Journal: 20 Items
Prize: 4 Items |
Symposium: 29 Items
Technology Report: 0 Items |
Book: 4 Items
Project: 21 Items |
- Project 台灣義大利合作計畫:為提升生物多樣性的生態系服務保育和復育: 關鍵區導向的台義山區研究場域比較,
- Project 台灣印度雙邊協議型擴充加值國際合作計劃: 從社會水文系統視角分析都市水資源永續設計:印度邦加羅爾和台灣高雄的場域分析,
- Symposium Chiang, Tsai-Jung, 簡赫琳*, Comparing Payments for Ecosystem Services in Europe and Asia: A Systematic Literature Review Approach, EGU 2024, Vienna, 奧地利共和國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Bridging the Socio-economic Inequality Gap in Adapting Climate Change: The Socio-Political Role of Civil Society in Taiwan, ISTR 2024, Antwerp, 比利時王國
- Project 2024企業委任生物多樣性專案暨專家審查,
- Project 113學年度 大學社會責任計劃 崁頂清淨河川種子遊說計畫,
- Project 系統思考視角下開發農村閒置資源並結合虛實整合之桌遊設計,
- Project 海濱太陽能板下閒置農地再利用環教實驗場域,
- Prize 112年度教學特優教師獎勵(C類)-推動大學社會責任教學, 教資中心, 中華民國
- Journal Jiang, Tasi-Jung*, Hervan Marion Morgan, 蔡文田, 簡赫琳, 顏才博, , Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass into Biochar: Enhancing Adsorption Kinetics and Pore Properties for Environmental Sustainability, Sustainability, 16, 15, 6623-
- Journal 簡赫琳*, What Kind of Wicked Problem? Applying Uncertainty Typology in Livestock Wastewater Management Practice Analysis, NPUST Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 18, 1, 89-117
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Interview: How parliamentary monitoring organizations are helping consolidate emerging democracies, Melbourne Asia Review, 19, 19
- Journal 簡赫琳*, , Can parliamentary monitoring organizations help reverse democratic decline in Taiwan and Asia more broadly?, Melbourne Asia Review, 19, 0
- Journal 簡赫琳*, , , Social Science Approaches to Critical Zone Studies: A Systematic Review, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 0, 0
- Journal *, , , , , , 簡赫琳, Revisiting the sustainability science research agenda, Sustainability Science, 0, 0
- Book 簡赫琳*, New Forms of Active Citizen Participation to Regenerate Cities? Systematic Analysis of Co-City Literature and Projects in Asia, Routledge
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, PMOs in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities, International Workshop on PMOs (Parliamentary Monitoring Organizations), 墨爾本, 澳大利亞
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Hidden Socio-Ecological Relation and Future Opportunities in Water Governance: A Water System Nexus Approach, The 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP 6), Toronto, 加拿大
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, , Role of citizen’s subjective value in climate governance, 2023年台灣政治學會年會, Kaohsiung, 中華民國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, , , What is the Role of Metis Knowledge in State-Reinforced Adaptive Governance? Insights from A Water-Food Nexus Adaptation Prototype in Taiwan, 2023再生能源與國家安全學術研討會 「緊急水資源」場次會議論文, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium *, , 簡赫琳, , Integrated approach of hydrological simulation and payment of ecosystem services (PES) for water resource management and human well-being in Pinglin District, Taiwan, 2023永續通識、醫學人文暨STEAM教育國際研討會, 高雄, 中華民國
- Project 112年大學社會責任計劃 再生農業種子遍地開花計畫,
- Project 112年國科會短期人才補助 ESP 生態系服務國際夥伴學會兩位學者來台,
- Project 綠色糧食消費 USR-CSR,
- Project 氣候不確定下的水資源競爭與衝突前章: 用全程耦合來切入,
- Project 利用沼渣建立植栽培養土之研究,
- Prize 111年度教學特優教師獎勵(C類)-推動大學社會責任教學, 教資中心, 中華民國
- Prize 111學年度(A類)專業教學特優教師獎, 屏科大, 中華民國
- Journal 簡赫琳*, , University Departments as Change Agents in the Organic Waste Management Sector: Lessons from Action Research Initiatives in Thailand and Taiwan, Journal of the Global South, Brill, 10, 2, 185-205
- Journal 簡赫琳*, , Innovations Amid Gaps between Policy and Practice for Sustainable Development: System Thinking of Livestock Wastewater Metagovernance Innovations in Taiwan, Innovation in the Social Sciences, 1, 1, 70-98
- Journal , , 簡赫琳*, , Socio-hydrological approach for water resource management and human well-being in Pinglin District, Taiwan, Water, 15, 18, 3302-
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, The Role of Civil Society in Sustainable Management of Urban Commons: A Comparison of Co-City Projects in Asia, Civil Society in Asia: International Conference in Melbourne 4, Melbourne, 澳大利亞
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Practice Variants beyond Rule of Law: Myriad Potential for Social Innovation in Meta-Governance of Livestock Wastewater, Social Innovation: Global Challenges and Opportunities Online International Conference, 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Another Side of River Cities’ Tale: Perishing Cities for Telecoupled Urban Water Provisioning, 25th International River Symposium, Vienna, 奧地利共和國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, , Evaluating Alignment of government practice and Stakeholders’ Perception in A Critical Zone: A Social-Ecological System Perspective,, Belmont World Rivers Day Conference, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, , 水源保育與回饋費在臺灣各區實施之歷史回顧與比較, Belmont World Rivers Day Conference, 台北, 中華民國
- Project LTSER翡翠站 森林茶園生態系統長期觀測計畫,
- Project 111年度高教深耕計畫跨領域研究團隊 – 融合博雅精神之科技導向永續問題介入,
- Project 111學年度 大學社會責任計畫: 萬巒公私協力從河說起,
- Project 貝蒙計劃-棄置與再生:地景和土地利用變化的社會觀點及其對水文和土壤之影響第二年,
- Project 台灣南部民生用水社會生態系統探討,
- Prize 2022 永續教學實踐競賽第一名, 台灣永續能源研究基金會, 中華民國
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Researchers as Scale Crossing Brokers in Knowledge Co- Production and More: A Prerequisite to Tackle Mismatches in Ecosystem Restoration Governance,, Journal of Public Administration, 63, 0, 103-133
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Evaluating impacts of researchers to enable sustainability transition: using urban ecosystem service literature as an exemplary field, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24, 0, 2345-2361
- Journal 簡赫琳*, , , Urban Commons in the Techno-Economic Paradigm Shift: An ICT-Enabled Climate-Resilient Solutions Review, Environment and Planning B: Urban and City Science, SAGE , 0, 0
- Book 簡赫琳*, , , Blue-Green Infrastructure across Asian Countries: Improving Urban Resilience and Sustainability, Springer Singapore, Is Ensuring the Sustainable Implementation of BGI , ISBN: 978-981-16-7128-9
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, What Kind of Wicked Probelm: Applying Uncertainty Typology in Livestock Wastewater Management Practice Analysis, International Public Policy Association 2021 Conference, Barcelona, 西班牙王國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Urban Water Restoration in East Asia, Young Scholars and Professionals Session, 5th Science and Technology Forum and ICSS 2021, Stockholm, 瑞典王國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Urban River Restoration and Future Scenarios, CSS & Science Forum Conference Session 1 - Part 1: Breakout Group 1: Advancing Solutions for Transition, Tokyo, 日本
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Social Science Approaches to Critical Zone Studies: A Review, ESP Asia 3rd Conference, Nagasaki, 日本
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Role of General Education in the 21st Century, 2021教學實踐研究研討會, Online, 中華民國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Researchers as Scale Crossing Brokers in Knowledge Co-Production: A Prerequisite to Tackle Mismatches, 2021文化、社會與地方創生:理論與實踐, 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Opportunities and Challenges for Constructed Wetlands to Restore Urban River: A Coupled Infrastructure Framework Approach, 第十二屆台灣濕地生態系研討會:濕地公約 50 年: 臺灣濕地前瞻與回顧, 台北, 中華民國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Implementing Water-Energy-Food Nexus Solution for Climate Change Adaptation, IASC 2021 Water Commons Virtual Conference, Tempe, AZ, 美國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, , Organic Waste Management and Repurposing to Improve Urban Metabolism: Comparing Opportunities and Challenges in Thailand and Taiwan, Wenzao ICSEAS, 高雄, 中華民國
- Project 110 年推動大學社會責任專案計畫: 龍頸溪翻身計畫,
- Project 貝蒙計劃-棄置與再生:地景和土地利用變化的社會觀點及其對水文和土壤之影響第一年,
- Project 永續畜牧廢水社會-生態系統中行動者的角色: 從調適性治理角度看到的障礙與機會,
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Saito, Evaluating social–ecological fit in urban stream management: The role of governing institutions in sustainable urban ecosystem service provision, Ecosystem Services, 49, 0, 10128-10128
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Adaptive Management in Urban Stream Governance: A Review and an Urban Commoning Scenario-Building Exercise, Lex Localis- Journal of Local Self-Government , 19, 3
- Journal 簡赫琳*, 【專題三】永續發展 超越「環保」的永續與韌性城市規劃新思維, Taiwan Environment, 182, 0, 32-35
- Book 簡赫琳*, 戴昌賢, From Crisis to Opportunity: Linking the need for local food sustainability with university social responsibility to build a resilient society, UNDIP Press Semarang, ISBN: 978-979-097-790-7
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Urban Commons in the Techno-Economic Paradigm Shift; An ICT-Enabled Sharing Paradigm Perspective, Smart Cities and Climate-Resilient Urban Planning, Kyoto, 日本
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Moving Forward with Adaptive Management in Urban Stream Governance: A Review and Urban Commoning Scenario Building Exercise, International Sustainable Development Conference ISDC 2020, Pingtung, 中華民國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Ensuring Sustainable Implementation of BGI? Evaluating System Dynamics of Blue-Green Infrastructures in Urban River Restoration, 2nd International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co-creation in Sustainability (2nd ISTAKCOS), Bogor, 印度尼西亞共和國
- Symposium 簡赫琳*, Adaptation of CIS Framework on River Ecosystem Service Assessment” Summer School on Institutional Frameworks and Applications, Summer School on Institutional Frameworks and Applications, Tempe, Arizona, 美國
- Project 109年推動大學社會責任專案計畫: 世界河川日X SDGs,
- Project 109學年度教育部補助大專校院氣候變遷教學活動計畫,
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Responsive Type of City Governance, New Society for Taiwan, 66, 78-83
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Knowledge Gap in City-Based Sustainable Development: A Pilot Study of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 正修通識教育學報, 0, 17, 57-88
- Symposium What Are the “Contemporary” Commons? Genealogy, Typology and Innovative Mechanisms to Tackle Individuality-Collective Dilemma, Ecosystem Services Partnership ESP 10th World Conference , Hannover, 德意志聯邦共和國
- Symposium Impact of Institutional Fit on Urban Stream Sustainability Transition: Longitudinal Ecosystem Services Assessment of Wan-Nian River in Pingtung, Taiwan, ESP Asia Forum, Hannover , 德意志聯邦共和國
- Symposium An International Development Perspective on Rural Social Entrepreneurship in Taiwan and Thailand, International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies, 高雄, 中華民國
- Symposium Expanding Agenda Setting of “Sustainability” in the Study of Urban Ecosystem Services, Ecosystem Services Partnership ESP 10th World Conference , Hannover, 德意志聯邦共和國
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Winners and Losers in OBOR as Public Private Partnership: A Reflection on Sustainable Development of Lao PDR, Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 54, 1-42
- Journal 簡赫琳*, Social Transformation and Citizen Participation, 新社會政策, 台灣新社會智庫協會, 64, 40-44
- Journal Reducing Emissions, Forest Management and Multiactor Perspectives: Problem Representation Analysis of Laos REDD+ Programs, Forest and Society, 3, 2, 252-277
- Book 創新成長夥伴: 台灣與新南向國家, 財團法人中華經濟研究院, 寮國科研發展與需求, ISBN: 978-9579676977