In vivo study of a novel protein kinase C that mediates immunocompetence and catecholamine biosynthesis in hemocytes of Litopenaeus vannamei by using its potential competitive inhibitor, bisindolylmaleimide I

In vivo study of a novel protein kinase C that mediates immunocompetence and catecholamine biosynthesis in hemocytes of Litopenaeus vannamei by using its potential competitive inhibitor, bisindolylmaleimide I

AuthorZhong-Wen Chang, 張欽泉*
Author count2
Created date2022-03-17
Author order第一作者
Corresponding author
Publication year2022
Publication month3
Journal nameFish & Shellfish Immunology
Publication area英國
Start page87
End page97
Publication type
Review system
LanguageForeign Language