Hematological, Morphological and Morphometric Characteristics of Blood Cells in Captive Adélie, Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins in Pingtung, Taiwan

Hematological, Morphological and Morphometric Characteristics of Blood Cells in Captive Adélie, Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins in Pingtung, Taiwan

Professor    5081    yltsai@mail.npust.edu.tw
Author, , 蔡宜倫*
Author count3
Created date2024-03-27
Author order3
Corresponding authortrue
Publication year2023
Symposium name第三屆東亞獸醫學會聯合學術研討會暨 第十七屆中華民國獸醫學會 112 年度春季 學術論文發表會暨會員大會
Publication city屏東
Publication country中華民國
Start date2023-05-01
End date2023-05-02
Review system
LanguageTraditional Chinese
Attached project白鯨、企鵝與海鸚鵡臨床檢查、血液學與血漿(或血清)生化學檢驗分析及微生物培養鑑定與藥物敏感性試驗健康監控研究委託計畫