雲洋*, Effect of Nano-Silver on Rice Root Development, 2019農業生技產業資源鏈結研討會, 屏東, 中華民國, 133-134
- Symposium Wei-Jia Wang, Yan-Ting Liu, 趙雲洋*, Effect of Nano-Calcium on the Growth of Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.) Sprouts, 2019農業生技產業資源鏈結研討會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium , , 趙雲洋*, 不同顏色種台灣藜(Chenopodium formosanum)抗氧化能力分析, 台灣農藝學會108 年度年會, 台南, 中華民國, 48-48
- Prize 學術論文海報競賽 【植物生技組】佳作(屏科食跨培(108)字第9038號), 2019農業生技產業資源鏈結研討會, 中華民國
- Prize 學術論文海報競賽 【植物生技組】佳作(屏科食跨培(108)字第9037號), 2019農業生技產業資源鏈結研討會 , 中華民國
- Journal I-En Hsueh, 趙雲洋, Insights into Physiological Mechanisms of Salt Stress Tolerance in Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.) Sprouts, Journal of Plant Biology, 62, 1, 263-273
- Journal 趙雲洋*, Xian-Hao Young, Jia-Yu Liu, Effects of nano-calcium and nano-silicon fertilizer on rice production, Weed Science Bulletin, 40, 1, 29-39
- Journal , 趙雲洋*, Investigation on Agronomic Traits of djulis and quinoa, 台灣之種苗, 166
- Prize 107年度校內學生實務專題製作競賽【生技醫農類】第二名, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 高雄市儀器商業同業公會壁報競賽, 高雄市儀器商業同業公會, 中華民國
- Journal Pin-Hua Lin, Miao-Sen Huang, 趙雲洋*, Effects of Various Leguminous Intercrops on Maize Yield, Madyica, 63, 1, 1-6
- Journal Hao-Jun Chen, Yi Shen Ooi, Min-Li Liu, 趙雲洋*, 臺灣地區八月豆農藝性狀之研究, 台灣之種苗, 158, 14-21
- Journal , 趙雲洋*, 不同矽源處理對水稻幼苗生長之影響, 台灣之種苗, 160, 14-21
- Symposium Pin-Hua Lin, Miao-Sen Huang, 趙雲洋*, 玉米間作不同豆科作物對與玉米產量之影響, 中華民國雜草學會年會, 台中, 中華民國, 75-75
- Symposium , 趙雲洋*, 草莓寒害耐受性生理指標之研究, 106年作物科學講座暨研究成果發表會, 台中國立中興大學, 中華民國, 75-75
- Prize 106年度校內學生實務專題製作競賽【生技醫農類】佳作, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Prize 106年度校內學生實務專題製作競賽【生技醫農類】特優, 國立屏東科技大學, 中華民國
- Journal Min-Li Liu, 謝清祥, 趙雲洋*, Kaohsiung No. 3 Cucumber: An Early Flowering Variety Tolerant to Heat and Moisture, HORTSCIENCE, 52, 10, 1435-1437
- Journal Hsuan Chien, Zhi Yu Zheng, Sin Kiang Chiew, 趙雲洋*, 不同氮肥量對台灣藜生長之影響, 中華民國雜草會刊, 38, 1-12
- Journal Hao-Jun Chen, Yi Shen Ooi, Min-Li Liu, 趙雲洋*, Study on the growth traits in eighth-month beans (Vigna unguiculata L.), International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, 2, 4, 10-17
- Journal Chien-Hui Lin, Min-Li Liu, 趙雲洋*, 葫蘆科(Cucurbitaceae)果實抗氧化能力之研究, 作物、環境與生物資訊, 14:, 2, 53-62
- Journal Chien-Hui Lin, Min-Li Liu, 趙雲洋*, 胡瓜、絲瓜及苦瓜果實抗氧化能力之研究, 台灣之種苗, 155, 9~10
- Symposium , 趙雲洋*, 不同顏色台灣藜生長性狀之研究, 中華民國雜草學會年會, 屏東, 中華民國
- Symposium , , 趙雲洋*, 堆肥添加遠紅線資材對玉米產量之影響, 中華民國雜草學會年會, 屏東, 中華民國, 75-
- Journal 吳宗孟, Ke‑Chun Lin, Wei-Shiang Liau, 趙雲洋, Ling-Hung Yang, Szu-Yun Chen, Chwan?Yang Hong*, A set of GFP-based organelle marker lines combined with DsRed-based gateway vectors for subcellular localization study in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Molecular Biology, 90, 107-115
- Journal 林汶鑫, 趙雲洋, 金石文, 陳福旗, 李鎮宇*, Establishment of a prediction model for the miRNA-based heading date characteristics of rice in the booting stage, Genet. Mol. Res., 14, 2, 4381-4390
- Journal The Influence of Far-Infrared Materials Added to Compost on the Yield of Maize, Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research, 1, 3
- Journal A set of GFP-based organelle marker lines combined with DsRed-based gateway vectors for subcellular localization study in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Molecular Biology, 90, 1-2
- Journal 不同顏色台灣藜生長性狀之研究, 中華民國雜草會刊, 37, ----
- Journal 不同品種之玉米及大豆間作栽培對產量之影響, 中華民國雜草會刊, 36, 1
- Book 趙雲洋*, 作物學概論, 國立屏東科技大學農學院叢書 081, 12, ISBN: 978-986-04-4376-9
- Prize 103學年度優良導師, 農學院, 中華民國
- Journal Yun Yen Hsu, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Cobalt chloride- induced lateral root formation in rice:The role of heme oxygenase., J Plant Physiol , 170, 1075-1081
- Journal Yi-Hsuan Chen, 趙雲洋, Yun Yen Hsu, Ching Huei Kao*, Heme oxygenase is involved in H2O2-induced lateral root formation in apocynin-treated rice, Plant Cell Rep, 32, 219-226
- Journal Mi-Yin Wei, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, NaCl-induced heme oxygenase in roots of rice seedlings is mediated through hydrogen peroxide., Plant Growth Regul, 69, 209-214
- Journal Chung-Ling Kuo, 趙雲洋, d Ching-Huei Kao*, Antioxidant responses of rice seedlings to sulfur deficiency., Crop, Environment & Bioinformatics, 10, 165-171
- Journal Chun-Hsin Liu, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Effect of potassium deficiency on antioxidant status and cadmium toxicity in rice seedlings., Bot stud , 54, 2-10
- Journal 趙雲洋, Methyl jasmonate-induced lateral root formation in rice: the role of heme oxygenase and calcium., J Plant Physiol , 171, 63-69
- Journal 趙雲洋, 基於週期循環之梅花心易信息預測方法之探討 : 以臺灣水稻栽作例, 世界易經大會論文集. 2013年 : 第十六回世界易經大會, 聖環圖書, 573-604
- Journal Yun Yen Hsu, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Biliverdin-promoted lateral root formation is mediated through heme oxygenase in rice., Plant Signal Behav, 7, 885-887
- Journal Yi-Hsuan Chen, 趙雲洋, Yun Yen Hsu, Chwan-Yang Hong, Ching Huei Kao*, Heme oxygenas is involved in nitric oxide- and auxin-induced lateral root formation in rice., Plant Cell Rep, 31, 1085-1091
- Journal Yi-Chu Chang, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Involvement of nitric oxide in iron deficiency enhanced accumulation of cadmium and expression of OsIRT1 in rice., Crop, Environment & Bioinformatics, 9, 81-88
- Journal Yi-Chu Chang, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, 水稻幼苗鎘逆境下鐵的角色, Crop Enviorn Bioimfo , 8, 175-183
- Journal Ting-Shao Chou, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Involvement of hydrogen peroxide in heat shock- and cadmium- induced expression of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reducatse in leaves of rice seedlings., J Plant Physiol , 169, 478-486
- Journal Shih-Chueh Cho, 趙雲洋, Chwan-Yang Hong, Ching Huei Kao*, The role hydrogen peroxide in cadmium-inhibited root growth of rice seedlings, Plant Growth Regul, 66, 27-35
- Journal Shih-Chueh Cho, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Calcium deficiency increases Cd toxicity and Ca is required for heat-shock induced Cd tolerance in rice seedlings., J Plant Physiol , 169, 892-898
- Journal Chun-Hsin LIU, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei KAO*, Abscisic acid is an inducer of hydrogen peroxide production in leaves of rice seedlings grown under potassium deficiency., Bot stud, 53, 229-237
- Journal 趙雲洋, Ting-Shao Chou, Ching Huei Kao*, Involvement of abscisic acid and hydrogen peroxide in regulating the activities of antioxidant enzymes in leaves of rice seedlings under magnesium deficiency., Plant Growth Regul, 66, 1-8
- Journal Ya-Lin Lin, 趙雲洋, Wen-Dar Huang, Ching Huei Kao*, Effect of nitrogen deficiency on antioxidant status and Cd toxicity in rice., Plant Growth Regul , 64, 263-273
- Journal Ting-Shao Chou, 趙雲洋, Wen-Dar Huang, Chwan-Yang Hong, Ching Huei Kao*, Effect of magnesium deficiency on antioxidant status and cadmium toxicity in rice seedlings., J Plant Physiol, 168, 1021-1030
- Journal Chun-Ling KUO, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei KAO*, Heat-shock pretreatment suppresses cadmium-induced ammonium ion accumulation and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity in rice seedlings leaves., Bot stud, 52, 471-478
- Journal Chun-Ling KUO, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei KAO*, Heat-shock pretreatment suppresses cadmium-induced ammonium ion accumulation and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity in rice seedlings leaves, Bot stud, 52, 471-478
- Journal 趙雲洋, Chao-Yeh Chen, Chwan-Yang Hong, Ching Huei Kao*, 穀胱甘肽可提高水稻鎘逆境之耐受性, Crop, Environment & Bioinformatics, 8, 217-238
- Journal Ya-Lin Lin, 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Exposure of rice seedlings to heat shock protects against subsequent Cd-induced decrease in glutamine synthetase activity and increase in specific protease activity in leaves, J Plant Physiol, 167, 1061-1065
- Journal 趙雲洋, Chwan-Yang Hong, Ching Huei Kao*, The decline in ascorbic acid content is associated with cadmium toxicity of rice seedlings, Plant Physiol Biochem, 48, 374-381
- Journal 趙雲洋, Ching Huei Kao*, Heat shock-induced ascorbic acid accumulation in leaves increases cadmium tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings., Plant Soil, 336, 39-48
- Journal Chwan-Yang Hong, 趙雲洋, Min-YuYang, Shih-Chueh Cho, Ching Huei Kao*, NaCl – induced expression of glutathione reductase in roots of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings is mediated through hydrogen peroxide but not abscisic acid, Plant Soil , 320, 103-115
- Journal Chwan-Yang Hong, 趙雲洋, Min-YuYang, Shih-Chueh Cho, Ching Huei Kao*, Na+ but not Cl- or osmotic stress is involved in NaCl-induced expression of Glutathione reductase in roots of rice seedlings, J Plant Physiol, 166, 1598-1606
- Journal 趙雲洋, Yi Ting Hsu, Ching Huei Kao*, Involvement of glutathione in heat shock- and hydrogen peroxide-induced cadmium tolerance of rice (Oryzasativa L.) seedlings., Plant Soil , 318, 37-45
- Journal 趙雲洋, Chao-Yeh Chen, Wen-Dar Huang, Ching Huei Kao*, Salicylic acid-mediated hydrogen peroxide accumulation and protection against Cd toxicity in rice leaves, Plant Soil , 329, 327-337
- Journal 趙雲洋*, 離層酸誘導之OsMAPK3水稻轉殖株可提昇巴拉刈之抗性, 作物、環境與生物資訊, 4, 185-200
- Journal 趙雲洋*, 抑制OsMAPK3基因表現會降低水稻對高鹽與乾旱的耐受性。, 台灣農業化學與食品科學, 45, 142-154