Immunoadjuvant efficacy of plasmids with multiple copies of a CpG motif coadministrated with avian influenza vaccine in chickens.

Immunoadjuvant efficacy of plasmids with multiple copies of a CpG motif coadministrated with avian influenza vaccine in chickens.

Professor    5150/5088
AuthorHung LH, Tsai PC, Wang CH, Li SL, Huang CC, 連一洋, 莊秀琪*
Author count7
Created date2019-02-19
Author order第四(以上)作者
Corresponding author
Publication year2011
Publication month1
Journal nameVaccine 2011 Jun 24;29(29-30):4668-75.
Publication area中華民國
Start page4668
End page4675
Publication type
Review system
LanguageForeign Language
Attached project