Extraskeletal osteosarcoma in the lung in a jack russell terrier dog

Extraskeletal osteosarcoma in the lung in a jack russell terrier dog

Professor    5081    yltsai@mail.npust.edu.tw
AuthorLee TW, Chou YC, 施玟玲, Liu HJ, 廖明輝, 吳永惠, 蔡宜倫, 吳弘毅, 蔡清恩, Chen CC, 張清棟*
Author count11
Created date2020-02-12
Author order4
Corresponding authortrue
Publication year2017
Symposium name中華民國獸醫學會台灣省畜牧獸醫學會106年度春季學術研討會
Publication city屏東
Publication country中華民國
Start date2017-05-20
End date2017-05-20
Review system
LanguageForeign Language